Let's Go To...

Everyone Loves Zelo

Zelo POV:

It's been 3 days since the fall, and crazy psycho girls happened. I found out, that I live next to EunHye! Maybe, I can use her to help me with my homework, kekeke...

I shove a cherry tomato in my mouth, and head to school.I always use the back door, there's always adventure there. Like yesterday, I found this guy and girl making out. I was hiding behind the fence. There was this one time, where I found a cat that was hungry, so I gave it my lunch... Then EunHye and her friend had to share their lunch with me, keke.

I found an open window, so I climbed through the window, and there was my class. The class was staring at me, like I got a wrong answer, or I fart.... Hopefully, I didn't....

"Is there something on my face or what? Focus on your school work bro." I said.

I walked on the desk, and to my seat. Good thing the teacher wasn't looking.

I sat far, far, far, far FAR away from the teacher, yet.... She still calls on me.

It's break time! AWESOME!!

"Hey Zelo..." Suho asked me.

"What up?" I asked.

"I need... My pencil back, you hijacked it..." He said, with a deep voice.

"Your pencil...? Here you go, Suho."

Why do I keep hijacking pencils... Yesterday, I asked Yongguk for a pencil. He gave his pencil to me, and then I flippin lost it, when I was done with him...


After class, I went to my locker. A dude came up to me, and said, "You like amusement parks right?"

I said, "Who doesn't?"

He shoved tickets on my chest. Then they fell on the floor.

"The heck are these?" I picked them up off the floor, and saw them.

I ran all over school, slipping on papers, searching for Yongguk and the others.

"HYUNG!!" I shouted.

"What up dongsaeng?" he said.

"Wanna go to the amusement park?!"


"But... We can't waist all the tickets. There's 4 more..." Himchan said.

"I can give it to EunHye and her friends. NOTHIGN CAN GO WRONG!"

"Oh god.... Happy Zelo returns..."


"Okay okay, just calm down Zelo." Himchan said.


On saturday, the big day came! And I came prepared... The least!

The car was filled with silence, because everyone was on their phones, and Zelo wanted to play Kai Bai Bo and Jero... But no one wants to play with dongsaeng...

"Hey Zelo!" IU asked.

"What..." I grumbled, being comfortable between Himchan and JongUp.

"Wanna play Jero?"

"Maybe if we were next to each other."

"Screw that. Let's just play it this way."

She stook her ahnds out, and up went her thumbs. I did the same thing.

"1...3...t- "

"Haha!!! Can't fool Zelo! Um... 2...0..."


"I've seen people do zero before..."

"... Cause they LOSERS!!!"

"Then I guess I'm a loser!!" I shouted.

"YAH! Wuiet down there guys! There's the police, and you know how everything gets all picky and judgy when the police goes by." Himchan said.


Once we got there, it was closed.

"Oh! This is total !" Yongguk stomped like a child. "THIS IS WACK!"

"We went into the cold for no reason..." EunHye said.

"We can stay at a hotel! hotels are nice! I got 300,000 won, you guys?" I said.

"40,000 won..." IU said.

"60,000 won... Where'd you get 300,000 won?" JongUp asked.

"From someone very special..."

"You made a kid give it to you, didn't you?"

"No..." I shouted. "This is all from last year..."

"... Not sure to believe you... or not..."

I made a poker face at him, and then made a really weird face. That Himchan took a picture of...


We stayed in a 3 star hotel...

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Elivagar #1
Chapter 7: An update, yes! =D but too short! XD anyway update soon please!
Elivagar #2
Chapter 6: Lol IT'S OVER NINE THOUSANDS! XD good vegeta reference XD
Elivagar #3
Chapter 5: Zelo should be saved by EunHye