Chapter 7

Tears of a Lover

After a soft “Goodbye”, a whisper of “Let’s meet another day”, and a kind “Take care” Jongup followed Yongguk’s retreating figure with his eyes, hands clenched at his pockets that stopped him from chasing him anymore.

It was still early for Jongup when Yongguk said goodbye, he said that his work suddenly called and said that their schedule was abruptly changed when a group suddenly withdrew from a performance in the underground and that the producer of the show asked for them to perform on stage to replace the one who withdrew, and right after that call Yongguk stood up from the chair, apologized to Jongup and sped off as if nothing happened a few moments before that call.

Jongup bit his lips harshly; too harsh that he almost ripped its skin with his teeth. He felt the coldness ripped his thoughts away from his body, his soul was quivering inside, he assumed that something quite nice will happen between them but what he expected was very far from what reality gave him. He thought that Yongguk will start to treat him differently, maybe a little bit of importance would be nice, just a tint of second thoughts would be appreciated, but when Jongup saw how eager he was to leave the place just to go and meet up with his group, he just felt sad. He had no place inside Yongguk’s heart as Yongguk took every bit of space inside his own young heart, filling it with wishful thoughts and daydreams.



The train’s light was flickering too fast in front of him. Hands comfortably resting inside his pockets, feet balancing his weight and his lips forming a small round before puffing a soft yet long sigh, he was eyeing the same train before it stops flickering bright orange and started closing its gates, Jongup missed the train again.

He fished his phone out of his pockets, took a glance to it only to be welcomed by his clock ticking app, and a message-less inbox. His lips formed into a shape of distaste before putting it back inside again and wait for the next train to arrive; remembering himself that he couldn’t miss it anymore or else he’ll be late.

It was a week already after that date, and still Jongup haven’t received any more news about the whereabouts of the man. He always sent a “Good Morning Yongguk!” and a emoticon of a guy raising his thumb with a great smile on its face to him every time but he always get nothing as an answer from him, and because of that, ideas formed inside his mind.

He once believed that Yongguk was just playing him, that he’s just really curious about these new found feelings, maybe he’s just bored and he wanted to toy with something. (well in his situation it’s more suitable to use the word someone than something for that sentence)

The buzzing of the Train’s arrival broke his reverie. He looked at the opened doors, the spacious inside of the train and also the people beside him who was, one by one, stepping inside the said vehicle. He put his left foot in then the other one, after entering the train he leaned on one of the walls of it and started fiddling with his phone, waiting for that message that he had been waiting for these past few days. But when he saw that there’s no change he quickly hid it inside his pocket.

When his back hit the cold metal walls, he flinched a bit. He looked at his phone again and frowned when he still saw that clear notification bar, a sigh escaped his lips. He turned his head to the side and looked at the emptiness of the train, it was in the middle of the afternoon and yet the train was so empty and only some people occupied the chairs.

It was so cold, the air coming from the installed Air Conditioners were too much, and the train was not even filled with people, which only made it hollow and colder than normal. He clutched both of his sides trying to lessen the coldness that he was feeling but things wasn’t that great as things continue to turn colder than the usual.

Even though it was just recent that they both saw each other, Jongup’s misses Yongguk much more than before. He wanted to talk to him every night, he wants to tell him about what had happened to his day or what he was about to do for that day, he had so many things that he wanted to tell him, but then, whenever he looks at his empty inbox or rather un-replied texts, all those words that he wanted to say fades away and leaving a scar inside his heart.

A beeping brought him back to reality once again. He looked at the sign just above the door and saw the blinking light right below the name of the station where he had to get off; he couldn’t believe how fast time went by while drowning himself with thoughts about him and Yongguk. He scampered towards the buzzing alarm and the about -to -close doors when he felt his phone vibrate inside his pockets. A smile crept to his face as he finally succeeded at leaving the train before the doors closed behind him.

He took his phone out of his pockets and smiled as he unlocks it. There was indeed a message notification in the left corner of the screen, he quickly swiped the screen until he finally reached the inbox button. But what welcomed him was a message not from Yongguk, but from someone else. His lips curved into a frown but quickly became a smile in just a split second as he open that message.

It was Daehyun, someone who was always there to help him.

It was a bright Sunday, as he started walking away from the station. The sun was bright as always, the sky was blue and clear, to sum it all up, it was a completely beautiful day, and too beautiful to frown all the time all just because someone didn’t replied him back. A sigh escaped his lips as he turns to a corner and continued walking to their meeting place, a coffee shop that Daehyun told him.

It was Sunday and yet Daehyun was trapped inside the walls of his new work, he left something important in his room and because of that Jongup was there walking towards the said establishment to deliver it. His hand went to his backpack patting it as if trying to confirm if the said document was inside his bag, after feeling something like a folder in there, he nodded in satisfaction before he sped up towards the coffee shop.

The smell of strong coffee, sweet confectionaries and other more things that were not foreign for Jongup anymore, working in a same type of business had already made him immune to this kind of strong scents. He looked around and around when he entered the place, eyes searching for that man in suit seated in one of the chairs or cushions. When he saw his back, hand holding a cup of coffee, he smiled and went to him as quickly as he can.

“I’m here.” He muttered as he maneuvered around the table and sat at the opposite side and smiled before pulling his bag from his back, opening the zipper and taking out the reason why he was there. “You’re so forgetful.” He joked before nodding once again.

“I’m so not forgetful! I was just panicking earlier since I woke up late!” Daehyun retorted after placing the cup of coffee back to the table. He took the folded tissues on the side and wiped the sides of his lips. “Come, order something.” He said as he raised his hand to ask for the menu.

“Eh? I don’t want to drink here, I work at a coffee shop hyung, I don’t want to stay here in my free day. I’m so fed up with the smell of strong coffee. Let’s go eat somewhere else.”  Jongup started standing up with his lips curving in a smile.

Daehyun sighed and smiled before finishing his coffee or what was what remaining in his cup before leading Jongup out of the coffee shop. He glanced at his watch and saw that he still have some few minutes that he needs to waste before his lunch break ends.

As they walk on the road, a few spaces away from each other, Jongup who was leading around that time was looking at the road, eyes in its crescent form with his lips making the same shape, while Daehyun followed him behind with his hands quietly tucked inside his pants, a few whistling noise escaping his lips.


“Hyung, thank you.” Jongup muttered as he looked over Daehyun’s shoulders. His eyes were fixated on the glassed shops in front of him, staring at it as if it’s the only thing that was worth to look at. His fingers were stirring the juice in front of him.

Daehyun raised his brows as he look at him back, eyes trying to meet but it somehow ended staring at the juice in front of him. For some reason the air became a bit stiff and Daehyun can feel that sticky air that he once felt when things were awkward for the two of them years ago.

“For what?” he muttered back.

After a few walk from the coffee shop, they both just decided to skip a meal and just take beverages near the workplace of the elder so that it can make things easier for the two of them. Jongup was the one who mostly pushed that thought since Daehyun was so against it. He kept on saying that lunch was the most important meal of a day but Jongup had told him that he always say that no matter what meal it is.

“You know … for accepting me as who I am.” Jongup said flatly, his fingers curled around his straw and just continued stirring it around, making some noise when the ice decides to hit each other, hitting the plastic container along with it.

“Of course I will accept you.” Daehyun muttered as he shifted his gaze away from him. Why wouldn’t Daehyun accept Jongup? Jongup was still oblivious about the fact that he himself is not that straight, heck he was never been straight before. Maybe he did tried to go out with girls, but dating girls exhausted him more than he enjoyed it. He would break his relationship with a girl with only one sole reason. You’re too high maintenance.

“That’s why I’m thanking you right now hyung, I just realized that these past few years, I’ve never really showed you how grateful I am for taking me in, for understanding my situation and also for still treating me normally as if nothing changed.”

“Nothing changed Jongup, your uality isn’t enough to break our bond.” Daehyun simply smirked before leaning towards the table, hand outstretched towards the younger’s hair. When his fingertips brushed at his scalp, his fingers casually lingered for a bit before feeling the younger’s soft hair. It was a bit tangled but his fingers casually roam through it, untangling every strand.

He looked down and saw Jongup looking at him with happiness inside his eyes, whenever times like this come and Jongup’s smile was in its most sincere state, he always wished that in times like this he can just trap it inside a bottle, keeping it forever and also wishing that he was the reason behind those sincere smiles.

“Hyung~ you have to stop it now,” Jongup leaned back, a soft chuckle escaped his lips. “If you continued to do that you’ll never get a girlfriend!” He chirped before fixing his own hair with his own hands. Daehyun’s hands still in midair before he slowly pulled it back to his beverage.

“What if I don’t like to have a girlfriend?” Daehyun suddenly muttered, regretting it quickly when Jongup’s eye twitched and suddenly looked at him.

“What did you said hyung?” he asked.

Daehyun waved his hand, finished his cup and slowly pushed himself away from the table. He fixed his hair, clothes then moved away from the chair before pushing it in again. Jongup quickly followed sensing that it’s already the time for Daehyun to go back to his work. He tried to finish his juice as quickly as he can since he just played with it earlier, but when Daehyun started walking away, he just placed the juice and abandoned it before scampering towards Daehyun.

“Hyung what did you said? I think I misheard something.” He murmured before placing his small finger inside his ear as if he’s trying to clear something inside his ears.

Daehyun stopped, looked at him and smiled. “It’s nothing Jongup, it’s nothing.” He said before walking again back to his workplace with a confused Jongup trailing behind him like a tail.




Author's note

***Sorry for the late and short update!

School is kinda restricting me and my imagination! O.O

thank you for reading this fanfic and not unsubscribing ;A;

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 8: Why do I feel things gonna hard for Jongup. Yongguk and Daehyun feelings is going to place him on difficult position...
Looking forward
Night_Hunter #2
Chapter 8: update please~
why not update ;A;
lolipopcandy #4
Chapter 8: Poor Jonguppie!! I hope Yongguk gives him more attention soon or I'll start cheering for Daehyun instead!
Chapter 8: yongguk just reply to him >_<

suho is such a good hyung ^^
update soon please xD
wing1520 #6
Chapter 8: Daehyun always be there for you Jongup ar~
OMG!you just write a gd story!!!
I am going to follow it
Chapter 7: What the hell is wrong with you Yongguk? Just disappearing so suddenly and leaving poor Jongup hanging with all those feelings. Daehyun hm... are you in love with Jongup? So cute ^_^
Chapter 6: Wannnnnt this right now ♥
Chapter 6: i love this ^^ update soon pleasee <33
Chapter 6: Yongguk was an hour late, and then everything was so weird. I mean it started to get better after they sat down, but before that... Yongguk where are your manners? :) LOL, I sound older than I am.
Anyway, update soon author-ssi. I hope things go the way you want it to with the future chapters :) Fighting~