A Trip to Myeongdong

Love Complications

You had been in a deep sleep when you begain to hear noises coming from your entry way.  You were still in bed as you groaned and looked at the clock on your bedside table.  9:08am.  You groaned again and rolled up in your covers, not wanting to get up.  The incessant banging on your front door continued, occasionaly intermixed with the ringing of the doorbell.

Who the heck is doing that? you thought in annoyance as you untangled yourself from the covers to get up.  You were going to kill Dongwoon if it was him because he knew you needed your sleep.

As you got closer to the door the banging continued.  Just as you were about to look through the peep-hole it crossed your mind that a robber could be on the other side.  You quickly dashed that thought away as you figured a robber probably wouldn't be announcing his prescence by knocking on the door.

"Yah! I know you're up Jazmine! Hurry up and open the door!" came a demanding voice from the other side.

Immediatley recognizing the voice you opened the door to see Key standing there looking slightly annoyed.

"It's about time. Gosh, what were you doing?"

"Uh, maybe sleeping," you said glaring at him.  

"Is that why your hair looks like that?  Honey, you need to get that straightened out," he advised walking in.

You shook your head at his brashness.

"Your hair doesn't look that bad," came another voice from outside. "Key's just cranky because he missed breakfast and dinner last night," the voice, which you realized belonged to Minho, said.

He grinned crookedly at you from the doorway.  How you hadn't noticed his presence, you had no idea.  You immediately went into panick mode as you tried to smooth your hair out.  You didn't have any makeup on and you were sure you didn't look too good.  You mentally cursed yourself for not making yourself look presentable before answering the door.

Minho chuckled at your reaction and messed with your hair.

"Unlike Key, I'll ask if I can come in."

You nodded and stepped out of the way so that he could walk in.

"I'm just going to take a shower and get ready then," you said while trying to book it to your room as soon as possible.

"Don't take too long!" Key shouted as you went.

After taking your shower and getting dressed, you came out to find Key looking through your fridge and Minho sitting on your couch watching TV.

"You have nothing good to eat in here," Key complained as he closed the fridge.

"Not my fault you didn't have dinner or breakfast," you replied with contempt, earning a glare from Key.

Minho turned off the TV and grabbed your hand.  You could feel yourself starting to blush as you looked at the ground.  Your pulse sped up.

"We're going out today," he told you as he pulled you to the front door.

"W-well I kinda gathered that.  What for exactly?" you asked as you stumbled after him.

"SHOPPING," Key said pushing the both of you out the door and closing it behind him.

For the next part of the morning the boys took you to Myeongdong, where you were dragged from shop to shop looking at house decorations for you apartment and the like.  Key told you that in the afternoon they'd take you shopping for clothes.  It wasn't actually that bad since Minho was by your side the entire time.  Without him, Key would have driven you crazy.  You were his friend and all, but he was so hard to handle when he was in a bad mood, which he was in since he hadn't eaten in a while.  Every time you saw something you liked, he would insult it.  Minho would have to step in and reprimand him.  Occasionaly they'd get into a verbal disagreement, but Key would walk away from it to look at other things.

Before noon, you'd bought a few simple paintings, decorations for your countertops in your kitchen and for the living room, some more pots and pans, and candles.  You really loved candles.  You room back home and been filled with them, but you hadn't brought any with you.

It was around this time that you guys finally decided to sit down and eat something.  Key dragged you both into some restaurant called Myeongdong Donkkaseu. As soon as you were seated on the second floor Key immediately started looking through the menu.

"Did it ever dawn on you that we," Minho said making a motion between the two of you, "might not want to eat here?"

"Not really," he said distractedly.

Minho just shook his head and offered you an apologetic smile.  You just shrugged.  

The place was suppose to be known for its tankatsu so you all ordered it.  Both Key and Minho dug into their food, while you took your time and were the last to finish.

Now that Key wasn't irritable, he was much easier to be around.  He took you around to places like H&M, American Apparel, Louis Vuitton, which you didn't buy anything out of because you weren't rich, and other clothing stores to try on clothes.  You were currently in H&M looking at jackets.  Key had wandered off mumbling something about finding clothes for Jonghyun.  Minho had also left you in search of clothes for himself.  You were currently contemplating between getting a brown leather jacket or a blue denim one.  Both looked really good, but you were having a hard time deciding.

"The brown leather suits you better," Minho said coming up behind you smiling.

You blushed slightly.  "Do you think so?" you asked holding it up to your torso.

He nodded.  "Try it on and see for yourself.  I'll hold your bags and purse."

You gave him your things and put on the jacket.  It certainly felt warm.  You turned to look at yourself in the mirror next to you.

"Fitting isn't it?" he smirked.

"Yeah...it is," you said smiling at him.

"Take it off and give it to me.  I'll buy it for you," he said extending his hand for the jacket.

"Oh you don't have to," you said in protest.  "I have enough money to buy it."

"It's my gift to you.  Think of it as a welcome back present," he replied.

You bit your bottom lip and smiled at the ground.  You nodded as you took your jacket off and gave it to him.  He gave you back your purse and bags.  Key found you guys a few minutes later when he finished his shopping.

"Are you ready to pay and go home?" Key asked.  He was holding a bunch of shirts and pants in his arms.

Both you and Minho nodded and followed Key to the check out counter.  As you were about to walk out, you had this odd urge to make sure you had your apartment keys in your jacket pocket.  You dug your hands into both pockets, but found nothing.  Panicking, you started going through your purse.  Nothing came up.  Minho noticed your frantic actions.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I lost my apartment keys," you said, still searching through your shopping bags.  "I'm going to go back in and see if I dropped them anywhere.  I'll be quick."  You rushed back into the store to where you had been earlier.  You looked all around the area but didn't see anything.  You bent down to look on the floor, but still didn't see anything.  You tried to recall where exactly you'd dropped them, but nothing was coming to mind.  If you'd lost them outside, you'd be in big trouble.  You were so lost in your thoughts that you were oblivious to the person who had walked up behind you.

He cleared his throat to get your attention.  You turned around to see a man, around your age, staring at  you with a blank expression.  He was a few inches taller than you and looked to be slightly built.  He had on a black long sleeved collared shirt and black pants.  His dark brown hair was short and tousled, with a few strands falling across his eyes.  His lips were larger and fuller than most males.  His eyes were dark brown and piercing.  If you had been looking him in the eyes you probably would have had a hard time looking away, the thing was though, you weren't.  

You were looking at what he had in his hand that was extended.  He had your keys.

Your face light up like the 4th of July as you took the keys from him.

"Oh my gosh, you don't know how much trouble I would have been if I'd lost these keys!" you exclaimed as you grabbed his hand and started to shake it.  "Thank you so so much! I really owe you one," you said as you put the keys into your purse.

The man shrugged and continued to stare at  you, his blank expression never changing.

"I'd love to treat you to a coffee or something, but I'm kinda in a hurry right now.  Thanks again though," you grinned as you turned to head downstairs.

Key and Minho were patiently waiting outside.  Okay, maybe not Key, but Minho was waiting patiently.

"Could you have taken any longer?" he huffed.

"I could have," you said before sticking your tongue out at him.

"Did you find your keys?" Minho asked

You nodded and produced them from your purse.  "Thankfully this guy found them."

"That's good.  Then I guess it's time for us to get you home," Minho said, urging the both of you toward the subway entrance.


"Hey man, what are you doing in the girl's section?" a man with boyish features asked the man in black.

The man in question hadn't moved from his spot after the girl had taken her keys back and left.  He had continued to stare after her.  The new man that had come up had pulled him out of his trance.

"What'd you say Luhan?" he asked.

"Are you deaf Kai?  What are you doing zoning out in the girl's section?" Luhan repeated with a raised eyebrow.  "Is there something you aren't telling me?" Luhan looked at him suspiciously through squinted eyes.

Jonging scoffed.  "Yeah, that you're an idiot."  He turned and started walking away.  

Luhan had to run to catch up with him. "Somebody's in a mood," he pointed out pouting.

"Where'd Lay go?"

"He's with Kris, Tao, and Baekhyun downstairs."

"Let's get them and go."

As they walked to meet up with their friends, Jongin's thoughts couldn't help but wander back to the girl.  She was obviously a foreigner, and a good-looking one at that.  He'd been surprised that she didn't seem to even really take notice of him.  She didn't blush, or stutter, or even attempt to flirt with him like girls normally did.  It was odd, but he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.  What were the odds that he'd see her again anyway.  There were a lof of people in Seoul so the chances were slim to none.



A/N: Kai!!!! Finally!  I really like writing about him ^^  Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And here! Lol, Look at Kai's face XD







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raviolli101 #1
Chapter 2: YAY! Shinee <3
raviolli101 #2
Chapter 1: Liked it!! :D