Hi There Neighbor!

Love Complications

You woke up the next day around 10am.  Your bed had been really soft and you'd fallen asleep as soon as your head had hit the pillow.  You were starting to feel a bit jet lagged but you figured you'd just take another nap later on in the day.  

Today the only thing on your schedule was getting in contact with Dongwoon and finishing upacking.  After getting in the shower and getting dressed your stomach growled.  There wasn't anything in the fridge so you decided to head to the convenince store that you'd seen around the corner last night.  Even though it was breakfast you could have really gone for some friend chicken.

It was a five minute walk to the store and to your surprise you managed to make it there and back without getting lost.  Along with some drinks you'd bought cereals, ramen, and other light snacks.  The bags were a bit heavy and you were very glad that your building had an elevator.

Stepping out of the elevator, you noticed a guy trying to open the door to his apartment.  There were bags by his feet and you noticed that some of their contents were spilling out.  This guy really seemed to be annoyed too.  He kept forcefully digging his key into it's hole but no matter what he did the key wasn't turning.

He didn't seem to notice when you reached your apartment door, which was adjacent to his.  His face was hidden behind dirty blonde hair, but you could just see the edge of a pair of glasses peaking out.  

You cleared your throat to try and get his attention but he showed no signs of hearing you.  Placing your bags on the ground near your door, you walked a bit closer and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, but do you need help?"

"It's aligh-" he began but stopped when he saw your face.  A look of shock and surprise was apparent.

He blinked at you a few times and you did the same.

He looked vaguely familiar but it was hard for you to recall if you'd seen him anywhere.

Jumping up, he grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Jazzy! Is that really you?" he questioned in delighted surprise. He pushed you back a bit to look you over.  "It is isn't it! Wow, you really haven't changed a bit," he said grinning.

His voice sounded extremely familiar and that was when it hit you.  You could have facepalmed yourself at that moment.  Scoffing in disbelief you did a double take.

"D-Dongwoon? W-what are you...y-your hair..." you said stuttering.

"Oh," he chuckled running a hand through his hair.  "Yeah, I dyed it.  You should see Junhyung though! His hair's purple," he stated happily.

You just shook your head, still not believing that you were meeting your old friend like this.  

While letting out a laugh you pulled him back into a hug.  "I cannot believe we're meeting like this! I seriously didn't even recognize you."  You pointed to the door you were both standingin front of.  "Do you live here?"

He nodded and noticed the keys in your hand and bags infront of your door.  "You live in 275?" he asked in astonishment.

You smiled and nodded.  "I guess we're neighbors!"

"I guess so," he agreed grinning.

"But what's the problem with your key?  You can't get in?" you asked gesturing to the door.

Dongwoon let out a frustrated sigh and nodded.  "I don't know what the problem is.  My key was working last night and I'm sure this is the right key," he said in frustration.

"Well, are you absolutely certain?" you asked looking at the keys he had on his lanyard.

He nodded his head vigoroulsy.  "I put a sticker on the apartment key," he said pointing the sticker out.  "It doesn't make sense that it's not working!"

"Hmm, well have you tried the other keys?"

"...No...b-but I can't be any of the other keys unless the sticker magically moved from one key to the other."

"Just try the other keys," you said smirking.  "What do you have to loose?"

He went to put another key in the hole.  "Fine, but I'm tellin you-"

There was a noise like a bolt unlocking.

"Yup," you said shaking your head.

"B-but, t-that doesn't make any sense! Jazzy-" he tried to explain with a utterly confused expression on his face.  You motioned for him to stop.  "Just take your things inside now," you chuckled.  "Can I come over once I've put my things away?"

Still confused, he nodded his head and went to pick up his bags.

After you'd put away the food and drink you went over to Dongwoon's apartment.  The door was open so you just walked in.  It had the same basic layout as your own, though it wasn't as clean.  The atmosphere was cozy and comfortable.  Dongwoon was still in the kithchen putting drinks in the fridge when you walked in.  You noticed that there were quite a few dirty dishes in the sink and a big pizza box on the counter.

"Did you have a party or something last night?" you asked motioning toward the mess.

"Oh, the guys were over yesterday," he explained.  "I haven't really gotten around to cleaning," he admitting scratching the back of his head.  "Sorry."

You waved away his apology.  "No problem," you said stepping into the kitchen and going over to the sink.  "I'll clean them."

"You really don't have to do that," he said trying to stop you.

You swatted his hand away.  "I know I don't have to, but friends help friends out.  Plus we're neighbors now.  This is a neighborly thing to do," you finished with a grin.

"Thanks," he said as he went back to putting his groceries away.

When the two of you finished you went into the living room and talked for a while.  Obviously Dongwoon wasn't staying at the school dorms either.  He apparently wanted to try living on his own in hiw own apartment as soon as possible.  As you talked the hours passed by like minutes.  Soon the sun was setting and the lights of the city could be seen lighting up the night sky.

"Wow, it got late really quickly," you noticed.

Dongwoon looked out the glass doors.  "Yeah, you're right.  Time flies when you're having fun," he said smiling.

The doorbell rang.

"Expecting someone?" you asked curiously.

He frowned and shook his head.  "No.  I wonder who it could be," he questioned aloud as he got up the answer the door.

You were looking outside at the city lights and taking in the beauty of it all when you heard someone other than Dongwoon calling your name.  Looking up, you saw Hyunseung staring down at you.  The first thing you noticed about him was that his hair was red. Like, a really bright, vibrant red. His face broke into a huge grin and he bent down to give you a hug.

"Hey, Hyunseung! What are you doing here?" you asked looking to see where he'd come from. 

"The better question is why you never text me," he said pouting.  "I didn't even know if you had gotten here safely," he complained.

"What are you talking about? I text you all when I landed.  When was the last time you checked your phone?"

"Oh, uh...it's been...a few days," he said not looking at you.

"Well there's your problem.  And, uh, your hair..." you started off.

"Oh, do you like it?" he asked hopefully.

If you were being honest, it did look really good on him.  On anybody else it probably wouldn't have work, but Hyunseung had a way of making everything work for him.  "I think it suits you," you admitted as you smiled.

"I'm glad.  Doojoon thought it was too extreme," he said absent mindedly.

"I said what now?" Doojoon asked walking into the living room raising his eyebrows at the two of you.

"Doojoon!" you exclaimed in surprise.  You finally saw that Dongwoon was at the door with the other boys.  How these two had gotten past him you weren't quite sure.

"What's up Jazmine?  Unlike some people," he glanced at Hyunseung who only blinked at him, "I keep track of my phone, and I got your message.  Welcome back," he said.

"It's good to be back," you said smiling lightly.

"You know I don't always loose track of my phone," Hyunseung said with indignance.

"Where's your phone right now?" Doojoon asked with a smirk.

Hyunseung shifted on his feet and made a face.  "It's currently resting somewhere at home."

"You have no clue where it is do you," you said chuckling.

"No," he admitted falling on the couch next to you.

You laughed and ruffled his hair.  "You never change."

Doojoon sat in a chair opposite the couch as the rest of the boys finally came in.  Poor Dongwoon looked mentally exhausted.  He was mumbling things under his breath as he came and sat down next to you.  You gave him a reassuring smile and a pat on the shoulder.

Yoseob and Kikwang gave you hugs and said they missed you.  Yoseob asked if you'd brought him a bannana plushie.  His pouted when he found out that you didn't, but you promised you'd buy him one soon.  He was happy about this and promised to do something in return to show his gratitude.

Just like Hyunseung had said, Junhyung did purple hair, although it wasn't as bad as you were expecting it to be.  It was more of a lavender color and it looked good on him.

"You guys are like skittles," you said chuckling.

"Wanna taste the rainbow?" Hyunseung asked giving you a mischevious grin.

Both you and Kikwang, who was sitting on the floor next to Hyunseung, scoffed and hit him.

"Ouch, okay! Just joking, you didn't have to hit me," he mumbled.

"So what are you guys doing here again?" you asked.

Junhyung shrugged and crossed his legs.  "We were bored."

"That's a fantastic reason," Dongwoon said sarcastically.  "Why couldn't you guys be bored at your place?"

"You remember what happened last time.  Never again," Junhyung said shaking his head.

You turned to Hyunseung with an eyebrow raised.

"You don't want to know," he mouthed in response.

"So instead of just being bored at home you're just going to be bored here," Dongwoon pointed out.

"Not necessarily," Kikwang said smirking.

"I brought a game," Yoseob giggled.

"And the game is?" Doojoon asked warily.

"TWISTER!" Yoseob shouting while revealing the box from behind his back.

"You have got to be kidding me," Junhyung muttered under his breath.

"You want a bunch of guys to play together?" Hyunseung asked in disbelief.

"We do have Jazmine," Kikwang reminded in a suggestive tone looking in your direction.

You shook your head vigorously.  "I don't think so guys.  I'll watch, but I'm not joining."

The next 10 minutes involved Yoseb and Kikwang convincing the boys to play.  The others only gave in after they decided to have a big prize for the winner.  The first person out would have to pay for any meal the winner wanted.  You were the designated person who spun the wheel.

What insued was something you'll never forget.  Grown men playing twister.  If you haven't seen it then you're really missing out on a good laugh.  For half the game you had tears in your eyes form laughing so hard.  After hearing things like: "Hyung, don't you dare put your hand there", "Get that out of my face", and "this is the gayest thing I've ever done", laughing really started to hurt.  The first person out was Yoseb.  He demanded to have a re-start because he claimed he wasn't ready, but none of the other boys would let him.  To the surprise of everyone, Hyunseung ended up winning.

After the game Hyunseung made Yoseob order pizza for everyone.  There was chatting, aruging, and goofing off.  Apparently it had been Yoseob who had switched the stickers on Dongwoon's keys.  Dongwoon tried to beat him up after that, but Doojoon held him back.  It was around 10pm when the other boys decided it was time to head home.  They'd found out that you and Dongwoon were neighbors so they decided that next time they'd have a party at your house.  You of course, were vehemently against the idea, but they didn't seem to listen.  After the boys left you helped Dongwoon clean up their mess and wash dishes.

The jet lag was really starting to get to you now so you decided to call in a night and head back to your place.  You said your goodnight and went back to your apartment.  Before you were able to close to door completely you heard someone call your name.  Sticking your head back out in the hall you saw Onew coming toward you will a box in his hand.

"Onew? What are you doing here this late?" you asked bewildered.

"I told you I'd bring you fried chicken," he said breathlessly.

"Omo, you didn't have to," you said taking the box from him.

"It's no problem," he managed to get out while trying to regulate his breathing.

"Um, thank you then," you said smiling.

Onew nodded at you and left.  You shook your head and closed the door.  You place the chicken in the fridge and went to your bedroom to get some sleep.  You had a lot of things left to do before school started in a few days.  You fell asleep as soon as you head hit the pillow.



A/N: Comment, subscribe, all that good stuff ^^  I actually don't have a lot to say at the end of this chapter XD

I'm a bit late, but....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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raviolli101 #1
Chapter 2: YAY! Shinee <3
raviolli101 #2
Chapter 1: Liked it!! :D