Hope it will not end

meeting you unexpectedly [hiatus]

Jiyong and Bom were still at the amusement park. They were sitting on the green grass; it was warm especially when you have someone to hold. Her head was lying down on his shoulder, a little bit tired both of them look at the fireworks.

“do you want to go home?” he asked her

“no, not yet, I don’t want to yet”

“do you have to answer again and again?”


“just kidding, come on bommie, you need to go home now”

“I have no one with in the house”

“why not go to your parents?”

“so that I will get yelled again? No thank you”

“come on its not going to be that bad, do you want me to send top at your house?”

“send him? No way! What if he me?”

“who would ever you? Well maybe a dull man”

“what?! Are you saying im not pretty to be ?” starts spanking him

“no, its not that! Aw! Stop! Yah!” After that funny teasing, jiyong sent her home. He left already, he didn’t stay or anything just simply got her home.

Top on the other note was at his worst, he never had this feeling. Seeing her walk out that door was like a big slap on the face especially when his mom hears about this. He wanted to come and catch her but he was too late.

“what have I done? Is this the payment for all I have worked for? I just wanted to love a girl? Then why must this feeling kill me?” he was covering his face, suddenly his mother came. She wasn’t sure what’s behind that sad face TOP brought her but she knows it involves dara.

“seunghyun, are you ok?”

“mom” he suddenly hugs her and hides his face on her chest.

“I don’t know what to do,”

“seunghyun-ah don’t, you’re a grown man now, you know things I thought you right?”

“but love is different now, I don’t know which one is to follow”

“just follow that one that makes you happy the most, one should set free and the other should feel free, honey, you know what to do, just tell her what’s true ok?”

“are you sure mom?”

“yes I am, just be sure with what you wanted, hopefully she’ll understand”

“thanks mom, I know I always can count on you”

“always here for my babies” He tried to rehearse things and tried to think about it. But he ended up looking at their past photos, they were sweet and lovely, but no! its not like that anymore, things have changed and so we need it. Its time for this he said but when? He went on his second day of the job, he was earlier than before. He woke up bommie by clicking the door bell couple of times.

“why is she still asleep, its 10 am already” he clicked the door bell some more. But then he remembered that jiyong gave him some spare keys. He opened the door and search the house, it was clean and well organized.

“I miss popping in this house” he said and smiled, but after a few minutes bom went out of her room. Wearing her jogging pants and a hoodie. Her hair was all messed up compared to her hair when she meets him. She was shocked when she saw him sitting on the couch like a boy.

“what the hell are you doing here?” she said putting her hands on her waist

“well im here for you, im your new driver remember? Don’t tell me you have amnesia”

“well excuse me, mr. im-so-cool-and-all” “may I ask, from what battle field did you compete? The wind-effect?”

“hahaha very funny, its just because I have a bad hairstyle doesn’t mean, I went for battle”

“aigoo, girls these days, they just cant-“

“fine!! I’ll go clean myself! Shhs!” she stomped her way upstairs, top was staring at her with a big smile.

“she’s so adorable”


She’s so cute and pretty even without trying, I wish I could tell her that but im so shy. Woah! Me? Shy? Well that wasn’t listed in my vocabulary before, but now I feel it. When I talk to her, hold her and see her, I tingle and just feel like my whole spine was frozen. I tried to forget about the other day and just went with the flow.

Bom’s POV

Excuse me!! What the? Is he the fashion police or something? No! he’s not! He’s just my driver, he doesn’t care or whatever! This is not a good timing at all, early in the morning? Hul! I wish jiyong can come with us, oh I forgot, he’s busy. I went out and saw him in the kitchen, he was COOKING! I was shocked of course since a guy cooking? Well I know guys who knows how to cook specifically jiyong. But a driver? Hmm maybe not? Or I just underestimated him ? oh well at lease someone is cooking for me.

“uh,, what are you doing?”

“im cooking food, what else” isn’t he a cranky boy?

“oh yeah! I know, aren’t you supposed to be driving not cooking?”

“well I love cooking, why you don’t want free food?”

“well actually I paid for those, and im paying you get it?” I left him in the kitchen, why is he so mean?!! Is it pick on bom today or something? Hul! I turn on the tv, seeing jiyong in the news again was quite yeah, im proud. I know everyone is proud, he deserves being an awarded man. Unlike that man!

“breakfast is ready!” he walks towards my place and hands in a bowl of cereal, I looked at it and wondered what?!! This is it?

“are you kidding me?”

“nope, that’s yours and this is mine”

“wait what?! You got meat, and I have cereal, have you lost your mind?”

“no? why? I cooked for this meal and im going to give it to you? Well you should cook yours, use your own effort, besides! You need to diet we don’t want fat in your-“

“yah! I have had it! Arghhh!! If you don’t want to work for me fine!”


No one’s POV

She was mad, and top was not happy, he didn’t mean to make her that furious. He was joking around, getting closer to her but maybe it’s the other way around. He followed her to her room.

“bom?” he slightly knocked on the door

“bom? Im sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad. I was just, *sigh*, I just wanted to be close to you” he looks on the floor, sad and guilty

“well that’s not the right moves! You must have something wrong!”

“well im sorry, ok, I’ll resign if you want” he walks down the stairs but then bommie thinks she can give him another chance, well he is jiyong’s cousin so there is a chance.

“hey wait, its ok, I forgive you, were not that close yet anyway so why must I hate you?”

“yeah, that’s why I think I have to get going now”

“no silly” walk towards him

“I told you, I forgive you, you’re still my driver”

“really? Thanks me bom I really appreciate it” hugs her, making her feel uncomfortable.

“yeah, sure” she breaks away easily. The moment she breaks away, she felt deep silence in her. Her eyes are wide looking at Top who was widely smiling at her. Is she remembering something? Or there is something wrong?

“bom?” top snaps his fingers making her back to herself.

“are you alright?”

“im fine, don’t worry” she smiled

“well that’s good, do you want to grab some fresh air?”

“ah. Sure, why not, im just gonna wash up ok?” They went on the park, but today it’s the ordinary park. They saw people, couples, children and teenagers walking through. Big rides and small rides were also there for them to enjoy. But suddenly, top saw someone familiar, the girl he does not want to hurt her feelings.

Top’s POV

Why is she here? Why this day when im with bommie? Why? What do I do now? She’s getting nearer and nearer,, oopss! She saw us.

No one’s POV

“seunghyun?” her eyes all smiley but when she saw bom.

“who is she?” her tone kinda uhmm, sad or angry.

“hello, my name is bom, and you are?”

“dara, the girlfriend of top” top was kinda afraid, but the two shook hands and smiled at each other which made top feel really awkward.


hi guys! sorry if i havent update this for a while. my computer broke so it took me time to retype, thank you for reading and i hope you'll enjoy it :) feel free to post a comment :)

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New reader here!! Please g-bom!!
Eden19 #2
i want gbom but look like this ff turn to topbom.... sorry
ploykz-sunny #3
im new here but i love it so far update soon<br />
I'm expecting more TopBom natural sweet moments! Ahhh, cant wait for your next update! Update soon pleaseee
seungriism #5
Omo! I like the story!<br />
Please make the ending GBOM & TOPDARA. kk~it would be better :D
YES U UPDATED!!! y isnt there a MILLION comments already?! i mean such a nice story!<br />
anyway, of course i loved the update and im lookin forward 2 the next chapter. <br />
Plz update as soon as possible and keep up the good work!!
i dont knw y, but this story reminds me of 'Just Like Heaven' u knw the movie? u havent updated 4 a while and i was kinda sad cuz of tht but i knw tht u hav a life outside of this website so im good. <br />
Plz try 2 update soon~!
OMG!! they finally met in real life!! update soon okay ^_^
I like it.Update soon.:)
TOPBOM!<br />