Chapter 12:

Me To You, You To Me

Chapter 12: Manipulative Plans


It’s been only a few days since Jonghyun arrived in Hong Kong. Apparently, it was still a bit awkward between him, Donghae, and his father, even though he eventually tries to make things more comfortable but ends up in nowhere. The cool breeze passes by his face as he walks back to his father’s building aka where he currently stays at. He just finished eating breakfast at a small Korean restaurant to avoid feeling too home sick because honestly, he was.

The image of a girl constantly came up in his head, no matter where he went and how he’d spend his days. Most of the time, he’s just acting as an assistant for his father and the other high-ranked officers. Jonghyun and Donghae would come across inevitably often and would just try to utter a nice smile but only a few words would come out.

Sighing, he breathed out cold air as he stepped in front of the building where the said happenings took place. Security would always check him every time he goes inside, which never fails to annoy him. Looks like after he left the Choi’s, he realized what short temper he could have and questioned how he was ever able to withstand the rants of the Choi spoiled brat.

“Lee Jonghyun. Your father is looking for you.” A front desk officer told him. Jonghyun just nodded and headed toward the elevator but not without rolling his eyes first. In no time, he was standing again in front of Lee Seunghwan. “Jonghyun, I have an errand for you.” The man started talking but was still looking over and through the papers in his hands with eye-glasses thick and ironically blinding whenever the sunlight shone on it.

“Yes… father?” Jonghyun wasn’t used to saying that word and was about to choke on it. Mr. Lee then handed him a briefcase. “Take this to a business partner. You can walk to them since it’s only around four blocks away. I’m sure you can do it in two hours, in fact, that’s more than enough. When you’re finished, come back here and I may have more errands for you to do.”

Jonghyun accepted it, though with a raised eyebrow. “I’m okay with it but why does it have to be me, I mean, you do have some kind of delivery boys or whatever similar right?” he asked. Mr. Lee just chuckled. “Well, you are my son and apprentice. It’s best if you’re exposed to our partners in the industry. Now no more questions and go on.”

Sometimes, Jonghyun doesn’t know if his father was being sarcastic or what, but all he knows is that Lee Seunghwan is a man you just can’t clearly see through unlike most people. A mysterious man was what Jonghyun always imagined. After that, he just went straight out and actually, he just kind of found the errand quite suiting to his mood.

He was so stuck in his thoughts; he almost seemed as if he didn’t care about his surroundings. And since the thoughts were not something to be happy about, his eyes created quite a cloudy blur, anyone could mistake him for a suicidal.

(Silence surrounds)


The only problem was that it was purely accidental.



“Doctor… is he going to be alright?” Donghae asked the man in a white lab coat who just went out of the ICU. “You are?” The doctor asked as he took out a pad with paper and a pen. “Lee Donghae, Sir.” The younger man answered trying to hold back anything else he so impatiently wanted to say. “Well, in terms of mortality, he’s gonna be alright but…” “But what?” Donghae interrupted.


The doctor sighed as he took off his coat. “There was a bit of damage in his brain cells since he hit his head quite hard on the cement. Because of that, he’s on a temporary memory loss or temporary amnesia. Just because it’s temporary, doesn’t mean it’s going to be a short while. The longest record this hospital had was for about three years. We just have to see for ourselves the speed of his recovery. For now, it’s best if he should rest before waking him up.” And with those words, the middle-aged man walked away.

Donghae’s eyes were still wide open. He was relieved to hear that Jonghyun was going to be alright and away from death but the fact that there was memory loss were more than enough to send shivers all throughout his body. He sat down on the bench and tried to imagine what would happen from then on.

Just as he opened his eyes again, he could tell someone was heading towards him, and he knew exactly who it was. “Dad?” he called out but shut his eyes again. “I’ve heard the news. Why couldn’t you tell me earlier? I was worrying that he might’ve ran away somewhere.” Mr. Lee said as he sat down beside him.  

The son chuckled sarcastically when he heard his father’s response. “So you forgot how it is to be a father, am I right? One of your sons was involved in a hit-and-run and is in the hospital and all you thought about before knowing that was that he was running away from you… oh you selfish bastard.” It was the older man’s turn to give a sarcastic small laugh.

“Lee Donghae. I guess it’s really you who inherited my traits as a bastard. Anyways, whatever happened to Jonghyun-“before Mr. Lee could finish his question, a nurse came out of the ICU room they were waiting in front of. “Are you Mr. Lee?” the nurse asked. At the same time, both Donghae and Seunghwan said yes, which made both of them glare a bit at each other before entering the room.

When they went inside, they saw none other than Lee Jonghyun lying weakly in bed. The two men were each on both sides just looking at the helpless younger one. Just before any of them could say a word, a tremble was seen on the bedridden boy’s lips which caused them to be silent again.

It wasn’t long after that Jonghyun’s eyes were starting to open. A glimpse of relief was present in both the males’ eyes. Jonghyun blinked for quite a while before trying to move the other parts of his body just like his hands and feet. When he finally got a grip of himself he started to do deep inhaling and exhaling. He then finally noticed the two pair of eyes watching him and his every move which he somehow found quite annoying.

“Who… who are you?” Jonghyun asked as he burrowed his eyebrows. Both Donghae and Mr. Lee were surprised by his tone. “Donghae... did you not tell me anything?!” Mr. Lee asked irritably confused at the situation. “About that… the doctor told me he got some kind of temporary amnesia. He said it could take quite awhile.” Donghae told him.

After hearing that, Mr. Lee let out a quite loud grumble. “Ugh what am I going to do with this kid now?” he asked himself so disappointedly as he did a face palm. The other boy just ignored it and went up to Jonghyun, who was still so curiously…angry. “So… you’re name is Lee Jonghyun okay? And you’re from South Korea. I’m Lee Donghae, your brother.” Donghae said as slow as he could for Jonghyun to fully understand. And not to mention, he stuck out his hand which called for a handshake.

Jonghyun raised an eyebrow suspiciously but nonetheless, decided to trust Donghae and accepted his handshake. “So, who’s that guy?” Jonghyun asked again as he pointed this time to Lee Seunghwan who was still worrying his off but stopped when he noticed the boy pointing at him. “I’m your father, Jonghyun.”


And when Mr. Lee heard that, a sudden idea comes into his head and the worried face soon became a like to a chesire cat’s grin, just as wide and evil-looking which immediately gave Donghae such a number of doubts and worries.

“Yes. And you will do what I want you to do when you get out of the hospital.”


Note: Hey there guys :) Yeah it's been quite awhile gosh I've been out of town for nine days because of a Debate Competition and then we have our prom and soon a national exam, and then hell week, and it's march, it's our last month before the school year ends and I'm about to graduate HS soon. 

I'm really sorry for not updating that quickly nowadays but please do understand! hehe things are starting to get really spicy now and I will finish this, I don't want it to be left hanging there. Thank you so much subsribers, both new and the longer ones! Your comments/upvotes are really appreciated and it gives me more of the inspiration to write knowing that you guys are actively reading lol But really guys, thanks so much! I do truly appreciate it! 

p.s. I'm sorry too if this was a short update and that Sooyoung wasn't here, but the next chapter will get the spice started :))))))))))))) 

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Hi guys, just wait a little bit more, its because our flight home was cancelled and We rebooked so it was a long week but I promisw you an update soon :))


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swift98 #1
Chapter 8: pleaseupdatethis
Chapter 14: authornim please update this story
grosvenor #3
Chapter 14: update soon author-nim :)))
i'm glad that i read this story, very interesting :>
Chapter 14: The table turn... better do sometimes choi sooyoung
Chapter 14: This fic is giving me so much feels i can barely breath through my nostrils OTL i need a gas tank. It took me two days to finish this story without frigging banging my head on the wall with feels. I really needed this, Thank you! So much love for this story! Update soon ^^
CNBLUE_Katielicious #6
Chapter 14: Waaah!! Relieved feeling turns into an erupting volcano feeling!
Hahahaha!!! JongHyun made SooYoung crazy.. xD
Maybe try harder SooYoung ssi!! Fighting!! xD

Author-nim! Nice Story! Fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 14: LOL XD I thought it was going to end nicely but then nvm, Jonghyun ruined it :)))
And Mr. Choi is such a tease HAHAHA :DD
Chapter 14: now sooyoung knows that he had amnesia.. that the reason why he act like that.. only sooyoung can make him remember again.. fighting sooyoung.
Chapter 14: The poor boy has amnesia, so everything will be harder for Sooyoung to get him back. Donghae was nice to tell her though. Aw, eventually I hope they can get back together when Jonghyun realises that he shouldn't despise her like that :). Please update soon ~
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 13: Amnesia is something that really relationship. ==''
You will forget someone who you love, yet, it will be the most romantic thing after that. mwehehehehehe