Donation (Woohyun + Sungyeol)

My Christmas Gift (To the readers!)

Author's POV

"Yah, Sungyeol! How can we have only 40?! We had more last year!" Woohyun yelled over the noisy crowd. Him and Sungyeol are at a fair. They sell their parent's handmade stuff all the time.

Paintings, carvings, sewings and more. All of these things are really pretty, but this time, there weren't enough stuff.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have everything in the world." Sungyeol retorted while fetching out more wood carvings.

"Whatever. Atleast we have enough... 40 paintings, 58 carvings and.... 66 sewings. Cool." Woohyun nodded in approval, but still is dissapointed at the number of items.

"Hey, atleast we're confident at selling these stuff." Sungyeol smirked and waved his hands over the neatly laid items.

"Yeah..." Woohyun replied. After fully opening their shop, girls and ladies (with their husbands) piled into the tent, looking at both the beautiful handmade items and the heaven made beatiful shop owners.

"Uhmm, Excuse me, but how much is this?" I short girl with a red bob asked Sungyeol shyly.

"It's 3000 won. Very cheap." Sungyeol smiled widely as the girl handed him the money.

"Thankyou for purchasing! Merry Christmas!" he hollered and went back to the counter, taking care of the money.

"Young boy, how much is this?" a middle-aged lady asked Woohyun.

"It's 5000 won, ajumoni." Woohyun flashed his charming smile, making the lady's husband slightly jealous.

"Ahh. I will buy this then, since you're handsome." The lady patted Woohyun's cheeks and gave him money. 

"Merry Christmas!" Woohyun waved and had to turn away because more female customers were waiting.

*1 hour later*

"Woooh!!! I'm so tired~" Sungyeol whined to his hyung while wiping his sweat.

"Yeah... it's worth it though." Woohyun smiled and looked around his shop. All the items had been sold and they earned quite a decent amount of money.

"What are we gonna do with all the money? We can't just keep all of them, can we?" Sungyeol asked, not really wanting to keep all that money to himself. Even if he did keep it, he didn't know what he will spend it on.

"We could go to the stray dogs department just down the the road. We could donate." Woohyun suggested. Sungyeol's eyes instantly sparkled brightly when he mentioned dogs.

"Go! Go! I want to help them!" Sungyeol jumped around and threw their stuffs in a bag and quickly locked up the shop, not even knowing Woohyun was still inside.

"YAH! LEE SUNGYEOL! LET ME OUT!!!!" Woohyun yelled on top of hig voice while he tried to stick his back to the wall because the room was pitch black.

"Oh, sorry hyung." Sungyeol chuckled and opened the door a bit, enough for Woohyun to slip out and locked the door.

"So, how much are we gonna donate?" Sungyeol asked.

"Quite alot. We won't need that much money anyways. We could ofcourse keep some for our parents but not all." Woohyun replied thoughtfully. Sungyeol nodded as an answer. 

They were near the department already and Sungyeol instantly jumped up in excitement.

"PUPPIES!" he squealed in his dolphin voice and rushed to the reception with Woohyun stumbling behind him.

"Hello! We are here to donate money." Woohyun said cheerfuly to the receptionist.

"Ah! Thank You for coming! Please follow me." The receptionist smiled and walked inside with both the guys following. She led them into a room full with cute dogs and puppies, wagging their tails excitedly.

"AWW!" the guys cooed. Woohyun crouched down in front of three labradors and ruffled their heads as it jumped on him.

Sungyeol sat down in front of a Shih Tzu dog and carried it, laughing as it his face.

"They are cute, aren't they?" A new voice appeared. The guys turned around to be greeted by Eric. Eric is Minwoo's friend. They are in the same gang. And Minwoo? He's Minji's father.

"Oh! Eric hyung!" they gasped and bowed.

"Hi guys." he smiled. 

"I never knew you worked here, hyung." Woohyun smiled.

"I'm actually the owner here, since I love dogs." Eric winked and picked up his dog from it's cage.

"Isn't he cute? (I dunno it's gender). He's called Gomdori." Eric smiled warmly and his dog's head.

"He's so small!" Sungyeol gasped and patted his head. Gomdori blinked at him cutely, causing Woohyun to turn into a worm. 

"Thank you for donating here. You can have a dog, if you want. I will give it to you. One each, how about that?" Eric laughed and beckoned the younger boys to look around.

"Oh, but--"

"It's okay, Sungyeol. Take one. They're all safe." Eric cutted in, The boys couldn't do anything but to look around, feeling happy.

"Eric hyung! Is it okay if I take this one?" Sungyeol spun around and held out an extremely cute pomeranian puppy.

"Of course!" Eric replied.

"Yay! But seriously, how could some one possibly get rid of this little cute puppy?!" Sungyeol squealed as he hugged the puppy in his arms.

"Exactly. People these days thinks it's a fashion to have a dog, but they don't really take care of them well." Eric sighed and gazed at the poor pomeranian. "What are you going to call her?" he asked.

"Hmmm... how about Snowy? Since she's as white as snow." Sungyeol smiled. He nodded in satisfaction and sat down on a nearby chair, waiting for Woohyun.

"OHHH HYUNG! HE'S SO CUTE!!! CAN I HAVE HIM?!?!?!" Woohyun screamed. He has finally gone crazy, alright. He was holding a beagle puppy.

"Nice choice, Woohyun." Eric smiled.

"I will name him........ Flakes!" Woohyun announced.

"Flakes? Why?" Sungyeol asked. Woohyun shrugged.

"Since it's Christmas and it's snowing..." 

"Okay, it's getting late. I think you guys should go home. Thank you for donating and take good care of the puppies!" Eric called out as they waved and exited the department.

"I can't believe I have a dog! A cute one too!" Sungyeol smiled and glanced down at Snowy.

"I know.... Don't worry, Flakes! I will take good care of you!" Woohyun smiled and held the dog out in front of him.

"I think we should seperate now. Bye Yeol, Merry Christmas!" Woohyun waved with his own hand then took the puppies paw to have too.

"Merry Christmas hyung." Sungyeol smiled and walked away. 

This Christmas, the boys have learned, no matter what animal or creatures, It will always have feelings and will definitely have a heart, so from now on, they will take good care of the puppies, and will never let them get hurt or hungry. Ever.





As an apology, I will show you an inexplainable (?) gif.

I know.... I don't get it too.....

Happy New Years!!!!!!



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can i still request ????
Hahaha I just realized no one wanna request except for my lovely ms.emotionless :)
Can it be a Tao-OC romantic/comedy? And can the OC be named after me? (If you remember it xD which I really hope you do Nisha-ssi =^^=)