Seoul & the Gang

Love Complications

It was around 5pm when you arrived at Incheon International Aiport.  Your flight had gone pretty smoothy.  The one baby on board didn't make too much noise and you managed to catch up on some sleep.  It took forever to get through customs but eventually you passed through it.  You had just finished sending a text to Dongwoon and his gang telling them that you had arrived safely.  You were about to go pick up your luggage when you were tackled to the ground.


You groaned and looked at the cute grinning face before you.

"W-where did you come from Taemin?"

"I'm so happy your back!" he exclaimed squeezing you.

"Ooph, okay, it's getting kind of hard to breath. Can you let me up please?"

No sooner had you said that when you felt two arms pulling you up.  Turning your head you saw that the pair of arms belonged to Minho.  You stomach did a flip at the sight of him and you automatically started to smile.


"Long time no see Jazmine!" he declared as he pulled you in for a tight hug.

You returned his hug while smiling like a fool into his shoulder.  You were completely happy. You could feel his muscles through his shirts and you were glad that you had decided to return when you did.  You would have been content to just hug him forever.  Unfortunately forever didn't last long.

"Yah," you heard somebody say behind him.

Looking over Minho's shoulder you saw Key standing with his hands on his hips looking at you expectantly.

Reluctantly you came out of Minho's hug to meet Key.  Jonghyun and Onew were both standing by his side smiling at  you.

"Am I gonna get a hug or what?" Key asked with his arms out.

You laughed and gave him a quick hug.

"Hold up," he said giving you a once over.  "Why do you look like death? Have you gone goth or something?" he questioned in a disapproving tone.

You made a face and looked down at what you were wearing.  "Wearing black doesn't mean I'm goth Key," you said hitting him lightly on the arm.

He tsked.  "We're gonna have a lot of shopping to do missy! I am so glad you're back to because shopping with Jonghyun was just a nightmare.  His taste in clothes is so bad it makes me wanna cry!" he exclaimed dramatically putting a hand over his heart.

"Yah, I don't have bad taste! You have such an attitude problem!" Jonghyun complained.

"I don't have an attitude problem.  You have a perception problem," Key said with a roll of his eyes.

"Do you really wanna go right now Kibum?! Come one! I was being nice going shopping with you when no one else would!"

"Pfff, you weren't being nice. May I remind you that I had to drag you along kicking and screaming!" he scoffed. "Plus, may I also remind you that, while shopping, I set you up with that one girl you wanted! You should grateful," he concluded crossing his arms.

Jonghyun scoffed.  "Okay, first of all, you totally set me up! From the back she looke really nice but I couldn't see her face and you did when you asked for her number!  I wondered why you made that face when you saw her. You knew she looked like some sort of animal!" he whinned.

"Setting one animal up with seemed like a good idea," he said laughing.

You and the other three boys snickered.

"Aish, you're, you're, you're stupid!" Jonghyun said glaring at Key.

"Oh, my feelings have been hurt," he responded sarcastically. "Puh-lease,  I've heard snappier comebacks from a bowl of rice crispies!" Key challenged.

"Okay, you two are done now. I'm sure this isn't what Jazmine wants to hear right now...or ever," Onew stated.  "Hello again by the way. It's good to have you back," he said smiling and giving you a light hug.

"It's good to be back," you said laughing.

"Noona must be hungry, right? Airplane food is never any good. We should eat something!" Taemin declared happily.

"Wait a minute maknae. You tackled her a few minutes ago and never apologized," Minho said sternly.

Taemin bowed his head bashfully.  "Sorry noona, I was just really happy," he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay, but what have I told you about calling me noona?  You're a year older than me and you make me feel old by calling me that," you said pouting.

Taemin matched your pout, but of course, he looked much more adorable.  "I know, but you act like my noona. Pleassssee let me call you noona," he pleaded grabbing onto your arm and blinking his eyes at you like a puppy.

It was all too adorable that you couldn't even bare to look at him.  "Fine, fine," you conceed when his cuteness became too much.

Taemin giggled and hugged your arm tighter. "Yay!"

"And he's suppose to be 19," Onew sighed.

"We'll grab your luggage and then get something to eat then?" Minho asked looking at you.

You smiled and nodded.


Dinner was...entertaining.  Jonghyun and Key bickered the entire time about who knows what.  It started off as a logical conversation but at some point turned into...well, you didn't know how to describe it.  What you could say was that Key countinued to insult Jonghyun while the latter tried and failed to come up with witty comebacks of his own.  Onew attempted to hold a conversation with Taemin about books and failed miserably.  Onew would talk and have Taemin's attention for a little while before he would completely be tuned out.  You had no clue where Taemin's mind was.  Eventually Onew turned to talking to his chicken.  It was just a little sad.  You and Minho chatted about random things and about the coming year and school.  The two of you had a lot of catching up to do.  You were glad to hear that he didn't have a girlfriend yet.  It turned out that the other four boys, Minho excluded, would all be going to Konkuk University.  It was unfortunate that you weren't all going to the same school, but Key made you promise that you would hang out with them after school and on the weekends.

After dinner you figured it was time to go and settle into your new apartment.  You all hoped into Jonghyun's car and he deposited you at your new address.

"Do you need any help getting settled?" Key asked.

You shook your head and picked up some of your luggage.  "It's fine, I can handle it."

You reached down to pick up another bag when Minho grabbed it instead.  "Too bad," he said.  He lifted the bag up and down and looked at you skeptically.  "I know you're strong, but you wouldn't have been able to lift this anyway," he said smirking.

You frowned and harrumphed.  "I could have handled it just fine." 

Minho shrugged and smiled.  "Whatever you say. Lead the way then," he said ushering you forward.

"We'll just be chillin' down here," Jonghyun informed you both as you walked inside.

Your apartment was number 275 located on the 9th floor.  It was a good size for a college student. It had one bedroom and one bath, a kitchen, and a small living room.  It wasn't fully furnished so you'd need to go out and buy some things to make it feel a bit more homey.  You let all the bags you were carrying fall to the floor in the living room.  Minho followed suit.  He opened his mouth to compliment your apartment but was cut off by Onew.

"Wahh, this place is really cool!" Onew exclaimed coming through the door followed by the rest of the boys.

"I can't believe you have your own place and I'm still living with my parents," Jonghyun said grudginly.

"You have a balcany!" Taemin shouted as he ran to open the screen door and look out at the city lights.

"What? You guys said you were going to wait downstairs?  How did you know what floor and room I would be in?" you asked incredulously.

"Key made the guy at the front desk tell us," Taemin shouted from the balcany.

You nodded your head in understanding.

"So why aren't either of you staying at the dorms?" Key inquired. "I heard they were reallly nice."

You looked at Minho in surprise.  "You're not staying at the dorms either?"

"Nope," he replied shaking his head.  "Having a roomate would annoy me," he said frankly.

You nodded.  "I'd just rather not have a roomate.  They could be kind of annoying," you agreed with him.

"Jazmine, we have to get you some chicken," Onew said cutting in.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Huh? Why are you telling me this right now?"

"Because you have none.  I'm gonna come back tomorrow with some.  It'll be my hou-apartmentwarming gift," he said grinning.

"Oh gee, you are so thoughtful," you said laughing.  "I think it's time that you guys got going though.  I have to unpack and everything," you said shooing them out.

"Okay, but we have to go shopping for some furniture later this week understand," Key said giving you a stern look.

You nodded and kept pushing them out.  Jonghyun started to say something when you closed the door in his face.  You sighed and turned around to lean against the door.

"Oh, noona, where did everybody go?" Taemin asked coming in from the balcany.

"What the heck? Yah, out!" you said as you grabbed his arm and opened up the door to push him out.

You shook your head and locked the door.  You chuckled and walked back into the living room.

It was good to be back.



A/N: Chapter two done!  If your curious as to when Kai will be coming in I'm gonna say around the fourth or fifth chapter ^^  Please stick with me until then!

B2ST boys in the next chapter :3

And lol, this is cute?

I'm done. BYE!!!

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raviolli101 #1
Chapter 2: YAY! Shinee <3
raviolli101 #2
Chapter 1: Liked it!! :D