
All namja are bad !?

“What’s wrong with you ?” Junhyung asked with curios face. I'm just quiescent.



Flashback :


6 years ago .........

"I'm sick of you!! Let's divorced ..... " your father said.

"But, why?" your mother asked with a sad tone.

"I’m married you because of your wealth. You know what? I don’t love you. It was my parent was too eager want me to marry with you. " your father said.

"Appa, why you said to omma like that?! Appa, pity omma ...... " you said to your father.

"Ah, you just stumble for me!! Ah, one day I will definitely will-take your wealth, Kim Myeong Joo! ( your mother name) your father said while leaved your mother house.

" Appa don’t go!! Don’t leave _____ and omma!! Appa! " clamor you to your father while crying, hoping this is  dream.

The next day ......... ( at the court)

Your mother and your father already confirmed divorced.

"Appa, why you do this to _____ and omma?? Appa, _____  love appa...... _____ want omma and appa together. Why, Appa doing this?? " you said to your father while your mother crying because the divorce.

" Ah, you two just get out from my life. You two just burden me ...... ! " your father mocked to you.

The next week ......

Your phone ringing and the screen showing 'Appa' name.

Your POV :

Waa…… appa calling…… You feel so happy and you answer his call.


Phone Conversation :

You               : “Annyeong appa……” you said with a happy tone.

Your Father  : “Annyeong, how you’re doing ?” he asked.

You               : “Fine, how you’re doing appa ?And why you’re calling me?”

Your Father  : “Fine too, BTW appa call you because appa want to invite you for playing          .                       piano at the studio tonight. _____ ah, do you free tonight ?                                                                                                  

You                : "Piano ?? Sure I free.... Should I invite omma ??

Your Father   : "No.....your mother and I already divorced. Don't tell her that you want to go  .                         out with me.

You                : "Arasso, appa. Annyeong appa~ 

Your Father   : "Annyeong, see tonight.


Your father POV :

I will kill her tonight with bringing her to play his favourite musical instrument and destroy her dream of becoming a famous pianist. Maybe it will be the last time she play it. And I will take-property her. Did she think I'm still her old appa that make she fall in love with piano....?? Totally no.....


At the studio.........

"Appa, really missed your piano performance........Can you play piano for appa ?" your father asked.

"For sure, appa....." I nodded and go to the piano.

" ______, do you still love piano ?" your father asked.

" Ya......I will love piano forever......" you said and start to play Moonlight Sonata with feeling.


The piano collapsed when you're playing.

"Appa !! Help me....!!" you shout to your father.

" Help ?? Why ?? I'm actually sabotage the piano.......Hahaha......." your appa walk away from the studio.

" Fortunately, the piano superimpose my right leg not my body. But my right leg extremely pain." you said in your mind.

You fainted.

End of flashback......

" Why you're screaming 'turn off the tv !!', it so weird, you know ? And the channel showed piano performance. It was my favourite.....!! Junhyung asked with a face expected an answer.

" Nothing......" I answer short.


"Aaah.....my leg extremely pain !!" I shout.

" I will call the doctor....." he said with his his cool face while tried to conceal his worry. But you can see how obviously he is worrying. 

Doctor come to your ward.........


I'll continue on the next chapter



So curios ??? I'll update as soon possible

Do you watch Troublemaker at MAMA 2011....I'll love it so much and there was Moonlight Sonata piano performance..... 

Too many flashback right ?? That's why the chaper titled 'Flashback'









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lizzy still doesn't show up in this ff


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I,will update as fast as i can.......
Chapter 7: Oh My GOSH!! Please Update Sooner
Chapter 7: Hahahaha.. I like it <//3
chahun- #4
Chapter 4: okay.......
chahun- #6
Chapter 4: OHMYY~~ CAN'T WAIT XD
Chapter 2: ok.....yeah...its comlpicated....i think maybe on the next chapter will be more complicated
chahun- #8
Chapter 3: Wow... Its kinda complicated love story..
BTW, keep update!! I can't wait ^^
Chapter 2: thanks....
PattyPatata #10
Chapter 2: Love the new update, can't wait for more =D