Different (Kris + OC)

My Christmas Gift (To the readers!)


"Kris Wu!" Lizzy yelled through the empty hallway of the now deserted school campus. It's strange how everything can fall so quiet after all the students left. It's getting dark now, and Lizzy still cannot find Kris who said he has to finish up on some work.

Kris is the ultimate smart but dumb boy in class which happened to be a friend of the dance leader, Lizzy. 

"Wu Yi Fan! Where are you?!" Lizzy continued to yell. Just when she was about to turn back, she heard a weird shuffling noise from inside a room. Lizzy froze on the spot and listened more intently.

​"Let go of me." She heard someone growl. Her fist clenched as the voice clicked inside her head. Kris. She started running to the direction of the noises and stopped in front of a classroom. Her breath ran short as she heard more shouting and screaming. They were all boys in there. How will she ever manage? But despite that thought, she decided that she will do whatever she has to stop whatever they were doing inside.

"Didn't I say let go of me?!" The door crashed open and all the heads turned. Lizzy stood between the doors, horrified at the scene. "Kris......?" She mumbled. Kris, who is held by the big guy Dongmin, rolled his eyes and shot her a look. "Okay, thanks for coming but this is none of your business, Lim Minhyo." He said. Lizzy scoffed at his ignorant self and noticed blood on the corner of his lips.

"Wait....." She stopped and looked at the other guy, Eden. " What the hell, Eden? What are you doing to him?" She asked. "Something a whimp like you should not care." He said and punched Kris's stomach.

That gesture got Lizzy so worked up she cracked her fingers and pulled up her sleeves despite the cold weather. "Oh no you don't, blondie." She hissed and threw a punch into Eden's not-so-pretty face. That blow was strong for a girl, you had to admit. Eden stumbled to the floor, and when he was about to stand up, Lizzy threw another punch, knocking that blondie off his senses.

She turned around to look at the big guy behind Kris and raised her brows. "Want some, Dongpoop?" She smirked and inched closer. The big guy shivered and ran away like a chicken.... A big chicken in his case.

"You okay, bro?" Lizzy asked Kris, who is dropped down onto the floor. "Ouch.... No." He hissed. Lizzy hauled him on his feet and dragged him outside the campus. "What have you done now, angry bird?" She asked as she set him down on a bench. "Nothing!" He exclaimed. But with that suspicious look in his face told otherwise.

"Ugh, fine. I'm the best friend but you won't tell me. Be that way." She huffed and tried to walk away but Kris caught her wrist. Right at that moment, white snowflakes decided to fall down. Lizzy gasped in awe as she gazed at the scene. "Hey, Krissy! It's our first snow together!" She squealed. Kris smiled a gorgeous smile and nodded. "Yup, our first snow when we are holding hands." He stated.

"Ew, you're so cheesy!" She laughed and sat beside him. "After being friends for 5 years, this is still our first snow." Lizzy sighed and completely leaned herself against the bench. Kris gazed at her. He couldn't tell her that all he's been doing was to protect her. To get her away from that stupid Eden. But today, he had to tell her. 

"The reason I'm fighting with Eden..." he spoke up. Lizzy stopped gazing at the sky and returned her gaze to Kris. "Is because I'm trying to protect you." he finished. Lizzy frowned and turned her body fully towards him. "What do you mean?" She asked, "Why do you have to protect me?" It was clear she did not understand what he meant, or why he had to protect her when she obviously helped him out there.

"That Eden." Kris frowned at the guy's name and stared into Lizzy's eyes. "He wants you." Those three simple words are enough to make Lizzy's heart thump. He fights for her? 

"But why, Kris? Why do you care anyways?" Kris sighed and grabbed her face and leaned in dangerously close. "Because. I. Want. You. Too." He emphasized every single word and smirked. Lizzy blinked, trying to process what he had just said. "Wait did you just--" but before she can finish her sentence, Kris placed his lips on hers and pressed down lightly.

She flinched but her heart kept on racing and she felt her cheeks getting hotter and hotter. Finally, she pulled away and stared at him.

"You like me?" she said, finally. "Oh. My. God. Lizzy. Does that kiss mean nothing?" Kris rolled his eyes and stood up. "I don't like you." he declared. Lizzy frowned. What about that kiss they just had? That was her FIRST KISS and yet he just said he didn't like her. Is this all a joke?

Lizzy suddenly got all mad and also stood up. She stared at Kris one last time and started to walk away. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes but she held it in and walked faster, ignoring the desperate calls from Kris. She pouted and kept walking. Her first snow with someone who she thought was special meant nothing to him. Not even the kiss. Nothing.

She suddenly felt someone wrapping their arms around her. "Don't go yet." Kris whispered, his husky voice sent shivers down her spine. "When I said I didn't like you.... I meant it." he said. Lizzy frowned. Does that supposed to make her feel better? "But I love you instead." He continued and spun her around. 

Lizzy searched his eyes and found sincerity and love. She grinned got on her tip-toes. "Always so cheesy, Mr. Wu." she smiled and pecked his lips, something she had always wanted to do. "Why thank you, Mrs. Lim." He smiled and hugged her. "I always wanted to do this." he mumbled and felt the warmth. 

"Me too." Lizzy smiled and closed her eyes. Snow keeps falling down around them, floating as if congratulating the new couple. 

"Merry Christmas then, Kris." Lizzy said as she pulled away. He smiled, said no more and kissed her as Christmas day approached. 

This was probably the most memorable Chrismas for him. And for her, too.


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can i still request ????
Hahaha I just realized no one wanna request except for my lovely ms.emotionless :)
Can it be a Tao-OC romantic/comedy? And can the OC be named after me? (If you remember it xD which I really hope you do Nisha-ssi =^^=)