Both of you sick

All namja are bad !?

Junhyung were hearing your conservation with Jieun


" What ?! Jeongmal ? " you shocks.

" De, Junhyung once said to me that he like you. " 

" Whatever. How about college ? " you asks.

" _____ ah, don't change topic about Junhyung to college. Do you like him ? " Jieun asks.

(silence moment)


Your POV :

Jieun sshi, stop talking about Junhyung. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUNHYUNG LIKE ME ? Did he ? Stop thinking about him. Just treat him well because he is sick. Just because of he sick. 


" _____, are you okay ? Are you daydreaming ? " Jieun asks.

" Huh ? Aniya . "

" How can Junhyung in your house ? " Jieun asks.

" Err..... emm, actually last night Junhyung and I went to a dinner but suddenly its raining. So I tell him to stay up at my house. " you explains.

" Oh, okay. So how with him ? _____, do you sick ? " she said while holding your forehead.

" No, I'm okay. "

" Ya ! You have a high fever. How can you said you don't sick ? " Jieun says and sighs.

" Wae ? " you asks.

" Must be boring if you don't have around college. _____ ah, I want to take care of you ? "

" Ani, you have to go home. You go to my house right after the last class, right ? "

" B-bu-but I want take care of you. " Jieun whines.

" Kaja~ go home. "

" Fine " she says while walk away from your apartment.



Suddenly Junhyung's phone ringing, you want to answer the call because you think Junhyung still sleep. But you see Junhyung awake.

" You have awake ? " you asks Junhyung.

" De, as you seen Park _____ . " Junhyung says.

" So I want to make chicken soup, do you want to join ? " you offers to Junhyung.

" Of course, yes. Not fair if you do it alone. Besides, you are sick. "

" Who says ? I'm okay "

" Okay you said. Look at your pale face. " he says while holding your forehead.

" Ya ! You are sick and you say you are okay. " he says.

Suddenly both of you cough, cough and cough.

Both of you say " We both are sick " and laugh.

After finish making chicken soup you and Junhyung eat the soup in front of tv. Junhyung want to feed you but you insist.

" Let me feed you, _____ shi " Junhyung say while extend his spoon to you.

" No need to, I can feed myself. " you says.

" No, here " Junhyung still extends.

" Okay. " Junhyung feed you and you blush. You don't know why the reason you blush.


Junhyung POV :

She blushs. Aww~ so cute. I wonder how is she, when she giggling must be cute. I hope this fever not getting fast better so I can spend my time with her.


Your POV :

Why I'm blushing ? Really ? Wae ? I felt safe with Junhyung. Is this name LOVE ? I need him. I hope he will not dissapoint me like my father.


" Let me feed you Junhyung. " you says while extends the spoon. Junhyung eat.

Both of you feed each other in turn.



Aww~ sweet ending Aww~ so cute............

What do you think ? I know my English .                                                                                  Comment and Subscribe :)

Sorry for my English because English is not my language.

Goodbye and Keep update~





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lizzy still doesn't show up in this ff


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I,will update as fast as i can.......
Chapter 7: Oh My GOSH!! Please Update Sooner
Chapter 7: Hahahaha.. I like it <//3
chahun- #4
Chapter 4: okay.......
chahun- #6
Chapter 4: OHMYY~~ CAN'T WAIT XD
Chapter 2: ok.....yeah...its comlpicated....i think maybe on the next chapter will be more complicated
chahun- #8
Chapter 3: Wow... Its kinda complicated love story..
BTW, keep update!! I can't wait ^^
Chapter 2: thanks....
PattyPatata #10
Chapter 2: Love the new update, can't wait for more =D