That Girl (Tao + OC)

My Christmas Gift (To the readers!)

Hey everyone. I'm Tao, and let me tell you about this girl. 

She is one of the prettiest girls on Earth, in my opinion. You might think I'm talking about my girlfriend, right?




She is my best friend. My closest friend and the only person I really trust. Even though she's my friend, I really love her, as a woman.

She's lively, cute, pretty, and did I mention she's really protective? Well, she is. Extremely. Whatever injuries I have, she will nag me for ages and then would patch up my wounds. She is really like my mother, that's why I love her.

That girl, her name is Lizzy. Lim Min Hyo. 

Today is Christmas Eve and I'm here, driving towards her apartment, taking her out for a special outing... I guess.

The road seems so empty. Even the parking lot to her apartment seemed empty. Is it because everyone is with their family?

Anyways, I felt nervous walking up the same staircase every time I meet Lizzy. I felt nervous knocking on the same old door of Lizzy's room.

"Tao!" A voice tingled in my ears. I raised my head up to be greeted by her, the girl who I love, but sadly, she doesn't know.

"Hey, Lizzy." I said awkwardly.

*Ugh, Tao, you idiot! Be natural! Or else she will find out what you're up to!*

"Are we going now?" Lizzy asked, her cute Bambi eyes stared into mine.

"Yeah, let's go. We have a lot of things to do." I smiled. People don't normally see me smile, of course. They say I look mean, but I'm not!

"Merry Christmas Eve, panda." She chirped as we skipped down the stairs. I rolled by eyes at the word 'panda'.

"Yeah, you too. But stop calling me panda!" I whined. But of course, I don't hate the name. I actually like it.

"Okay, okay. But where are we going anyways?" She asked me as we stepped outside to the cold air.

"I will choose one place to go to, and you chose the other one." I suggested. She spun her head to my direction and beamed brightly.

"Let's go to the ice skating rink!" She cheered. She swiftly grabbed my car keys and unlocked the car and getting into the passenger's seat. I walked towards the drivers seat and tugged on the handle, discovering it was locked.

"Lim Min Hyo! Open the door!" I banged on the window. She stuck her tongue out playfully but still didn't unlock the car.

A sharp breeze smacked coldly onto my cheeks, causing me to shiver.

"Lizzy! Open the doooorrrrr!!!" I whined loudly, stomping my feet childishly. Then I thought of a plan.

I looked through the car's windows and attacked her with my extreme cuteness.

"Lizzzyyyyyy. Open the door pweaasseee. Buing Buing!" I saw her squirm in her seat and heard the door clicking unlocked.

"Finally." I sighed and slipped myself into the warm car.

"You just had to use that tactic, didn't you?" She growled. I took a peek and saw her blushing face. I chuckled softly as I switched on the radio.

Nice blues music came on, calming us down a lot. I thought for a while that should I tell her now, but then something interrupted the mood.

"You better watch out, you better not cry! You better not pout cuz I'm tellin' you why! Cause Santa Claus is coming, to townnnnnnnnnn~" the song abruptly changed and the mood quickly went excited, well, for Lizzy.

"Wooh! Best DJ ever!" Lizzy squealed dancing crazily to the song. I parked the car in front of the ice skating rink.

"Let's go, or else I will take you home." I warned her playfully as she jumped out of the car.

"You still remember how to skate, right?" Asked Lizzy.

"Ummm... I forgot?" I said, laughing as she slapped my shoulders lightly.

She dragged me into the locker room and grabbed the shoes without hesitating about the size. I put on my own quite well since I didn't forget that part, but the standing up part? Forgot completely.

"Tao! Are you doing okay?" Lizzy called out. I stared at her, half mesmerized half helpless. She laughed heartily and held out her hand.

"Come on, I'll help." She smiled. I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up. I feel like I never want to let go. I was about to step, but I was completely unbalanced and fell down with a loud thump.

"Oww..." I murmured. That actually really hurts...

"Oh, come one, Kungfu Panda!" She laughed and pulled me up one more time, grabbing hold of me tightly as my heart raced like an incredibly fast race car.... Like Michael Schumacher was driving it...

"Hold onto the railings, Tao! I don't want to see you knock yourself out!" Lizzy screamed, totally startling me.

"Yah! Lim Min Hyo, Aish, no need to shout!" I pouted and grabbed onto the railings so tightly as my knuckles turned white.

"Don't be such a whimp, Panda. You're strong enough." She smiled and grabbed my hand lightly. 

My confident boosted up and I let to of the railings and stood straight. I remembered the basics and started gliding away from her.

I came to a place where the rink pokes out of the ground and out to the edge. I found a chance so I quickly called Lizzy to come over.

"Lizzy." I said when she arrives. She looked at me and I kneeled down.

"I know this is so sudden, but I have loved you ever since we were little kids. Lim Min Hyo, will you be my girlfriend?" I said.

"Tao... I..."

"Lizzy, just say yes or no, it will hurt me less." I said, my heart thumping with nervousness and my mind screaming out that she will say no.

"Yes, you idiot! Don't you know I'm waiting for you to say 'I love you'?!?!" She screamed and pulled me for a tight embrace. I hugged her back, not wanting to let go any moment.

"I love you Lizzy. I love you so much. Do you realize you make me go crazy? You make everything so dull because you shine so brightly. You make everything possible by your bubbly attitude... You're just that girl.... That I fell for."

"And you're just that boy that I fell for ever since the beginning. Merry Christmas, my Kungfu Panda"


Helloooo guys!

I hope you like this story, requested by emotionless my unnie!

Sorry for the delay. My stupid computer didn't save the story for me....

Anyways, I'm still alive so please wait for the next update! 

Valentines is coming soon! Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (I do ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 

Anyways, I hope you like it, Lizzy unnie!


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can i still request ????
Hahaha I just realized no one wanna request except for my lovely ms.emotionless :)
Can it be a Tao-OC romantic/comedy? And can the OC be named after me? (If you remember it xD which I really hope you do Nisha-ssi =^^=)