The New Student...

Everyone Loves Zelo

Zelo POV:

"Oppa! Oppa!"

As the fangirls create a mob around the car, I stare at the school...

It looks so big.

I heard it's a fancy school, where good and rich kids go.

I transfered schools, I'm use to it...


The hyungs are in a different school, expect Himchan and Yongguk.

I'm so clueless without my hyungs TT_TT



"Why'd the car stop?" I asked.

"Because we're already here...?" The driver asked.


As I got out, I got ran over by girls.

There was this huge, metal,black fence in front of me.

I pressed a button.


"Herro, and who are you?"

"I'm Zelo, and I just transfered here..."

"Zelo... Zelo... Ah! Zelo... Just wait, I'll open the gate."

Of course, I'm going to wait. I'm not going to use the car, and smash through the gate...

The damage would cost too much =w=


So the gates opened, and went to the office first.

"Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" The secatary asked.


"Don't yuo have one?"


"And aren't you suppose to be in class? With a hallpass?"

"I just transfered here, lady. And I don't have a hallpass yet!"

"Oh... Why didn't you say so?"


The secatery gave me a death glare, and went to a filing cabniet. She pulled out a boy uniform, with a red tye, a black suit, a white shirt, and yellow handcuffs.

She slammed it against my chest, and continued doing computer stuff.


Does the principal know you did this?

I hope she gets retired...


As I enter the classroom, I interrupt a session.

"And who might you be?" The boy teacher asked.

"I'm the new student..."

"Ahh! Zelo! Come here first. 10 mintue break, class."


Eunhye POV:



JiHyo turned around and started talking about him. Then Dara, then IU.

"His name is Zelo! I can't believe he's in our school! Our school! I heard he never confessed to a girl, kissed a girl, or had feelings for any girl!", expect dating! But I heard, that he dated once, just so the girl wouldn't feel so sad, and so he wouldn't feel bad."

"So, he had fake feelings for her?" Dara asked.

"Oh my gosh! That girl is lucky, even if he didn't have feelings for her."

But he looks so nice...

"What about him?" A voice appeared at my back.

I turned around, and it was Yongguk.

"He's soooooooooooooooooooooo good-looking!!!!! He's at our school! Our school! Isn't it so cool?! BUT!! WHAT'S COOLER, IS THAT HE'S IN OUR CLASS~!!!!"

"He... Looks... 'nice', to meet."

"What's up with the 'finger qoutes'?"

"Oh nothing..."


Yongguk POV:

If they met the true Zelo. They'd probably change some things with him...


Zelo POV:

"Class! Class! Attention! Woo-hoo! Class!" The teacher struggled.


Everyone stood still, and looked upfront.

"Thank yuo Zelo."

I gave him, the-no-problem-look.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Zelo. He transferred from an all-boy school, where every boy there was badly educated..."

I gave him a death glare, like what the lady did.

"Just sit anywhere you want..."

I sat behide this girl, and stared at the back of her head.

Someone was passing a note to me, I read it:


Hellur there, cutie~!

Wanna hang out after school?

I'm a pretty crazy girl, when it comes to dating!!


I looked at the girl, 2 rows away from me, waving and smiling.

I smiled back, and gave a no-nod.

She felt crushed.

The guy next to her... Looked familiar... It looked kind of like Daehyun-hyung....


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Elivagar #1
Chapter 7: An update, yes! =D but too short! XD anyway update soon please!
Elivagar #2
Chapter 6: Lol IT'S OVER NINE THOUSANDS! XD good vegeta reference XD
Elivagar #3
Chapter 5: Zelo should be saved by EunHye