Leaving the City Again

Love Complications

You'd always planned on returning to Korea, you just didn't know when.  There was a list of reasons why you wanted to go back.  There were friends you had made there that you desperately wanted to see, you thought the culture was amazing, the language was fascinating, and then of course, there was that one person.

Choi Minho.

You'd befriended him in your senior year of high school when you had first gone.  Of course, you wanted to be a bit more than just friends.  You'd gotten to know his exceptionally well during that year you were there and you'd both come to confide in each other a lot.  You hung out frequently and had gotten very close, yet nothing major ever really happened.  No matter, you had been content being able to spend your school days and weekends with him.

You didn't feel like waiting who knows how many more years before returning to see him.  Anything could happen in that time period.  He could have a girlfriend and then the chances of the two of you being together would be completely destroyed.

That was the main reason why you were returning.  Plus there may have been the fact that the university you were suppose to go to was really good and because Dongwoon kept pestering you about coming back.

You'd checked your e-mail earlier and had seen both replies from Minho and Dongwoon and his gang.  It was unfortunate that Dongwoon or any of the other boys wouldn't be able to meet you as soon as you got in, but you were thrilled that you'd be seeing Minho.  Just the thought of seeing him brought bufferlies to your stomach.

Today was the last day you would spend in New York for at least a year.  You loved your parents and all, but you weren't planning on returning for the breaks.  

Everything has been prepared.  You had an apartment already rented that wasn't too far away from the school, because you weren't really one for dormitory life. All your transcripts and everything that had to do with school were squared away, and everything was in order.  All that was left for you to do was to finish packing and say your goodbyes.  The first time you left your mother had cried for days before you even left.  Your father looked at her as is she was crazy.  You were sure that she'd have a bit more control this time around.

And of course you were wrong.

While you were in your room throwing the last articles of clothing into your suitcase your mother burst in in a fit of hysteria.  She enveloped you in a hug and woudn't let you go.  She was wetting your clothes with her tears and mumbling something you couldn't make out.

You sighed and pat her on the back.

"Mom, it's okay. Please stop crying.  The neighbors will think you're being hurt and call the police again," you reminded her.

She stopped her loud crying and sniffled, still not letting you go.  "Oh don't remind me of that! Besides, who doesn't cry when watching the Titanic?" she questioned defensivley.

"Mom, that wasn't just crying! I don't even know how to describe it. You were...wailing! Really loud! Heck, you sounded like you were being chocked out or something! It's no wonder our neighbors called the police."

She waved her hand. "Well, that was the past.  Anyway, do you have to leave your poor old mother here alone with your father again?" she asked pouting. "I swear he's going to be the death of me!"

You laughed as your slipped out of her grasp.  "You always say that, and yeah, I have to go mom.  Sogang University is the school for me.  I get to broden my horizons and I think that the experience will help shape me in to a better person," you explained while you resumed packing.

Your mother sighed and put a hand over her heart.  "I guess nothing I can say will persuade you to stay."

"You wait until the day before I leave, after I've already rented an aparment and bought my ticket to try and get me to stay?" you asked pausing and raising your eyebrows questionginly.

"Hold it missy, I've been trying to get you to stay for the longest time," she scoffed. "You just got back not too long ago!"

You shook your head and smiled slightly.  "Mom, are you really doing this right now?"

"Fine," she said throwing her hands up in defeat.  She smiled and came to give you a hug.  "You know I'm just a bit worried about my baby.  A mother never wants to be too far away from her child.  Just make sure you call home often and come home if anything ever happens."

You returned her hug and nodded your head.  You could tell that you were probably about to cry so you shooed her out of your room before she could see the waterworks.  After Niagra Falls poured from your eyes you started to pack again.  Being away from your family had never an easy thing.  Yes, your mother was eccentric and crazy most of the time, but you loved her.  Thankfully your father wasn't likely to cry when you said goodbye.  You didn't know if you could handle both parents crying.

After you finished packing you set all of your luggage downstairs by the front door.  You'd be leaving for the airport in two hours.  You'd already met up with your friends the other day for a farewell party so you didn't have to say goodbye to them again.  You went into the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water while you looked out the window.  The weather was nice and you could see people passing by and enjoying life in general.  

Honestly you were starting to get antsy and standing infront of a window watching people pass by wasn't really calming.  Since you had time to kill you decided you'd for a run in Prospect Park.  You put on some comfortable clothes and went out.  While you were running you tried to notice things that you hadn't before.  You passed by your uncle's eatery and waved as you ran.

After running for a good while you decided to call it quits and go back home to take a shower and prepare to leave.  When you entered the house your dad was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. He looked up toward you as he heard you come in.

"Excited?" he asked.

You smiled and nodded as you made your way to the stairs. "I'm gonna take a shower before we leave."

"Probably a good idea," he chuckled.  "Woudn't want the person sitting next to you to smell your funk."

You laughed and went up to your room.  You decided on taking a nice long bath after which you got dressed in something simple.  You'd left out dark jeans, a white v-neck, and your black pea coat to wear.  Once you'd put on your black boots you were ready to go.  You left your hair down and put a pair of sunglasses on top of your head.  You liked sunglasses because they gave you the ability to watch people without them knowing.  Sure, it was kind of creepy, but hey, you'd met people with much stranger habits.

The car ride to the aiport didn't take too long and before you knew it you were saying your final goodbyes to both your parents.  Your mom was having a hard time letting you go and was about to make a scene when your father pulled her off of you.  Waving at them, you passed through security and after about a two hour wait, boarded your plane.

In a total of 21 hours, which included one stop in San Francisco and a two hour layover, you'd be in Seoul.



A/N: Hurray, first chapter done and out of the way!  SHINee boys will be in the next one ^^


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raviolli101 #1
Chapter 2: YAY! Shinee <3
raviolli101 #2
Chapter 1: Liked it!! :D