Zelo's Fall

Everyone Loves Zelo

Daehyun POV:

"We're almost there guys!"

We reached the rooftop, and saw a mob of girls surround Zelo with a pair of scissors... I think those girls are Zelo's ex-girlfriends, with those break up issues. No offense girls, but you have some issues, boys don't usaully have.

I tuck and rolled to the rooftop airvent.

"Daehyun, we're not in a secret ninja movie man." Yongguk said, glaring down at me.

"... They might spot us...QUICK! GET DOWN!" I pulled hyung's arm down, and he fell down on his arm.

"WHO'S THERE?!" One of the girls shouted.

"Thanks for breaking my arm, dongsaeng..." Yongguk whispered, in a growly voice.

I sneaked, to the next one, getter closer and closer. Yongguk and the others just walked, well that's no fun you guys... The girls spotted us, so we ran towards Zelo. I made sounds with my mouth, pretending like those dudes laughing their off...


"DAEHYUN, SHUT UP!" Himchan and Yongguk said.

".... YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!" I shouted.

I shouted, "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!" and got more speedy.


EunHye POV:

"Did you hear that?" IU asked.

"Hear what?" I wondered.

"Hear... 'IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!' from the sky."

"The sky?"

"EUNHYE!! IU!! Did you guys hear that nine thousand thing?" Dara and JiHyo asked.

I looked around in the sky, and at the rooftop... I saw Zelo in a chair, and about... 5,000 girls?? Probably not 5,000 but it looks about 5,000.

Daehyun kicked some girl , ouch. I saw him throwing Zelo into the air, and pushing girls onto the ground, and shouting, "I REGRET NOTHING~!!!"

"Did you hear that?"

"The 'I REGRET NOTHING' thing?"


"Look at the roof..." I said.

They looked on the roof with me, and they saw Daehyun, Zelo, Himchan, Yongguk, JongUp, and Youngjae beating the poo out the girls.

A girl pushed Zelo off, and he started falling.

"ZELO! NO!!!" Yongguk shouted.

"DONGSAENG!!!" Everyone else shouted. (Expect the Girls)

"IU! Where's that huge massive blanket you made?" I asked.

"In my backpack, why?"

"Take it out!"

IU took the dirty blue, big, dog print blanket out, and gave it me.

"Ready.... Set..."

                                                                            YOU HAVE ONE HATE MAIL...:                                                  

Will Zelo be okay? What's with the blanket? What's with the Noisy Ninja Daehyun?

Here are some responses when I told my friends, (WHO ALSO READ THIS O3O... Secretly xD)



"WAE D:"



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Elivagar #1
Chapter 7: An update, yes! =D but too short! XD anyway update soon please!
Elivagar #2
Chapter 6: Lol IT'S OVER NINE THOUSANDS! XD good vegeta reference XD
Elivagar #3
Chapter 5: Zelo should be saved by EunHye