Siren's Cry

Dystopia: City of Sin


Shoshanna Lee Everett walked out of the night club again. Wearing her red beret, her lacy black gown and her doll shoes, she was storming out of the night club with black tears in her eyes due to mascara and only $50 in her wallet. Shoshanna has never felt this bad. But why does Shoshanna feel bad anyways? Well aside from the fact that her salary is relatively lower than her previous days, her husband totally humiliated her in front of the entire dance team, the entire band, and the entire bar. What did he say? Apparently, he called her a and a flirt for just talking sweetly to her cello player. Not only that, he doused her in beer and left her soaking wet for the rest of the night.

As a matter of fact, Shoshanna shouldn't really be crying about this crap anymore. To tell you the truth, Shoshanna Everett - born Shoshanna Lee- is a beautiful, siren-voiced 30 year old woman who has been employed as one of Shady Lady's bar singers ever since she was 19. And she was 19 when she first married wealthy heir Benjamin Everett who was 30 years old at that time. Imagine their 11 year age difference! Like every marriage, the first few years of their to one another was sweet. They were really inseparable. However, the later years turned sour. Benjamin was once a clean guy but too much money and too much drugs got the best of him. Because of his vices, the once decent Benjamin now turned into an irritable son of a who was pissed and everything and everyone to the point that he started to abuse his wife for shallow or sometimes no apparent reason. Whenever he's high, he beats Shoshanna to a nearly bloody pulp. As previously mentioned, he lays his hands on his wife for shallow or no apparent reasons. Shallow reasons being if she wasn't able to buy him liquor or if she would talk to other men. Benjamin is a really jealous guy. It doesn't take much to turn him green with envy, especially when it comes to men richer and more handsome than him. Living up to his jerk reputation, Benjamin would often scold his wife in front of her friends, her workmates, or plainly in front of more than one person, severely embarrassing the young woman. What does Shoshanna do? Well being the martyr wife who loved her husband with all her heart, she just cries at night till she falls asleep and when she wakes up, her head's all spun around. Sometimes, in order to forget about her worries but this doesn't offer much help either. Whenever she drinks at night, she would only buzz her head or wake up with a sour breath. Drinking never did her any good. And so did marrying Benjamin Everett.

Thoughts were running deep into Shoshanna's mind as she was driving her Convertible down the road. The thoughts were so deep she could feel her heart sinking in and her tears flowing down once more.

"It happened again. Different place, different time, same thing. Benjamin Everett humiliates me in front of other people once more. It's nothing new, actually. It's something that's been happening to me for as long as I can remember. Ever since I tied the knot with this brute, misfortunes have been following me. There isn't a single night in this entire 11 year marriage of ours wherein I didn't go home humiliated and didn't go to bed without a bruise on my body. It isn't the first time this has happened to me. In fact, it has happened many more times, much more than what I can count. Ben never chose a particular time he'd just beat me up whenever he feels like it. And now that I'm home, I'll be expecting more."

Shoshanna parked her car in front of their million dollar home, the fountain still spewing the dirty, stagnant water. Out of slight tipsiness and major depression, Shoshanna nearly collapsed and dived into the fountain. Luckily, she was sober enough to stand up and drag herself all the way to the doorstep. Total weakness partly attributed to 11 years of being battered, the stress of being a bar singer having to bust your voice out for hours and because of the fact that her drunk escapades were winning her over. Shoshanna fainted at her doorstep. The very same night, Shoshanna regained consciousness and looked around to check if her bastard husband was home. Gladly, he still isn't home and Shoshanna accepted the fact that she hasn't been sleeping for long. She reached for the key in her pocket and recalled the order Benjamin gave her which is to wait up for him. Her tired body couldn't take it any longer that the moment she got inside, she lay down on the couch so as to anticipate her husband's return. Unfortunately and as expected, she fell asleep again on the sofa and was ultimately unable to wait for her husband. Someone's gonna receive a beating tonight.

Benjamin was able to go home at around 3:00 am. When he reached the front door, he tried pulling it but it was locked He then reached for the spare keys under the mat while cursing at his wife out loud.

"Damn that !" he said while twisting the key. "I gave her the keys, what did she do?" Benjamin continued to grunt and more so nearly yelled when he saw his wife asleep on the couch. "Someone's gonna be sleeping in hell tonight." Benjamin said. Slowly and silently, he crept to the living room and watched his wife breathing silently on the couch. Benjamin could feel his teeth breaking into bits because of gritting. He could kill his wife if he wanted to, but then again, he'd lose his punching bag.

"Damn you !" he said silently but drunkenly. He then grabbed her slowly by the hair before yanking her down the couch, waking her and screaming a bloodcurdling yell. Shoshanna was shocked and afraid. She could see her husband's wrathful face above her, ready to hurt her any minute. Shoshanna stood up and tried to cower away from the intoxicated Benjamin. He was pounding away at her as she tried in vain to stand up and rush to the stairs where she ran all the way up, sustaining some trips and falls. Benjamin ran after her and as she hurried upstairs, he just stared at her from the bottom part of the staircase before going up himself and chasing after her. Shoshanna rushed to their room and just as Benjamin was about to grab another strand of her hair, Shoshanna shut the door and trapped one of his fingers, cutting it and making it roll on the floor. Benjamin was yelping madly in pain and banging the door with his left hand. Shoshanna locked the door and leaned on it, crying and silently to herself. Once again, her husband has done it. He has accomplished the task of making her life so damn difficult.

Benjamin continued to bang the door, waiting for Shoshanna to open it but received no reply. He thought Shoshanna fell asleep once more so he decided to wake her up.

"Hey! Hey you in there! you for cutting my finger! Now I'm bleeding like an idiot! Listen to me , we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Shoshanna-who was actually awake-sat up and listened to what her husband has to say. "The easy way is, you let me inside the room, my room, and we can talk things out. The hard way is, you can play stubborn all night long if you want, just make sure to ready yourself when a bullet comes crashing through that door and into your body." This scared Shoshanna but didn't prompt her to open the door immediately. Then, for the first time in her entire life, the martyr wife stood up and spoke for herself.

"So be it, you bastard! You know what, you can stand there all night long and weep about your amputated finger but there is no way I'm letting you inside this room! Go ahead, fire your gun. We all know that judgment always comes in the end. You'd be sorry."

Benjamin cocked his eyebrow and leaned towards the locked door. "I'd be sorry? , you still owe me my money when I'm gone you'll be more sorry. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be living the comfortable life you're living right now."

Shoshanna lunged back at the door and banged it. "SORRY?" she yelled. "I've been putting up with your bull for 11 years, Benjamin Everett! I've put up with such as me finding out that you went on a womanizing spree one evening, putting up with such as you going home drunk most if not every night! And putting up with the fact that a decent person like me married such an ill-mannered and ill-educated son of a who beats me up every single time he's drunk and oftentimes, I would be innocent. I'm sorry? Well I have no regrets, Ben! If there's someone here who should be sorry, it's you, you heartless brute!"

Benjamin cackled from outside. "I can tell you're having a bad day. Why don't you sleep for a while." he playfully suggested while loading his gun.

"No thank you." said Shoshanna. "I'd rather stay awake." She sat on the bed and played with her hair. Benjamin felt sour, bitter, and bland. The tastes of defeat. He went downstairs and poured a few drinks into a small shot glass then drank it. He wasn't content and had to get a few more drinks. Once again, Ben Everett was drunk. Out of sheer drunkenness, Benjamin collapsed on the floor and spent the night in the kitchen.

Though Shoshanna wouldn't admit it to herself, she loved Benjamin Everett with all her heart. In fact, she doesn't care whether he's a heartless brute. She loves him and she's optimistic about the fact that some part of him still loves her too. Benjamin always made her happy. Just staring at him was enough to make her smile. However, Benjamin just didn't share her ideals. It seemed -and maybe really is- as if Benjamin only married the beautiful Shoshanna just so that he could show off to his friends that he isn't a bachelor anymore. Plus, with Shoshanna's meek personality, he can order her around and make her do whatever it is he wants her to do. She's just for show.

Shoshanna fell asleep that night. Both of them fell asleep at the same time, actually with Shoshanna sleeping on the bed in the bedroom and Benjamin falling asleep on the kitchen floor.


"!" yelled the young man from inside his room. He was busy talking to someone on the phone and was quite surprised from what he was hearing.

"You want me to what?" asked the young man. "Leeteuk, please repeat what you just said?" The boy seems to be talking to Leeteuk on the other line. Leeteuk, as you may recall, is the leader of the Kkangpae Michyeosseo 13 or the KM13.

"Yes. Henry, you know you're my favorite hitman. You've got everything coming for you. You're handsome, you're smart, you're swift, you're a born leader. Trust me on this, Henry. You'll make it good."

"Leeteuk!" whined the boy named Henry. "Leeteuk, I'm not really in the mood to kill someone right now. Plus, I don't wanna do it alone! I've got no one to put the blame on."

Leeteuk was starting to get impatient. "Alright. I'm pairing you up with Zhou Mi. You two will work together on this joint mission. Fair enough?"

Henry smirked and nodded. "Whatever you say. You're the boss."

"Perfect." Leeteuk said while grinning. He then turned to Stacy whom he was caressing.

Henry Lau. 19 years old. Fair. Chinese. Deadly. This young man is just one of the KM13's several henchmen. This young boy is exceptionally blessed with a high IQ of 140, a talent in playing the violin, and skills in killing people, making him a favorite of the KM13 despite his young age. Henry's an undercover assassin. He's a normal schoolboy by day but when nighttime drips down, he goes by the name of Arthur Doe. Oftentimes, when he slays the targets, he wears a very good disguise, a disguise that's so good even Leeteuk wouldn't be able to tell it's him. In this particular mission, he will be aided by Zhou Mi, another one of the KM13's henchmen yet not a real favorite. He only comes in 5th. Zhou Mi, unlike Henry, is quite submissive and awkward. He has a hard time following instructions and executing operations thus making him the least favorite hitman.

For this particular reason, Leeteuk instructed them to go to the house of the Everetts-namely Benjamin and Shoshanna-and murder the wealthy man of the house. Why is that? We'll find out later.

Henry and Zhou Mi met up at Henry's house to discuss the plan. Zhou Mi tried listening to Henry but was too absent minded and distracted by the things around him to actually pay attention. Henry snapped his fingers in front of them several times. Zhou Mi snapped back into reality and paid more attention.

"Yeah?" Zhou Mi asked sleepily. Henry rolled his eyes in annoyance and told him, "Try paying more attention, can you?" Zhou Mi shook his head and sat up straight. He listened (or tried to listen) as Henry narrated the plan to him. When he was done, Zhou Mi nodded in affirmation. The two headed to Henry's rented car to go to the Everett's house and get things over with.

Upon reaching the Everett's house, the two men stared at the mansion in partial envy. It looked so divine from inside the car. It would be so good to trash! Henry and Zhou Mi stepped down at the same time and loaded their guns. They crossed the gate by climbing on top of it and sneakily creeping towards the door. Once they got to the doorstep, Henry tried twisting and turning the knob, but the door was locked, leaving them no choice but to bust into the door. At 3:00 am, they must be asleep by now. Zhou Mi and Henry used their guns to shoot down the door. They stepped in and walked slowly inside, trying to look for Benjamin Everett. They need not look further. They found Benjamin Everett lying drunk on the kitchen floor, bathing in a pool of liquor. Henry cackled at the sight of this.

"Poor old man. Had too much to drink?" Henry muttered under his breath. "Ha! Zhou Mi! Get over here!" Zhou Mi walked over to Henry's side and pointed his gun at the man of the house. "On the count of three, Zee. One, two, three!" Henry and Zhou Mi fired their guns at the man's body, killing him in an instant. Once he was bathing in alcohol, now he's doused in blood. Henry and Zhou Mi left the house successful. The zooming of their car was the sound of victory.


Shoshanna swore she heard something going on downstairs. The commotion was so loud that even for someone who has been asleep for so long, she would still be able to hear it. Curious, Shoshanna stood up and crept towards the door. She unlocked it and slowly opened it to check whether her crazed husband was still standing outside her room. Gladly, he isn't anymore. Shoshanna confidently walked outside of her room and down the stairs, rubbing her hands together. She went to check on her husband but was greeted by shock and dismay. She saw her husband's dead body bathing in his own blood on the kitchen floor. Benjamin Everett, her husband, died on the kitchen floor with a bottle of vodka still in his hands. This made Shoshanna scream in both anger, fright, and sadness. She was sad because her husband, whom she wholeheartedly loved, died a brutal and untimely death. Shoshanna knelt down and caressed her husband's face, in stupid and foolish hope that he'll come back and still be alive. There is no hope, obviously.

"Damn you. Damn you, you son of a ! Whoever did this will pay a sore price. Nobody does this to my husband…nobody does this to my husband! Nobody…wait. What if they really think that nobody did this to my husband. What if they're thinking that I'm the one who did it to my husband. God, what'll happen? I'll be a wanted witch in this town. My face would be everywhere. Funny, yes it could happen. My face in wanted posters plastered all over the posts and walls of the city. Yes, it could happen. I've had a history of enduring physical and emotional abuse brought about by my husband. I also have a history of arguments with him so having me pointed out as the murderer because of these causes is not vague. My husband's a celebrated rich guy, it's impossible to not cover his death. They're probably searching for him now. Searching for me. I have to hide and get the out of this place before gets worse."

Teary-eyed, Shoshanna got up and slowly backed away from the scene of crime. She looked around her while pulling on the strands of her once beautifully curled brunette hair. She mumbled things to herself while laughing and crying incoherent words. Shoshanna moved away from the scene of the crime, going around and around in circles until she felt dizzy and collapsed on the floor. After what seemed like endless hours spent crying on the floor, Shoshanna got up and walked eerily towards the bathroom. In the bathroom she looked at herself. Crazed, dazed, and confused, Shoshanna continued to pull her hair and scream at herself on the mirror. Noticing a bottle of hair dye standing near her perfumes, she took the bottle and shook it, placing a considerable amount of it on her palm before rubbing it on her hair, changing her brown locks into dark, black tresses. Once she was done, Shoshanna stared at her haunting reflection. The new face of a new woman. Not in her right mind, Shoshanna stepped out of the bathroom and creepily made her way outside of her house, braving the strong rains and vowing to never come back.

Outside of their home, Shoshanna began to walk around, lamenting her husband's name in tears and screams. Her dark mascara turned into black tears because of the rain. Shoshanna exited their house and freely roamed the city, loudly claiming her innocence. Every corner, every street, and every alley she passes by, she screams these words loudly.

"I love my husband. I didn't kill him. I love my husband. I didn't kill him." over and over, crazed and in dismay, Shoshanna screamed them over and over until the walking and screaming wore her down and forced her to submission. She found a small space near the trash cans along the alley and there she slept with her mind lost in a world of distraught and fear. It is a true testament that Shoshanna has never found peace. Shoshanna has never been happy.

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Very good fict!!!
Hehe, but i found out a typo on this fict ._.
aww this was really good!!!!<br />
great job!!!<br />
well done!!!!