Break Zelo's Fall

Everyone Loves Zelo


As, I fall... I think of the memories of my life...


"Dad!! I WANT A SKATEBOARD!! GIMME A SKATEBOARD PLEASE!! I WANT ONE!!" I shouted, while I was grabbing on my dad's leg.

"If I say yes.... Will you let go of my pants?" My dad asked.

"Yes sir! Of course sir!"

"Better get off, or my pants are going to fall off, son."


"! JongUp! Get up man!" Yongguk shouted.

"1 down... 5 to go..."


"I want to die, when I'm filled in a room of cherry tomatoes.... So I can smell like it, when I die..." I said.

"That's stupid... Why not chocolate?" Himchan said.

"He likes cherry tomatoes more dude." Youngjae said.


"ZELOOO!!!" Daehyun shouted, grabbing his hands out, near the edge.

I felt fingers on my stomach, and then, a body underneath me. I look over my shoulder, and there was EunHye.

"EunHye! Where- What- How'd you get here?!" I asked.

"You owe me big time!" She said.


I got saved by EunHye. I had to go to the nurse's office, and get my face invaded with band-aids. Then I had to lay down. I'm still traumatized from all this drama.


EunHye is here as well. She's just here, because she twisted her ankle, when we landed on the puffy blanket, one of her friends made. Yongguk and the others are happy to see me still alive. They kind of sent all the girls to jail. Nah, I'm just kidding, they just warned them not tot come back, or they'll ruin their faces. Nice warning Youngjae and Himchan made up.



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Elivagar #1
Chapter 7: An update, yes! =D but too short! XD anyway update soon please!
Elivagar #2
Chapter 6: Lol IT'S OVER NINE THOUSANDS! XD good vegeta reference XD
Elivagar #3
Chapter 5: Zelo should be saved by EunHye