Sometimes it's Sweet

LIQUOR - Sweet Memories

(A/N: I make Seonghye POV now, just imagine that they are all think about the same past event, hihihi)

Seonghye POV

"HYESOO!" all people suddenly gather around her. I was too shock. I climbed down the tree and find her in pain.

"Hyesoo-ah, are you okay?" Appa asked, Well YOU THINK? She's just 16 and fall from 2 meters high! I don't think so.

"Hyesoo-ah," Umma came neared, I knew how worried she was. She rather die than seeing her beloved maknae hurt. I hug her from behind to calm her down.

"Chillax Umma, She'll be fine" I fake a smile. Youngki just stand besides me with blank expression. I patted his back but his expression didn't change.

"Youngki-ah, call the ambulance, please," I said, tried to disturb him. He looked down and phoned the ambulance. Appa picked Hyesoo up bridal style and put her on the couch. She's She’s half concious.She’s half conscious. Umma cried silently. Ambulance came and brought her to the hospital. We canceled our MV shoot. After 2 hours waiting, the doctor came out and said that she's fine. Well, fortunately she's only sprained her ankle and swollen in some part. but other than that she's fine.

"Sorry, because of me, we canceled our MV shoot. Haha, stupid me, how come I'm this clumsy?" she laugh bitterly. I knew, Hyesoo must be really feel bad because she know this is our debut MV. And we can't debut without this MV. Moreover for Appa that has been a trainee for 8 years, this debut must be so meaningful to him.

"How could you say such a thing!" uh-oh, Appa speak informally, this doesn't mean good.

"A-appa," Hyesoo shuttered.

"YOU COULD JUST DIE YOU KNOW AND YOU SAID SORRY? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS? I RATHER KILL MY SELF THAN HAVING EX MEMBER WHO'S DEAD IN OUR DEBUT!" okay, he shouted it out loud. All of us were startled. I could only play with my finger, Umma hold her chest, while Youngki still holding Hyesoo hand with while looking down.

"I'm s-sorry," that was the only word that Hyesoo could say. Well, if i were her, I wouldn't be able to say even a word. Appa is a really nice and friendly but when he's serious, he'll be like going to eat you up.

-End of Flashback-

Youngki POV

"Yah! Noona! Why are you smiling like a fool like that?" I smacked Seonghye Nonna head lightly.

"YAH! Is that the right thing to do to your older sister?! Aish, this kid," Noona whined.

"I've just saved you Nonna, you might abduct by Alien and transform in to a lizard," I focused back to my PSP.

"Oh yea? Thank you than, brother," she said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," I answered. I was still focusing on my PSP when Umma came  and bring us some cookies and milk.

"Here you are," she said. She's really our Umma.

"Umma, when will Appa and Hyesoo back?" I said while munching some cookies.

"Don't talk while you're eating. Appa said he's on the way, together with Hyesoo, maybe they'll come in 10 minutes," Umma turn on the TV and flip some channel.



Jaehyun's POV

We were in the car, heading to our house. Today's schedule was so tiring as usual. I looked at Hyesoo, my youngest daughter, she leaned her head on my shoulder while I'm half hugging her, I really love this kid, she's really a little sister to me. Today she wasn't really in a good state. She's got a bit fever, that's why I really worried about her. I, my self, was staring out the window, Enjoying Seoul scenery. When I was about to fall asleep, suddenly Yonghwa Hyung [Liquor manager] 's phone rang. It rang loudly, makes Hyesoo shifted a bit,  I tapped her shoulder to make her asleep again. Yonghwa Hyung bowed, signal me that he apologized. He picked up the phone and talked. Seem it was from some production house, must be job. After finished talked on his phone, Yonghwa Hyung talked to me, I cold see that he saw me through the rear mirror.

"Hyesoo, Seonghye, and Hyomin will join lottery after this, hahaha" said Yonghwa Hyung in amused tone.

"Pardon?" I asked him again to make sure that it's not my hearing nor his mind that wrong, lottery is illegal dude!

"Yeah, it's lottery to decide who'll get this new job," I make an 'o' shaped mouth. I was to sleepy to know more. I slowly fall asleep.

When I woke up, I see we arrived at our house already. I picked Hyesoo bridal style and bring her in, But when I get out from the car, I saw there were some camera and crew. I was confused at the moment but intending to smile.


Hyomin POV

We were watching TV silently when someone knock our door. I decide to answer it. But when I open the door I saw many cameras. I smiled and bowed.

"What can I do to help you?" I said politely.

"Well.. We are..."


Jaehyun POV

"Whoa, what is this?" I said in confusion. Yonghwa Hyung just smile sheepishly.

"Hyung, are you sure we still have schedule?" I asked.

"No no no, listen. One of our member will join we got married season 3. So, tonight we'll decide who'll join it," explained Yonghwa hyung, wait, WHAT? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME YOU SILLY MANAGER! I DON'T WANT TO MAKE MORE SCANDALS, PLEASE!

"What?! We Got Married, OH MY GOD!" said Seonghye in her diva voice. I didn't realize that other member were out too.

"Yes, so, jay, could you wake Hyesoo for a bit, we need her to be in lottery to,"

"Can't we do it tomorrow, Hyesoo isn't feeling really good today," Hyomin rubbing Hyesoo head.

"Just a moment, please," Yonghwa Hyung begged.  I gave up. I bring Hyesoo in the living room, placed her in the couch and started to nudging her.

"Aegi-ah, wake up, just for a moment, we need to do something, I promise this is the last for today and you could have your long rest okay, Aegi-ah," she slightly moved and open her eyes. 

"Ah, Appa," she woke up and leaning over me again.

"Aigoo, you must be tired. Just a bit okay, all you have to do is just join this lottery," I rub her head.

"What Lottery, appa?" she asked confusedly. I explained to her and she nodded.

"But why don't appa and oppa join?" she asked me again.

"Yah! you want your oppa to married a guy? The groom is one of Super Junior Member," Youngki suddenly come out and join our place.

"Ah, it's not fair," Hyesoo puted. Gosh, she's definitely adorable. I never be able to resist her pout.

"Well, Let's grab this quickly, shall we?" Seonghye declared.

"Okay," Both Hyesoo and Hyomin said in sync.


(A/N: I changed the story a bit. and I know I know, I'm being evil again by hanging the story, hehe. I'll try to update soon! Pika~~) 
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I'm so happy there is an update! Of course you are forgiven! ^^ Can't wait for the next update. take your time! ^^
2482 streak #2
Don't worry! I'm just glad you updated! ^-^ And OMG, Hyesoo, Key, and Yoogeun are SO FREAKING CUTE! XD Lucky ducks! :P Update soon! :)
radiant #3
Forgiven, Update soon
we forgive love you...update soon ne?!
2482 streak #5
OMO!! :O HOW DO THE FANS KNOW THIS?! Gah, stalkerish people. :P Awww, Yoogeunie is so cute!! ^-^ I love how he just cries for Hyesoo, and rejects Onew <3 and Taemin. XD And I love how you keep twisting up the story. XD I honestly thought it was going to be Jonghyun too. :P Grawr, update soon! :)
Haha right when i read deep and husky i knew i was wrong! haha! aigoo minho oppa! so many weird twists and stuff! oh well i love it still! <br />
then a cliffy! <br />
omg who is doing this????<br />
yay! dongsaeng-ah it getting better!~<br />
update palli palli!
2482 streak #7
Aigoo, I feel so bad for troubling Jaehyun... =.='' MIANHE!! Awww, Key <3 is such a cutie!! ^-^ Hehe, can't wait for the next chapter to find out who their child is!! :D Ooh, a cliffhanger!! :D I'm probably one of the few people alive who likes cliffhangers. :P Update soon! :)
Aigoo key oppa is soooo cheesy!<br />
I bet the one playing that miss you crap is Jonghyun!<br />
AWWWW re??? a cliffy!<br />
Dongsaeng-ah get well soon ne?! get plenty of rest and just listen to SHINee songs ne??!!!
2482 streak #9
Awww, Key and Hyesoo are so cute together!! ^-^ I wonder who Key's child will be... :O Update soon! :)
Yes! make double post! haha ! i hate jonggie oppa! Aigoo imma confused now! you have to double post! you must double post! it is an order!<br />
haha jk! But seriously you must update a palli palli??!!!