Across the Fountain

Love Complications

A/N: EXO-K and EXO-M have been mixed and mashed.  Just a heads up ^^


After a couple of days you managed to get yourself settled into your apartment.  You finished unpacking and went about decorating your space with the items you had bought in Myeongdong.  You were pretty pleased with the outcome.  What had once been a cold and dull place had been turned into a place that was relaxing, comfortable, vibrant, and welcoming. Dongwoon seemed to approve of the way you had decorated things.  You really loved the color baby blue and had used it as your accent color.  You were trying to go for a sort of nautical theme simply because you loved the ocean.  It was odd.  Though you were fond of the ocean you never enjoyed swimming in it.  You were always paranoid that a shark would come by and eat you.  Dongwoon got a good laugh after hearing this.

In between decorating you had quite a few chances to spend some quality time with Minho.  In the few days before school started, you felt like you were on cloud nine.  The idea of running together might not appeal to alot of people, but it was one thing that the both of you enjoyed doing.  Everday the two of you would head to a trail and run for a good hour or two.  You'd take breaks and chat and laugh with each other.  It may not have been what most people would call romantic, but that was fine with you.  You wouldn't have wanted to spend time with him any other way.

Of course running wasn't the only thing you guys did together.  Minho took you out to lunch a few times and, being the type of competitive person that he is, would somehow manage to start a competition about who could the spiciest food and other sorts of things.  At these sorts of challenges you usually lost.  When it came to food Minho could eat just about anything, while you on the other hand, were picky about what you consumned.  No live octopus was going down your throat anytime soon.

One night he took you down to the Han River to see some fireworks.  It was absolutely incredible.  You didn't quite know how to describe your experience.  Standing next to him watching the fireworks go off over the river gave you the most amazing sensation.  When you started to tremble from the cold, he took off his jacket and put it around you, smiling all the while.  Whenever he smiled at you like that you could feel your heart start to swell. He had that effect on you.  From the time you had first come to Korea to the current point in time, alot of things had changed.  What started off as friendly feeling had developed into a crush.  From that point on your simple crush had gotten bigger and more intense.  You wanted to tell him how you felt, but you could never come up with the courage to utter anything that was on your heart.  You would though.  When the time was right, somehow, you knew you would.  You sincerily hoped he felt that same way about you or else you weren't sure what you would do.  You'd never felt this way about anyone before and it gave you a sort of rush, while at the same time scared you.




On the morning of the first day of school you found yourself riding the subway with Dongwoon.  Since the two of you were next door neighbors it only made since that you would accompany each other to school.  Minho had said that he would text you at lunch to hang out.  All you needed to do was get through the morning.  The previous day the three of you had attended freshman orientation.  Your professors had seemed nice enough so you were excited, but still a bit anxious.  The people you'd seen around yesterday had seemed nice enough and you were hoping to make a new friend or two.  

For the entire subway ride you couldn't stay still.  You were constantly shifting positions in your seat trying to get comfortable.  It didn't happen.  Dongwoon got so annoyed that he clamped his hand down on your shoulder to try and keep your from moving.

"Someone's a bit nervous aren't they?"

You simply nodded your head while trying to calm yourself.

"Relax Jazzy.  It's just school.  You'll be fine," he assured you with a smile.

"Right," you agreed.  I can do this.  You started taking deep breathes.  But going to college is one thing, going to a college in a foreign country is another, you thought discouragingly.  Before you let your self get too depressed you remind yourself that this was what you wanted to do.  You could do it.

You had found out how immense the school was yesterday, but for some reason it seemed even bigger today.  There were so many students walking around and chatting with each other.  The place seemed really alive.  You stuck close to Dongwoon's side like he was your mother and you were the child.  He found this highly amusing. 

It was with great reluctance that you parted from Dongwoon to go to your first class of the day.  You only had two.  Psychology first and then English Literature and Linguistics after lunch.  You figured the latter wouldn't be that hard considering English was you strongest subject.

Upon entering the room you looked around for a place to sit.  You didn't want to sit in the back, but you didn't necessarily want to sit in the very front.  You figured you'd try somewhere in the middle, but not the dead middle.  The side of the auditorium with the large windows beckoned you.  You saw a girl with her head down writting in her notebook. You weren't quite sure if you'd seen her at oreintation the other day or not.  There was no one sitting next to her and you decided you'd give making a new friend a try. 

The girl in question was a brunette, although she did have a few colorful highlights in her hair.  As you approached the seat next to her you were able to get a better look at what she was writting, or rather, doodling, in her notebook.  She heard you coming and stopped drawing to look up at you.  You momentarily froze, fearing she might ask you to leave her along, but her warm smile was inviting.

"Hi," she chirped.

"Hey," you responded with a small smile.  "Um, is this seat taken?" you inquired pointed at the spot next to her.

She shook her head. "You can sit here."


She stuck her hand out for you to shake as soon as you sat down.  "My name's Choi JinRi, but you can call me Sulli," she offered in a cheerful voice.  She seemed really pleasant and that made you feel more comfortable. "What's your name?"

"Jazmine Cunningham.  You can call me Jaz if you want to.  Or Jazzy, or whatever you want to I guess," you replied with a chuckle.

"It's nice to meet you Jaz! That's a really pretty name."

"Nice to meet you too, and  thanks.  I really like the name Sulli."

"Haha, it's an okay name," he replied with a grin.  "Can I ask where you're from?" she questioned tilting her head to one side.

"Oh, uh, the U.S.  New York City to be exact."

"Really? That's so cool!  I've never met anyone from America before!  You're Korean is really good!"

"Thanks!  I've been here before so I've picked up a lot."

Your conversation continued from there and lasted until the professor finally arrived.  Turns out that the two of you had quite a lot of things in common.  The class itself went by quickly and soon it was over.  Sulli and you exchanged numbers and you were glad that you had made your first friend.  She seemed like a really good person and the two of you agreed to hang out later.

Dongwoon was waiting for you outside of the building.  You parted ways from Sulli to go and meet him.

"Looks like you made a friend," Dongwoon pointed out.

"Yup, she's really nice."

"Well that's good.  Are you still going to have lunch with Minho today?" he asked as the two of you started to make your way toward Gonzaga Hall to buy lunch.

"I think so.  He hasn't told me otherwise."  You took out your phone to check and see if you'd gotten any new messages or calls.  Nothing.  That was odd.  You were about to text him and ask him when a new text message came in.

You felt yourself smile when you opened the text, but that smile was soon replaced with a frown.

Dongwoon noticed your mood change. You were obviously disappointed.   "What's wrong? Was that from Minho?"

You nodded.  "He says he can't make it because a friend dragged him off somewhere," you said pouting.

"Well, it's only one lunch.  I'm sure you guys can eat together tomorrow.  Will you settle with eating lunch with me for today?" he asked, trying to cheer you up.

You smirked and sighed dramatically.  "I guess if I have no other choice."

The two of you laughed and continued on you way.  It was unfortunate that you couldn't meet with Minho and that made you a bit sad, but you did have the rest of the week.

Gonzaga Hall was bustling with students.  There was a wide variety of eateries to choose from, ranging from places that specialized in Western and European cuisine, to your regular everday Korean meal.  

You felt like having Italian today.  After the two of you had bought your meals, you decided to eat outside in the plaza near the water fountain since it was such a beautiful Spring day outside.  As the two of you talked you were both unaware of the fact that you were being watched.




Jongin and Kyungsoo were currently in Gonzaga Hall ordering hamburgers and fries from an American place called The Habit.  They were the last two to come out of class and had to go in search of the other boys.

Suho, Sehun, Luhan, and Tao were sitting at a table adjacent to the fountain in the plaza.

"What took you guys so long?" Luhan asked the both of them as they sat down at the table.

"We would have been here sooner had it not been for somebody," he said, throwing a glance in Jongin's direction.

Jongin shrugged and put a few fries in his mouth.  "It's not my fault girls can't get enough of me," he finished with a smirk.

All the boys rolled their eyes.

"As soon as we get out of class all of these girls come from out of nowhere and practically maul him," Kyungsoo explained as he shook his head.  "Absolutely crazy."

"And let me guess, our Kai didn't even give them the time of day," Suho put forward. It was more of a statement than a question.

Kyungsoo nodded in response.

"I don't get what they see in him anyway," Tao said while chewing on his noddles.  "I don't understand girls."

"And you never will," Sehun and Luhan said in unison.  Tao glared at them, but they looked away and continued to drink their bubble tea.

Jongin raised his eyebrows at Tao.  "Do you really want me to tell you why the ladies love me so much?  It's a pretty long list, but we've got time," he said as he raised himself up and set his chin on the palm of his hand.

"You really don't have to," Luhan tried to tell him.

"Seriously, you don't," Sehun agreed.

Jongin ignored both their comments and started listing off all of the reasons why women seemed to love him so much.  His gaze was focused on watching the fountain when someone caught his attention.  He had been in mid-sentence when he noticed that the girl that had dropped her keys in H&M was walking toward a table near the fountain with some guy.  He stared.

The boys were asking him if he was alright but he didn't seem to hear them.  All his attention was focused on the girl and the fact that she was on the same campus as him.  No way. It was the only thing he could think.  What were the odds that he would see her again.  What were the odds that she actually went to the same school as him.  It was a big coincidence.  The thought crossed his mind that the man with her could be her boyfriend, but it didn't really look like it.  Thoughts whirled through his head as he watched her.

Jongin was pulled out of his daze by the snapping of fingers in front of his face.  Kyungsoo was looking at him with a worried.

"Are you okay?  What are you looking at?" he asked as he looked in the same direction Jongin had previously been looking.

"Nothing.  It's nothing.  I just...realized I forgot something at home," he said, turning his attention back to the boys.  "Where did I leave off?"


For the rest of lunch, Jongin kept stealing glances at the girl.  There was no doubt in his mind that it was the same girl from the store.  He felt kind of funny when he looked at her.  Whenever this new weird feeling would occur, he would look away, but then want to go right back to looking at her.  Jongin had never experienced this kind of thing before.  Contrary to what the people who saw him would belive, he wasn't exactly a guy who'd had plenty of girlfriends.  Fact is, he'd never had one.  Girls seemed to gravatate toward him because they found his looks and cold outward personality attractive, but he'd never had any interest in those girls.  He'd never had any real interest in any girl until that day at H&M.  One thing was certain though, Jongin wanted to meet and get to know this girl.



A/N: Yeah, so I'm not sure how to feel about this chapter.  There was suppose to be more to it, but I just decided to split it into two.  Next update should be later this week or on the weekend. Who's happy about Sulli?!!! Oh, and I and naming chapters XD

Peace ya'll!

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raviolli101 #1
Chapter 2: YAY! Shinee <3
raviolli101 #2
Chapter 1: Liked it!! :D