My new life in Seoul begins...

Dear No One

Dear No one,

Miahhae, I realized I forgot to tell you about my classes.

1st:English 9H



4th: economices




Today was awesome!!!

It  was 6:30 a.m. in the morning when my mom walked in my bedroom without knocking on the door.

"HONEY, WAKE UP!!! ITS UR 2ND DAY OF SCHOOL! " Omma screamed in my ears.

"5 more minutes!" i reply in a soft sleepy voice.

She finally left my room. 

(5 minutes pasted)

I got out of bed and start to doing my morning stretches...

"ahhh!!! my knee still hurts" i said slowly to myself,

I went to wash up and then put my uniform on then i thought of the guy from yesterday.

He was pretty cute, and tall.

All sort of questions came to me, "what is his name? what grade is he in? what-" 

"Its time for school!" Omma yelled from the kitchen. 

"IM READY!" I yelled back from my room.



"Hi, do you have an extra pair of socks for me?" The girl beside me asked nicely with a big smile.

I went through my bag and found these pink hello kitty socks...

"i only have these," I handed it to her and she took it. "Thank you, Im Eun Jung" she said as she took her right hand out of her pocket.

"Im Sophia " i reply as i shook her hand. 

After that, we got dressed into our PE clothes and went to line up.

"Are you a freshie?" Eun Jung playfully asked me, 

"yes, Im a fresh meat!" We both laughed.

"YAY! we're in the same class then! " She said as she raise her hand,

I had to jump to give her a high five.

We  began to talk about many random things, we talked about school, friends, guys, ect.


(After school)

I was walking home after PE when i realized someone was running up to me.

I turned around to see who it was, At first I thought it was Eun Jung.

"Its the guy!!!!! " i widened my eyes as i thought to myself !

"hey!" He finally stopped running and put his arm around my shoulder as he inhaled and exhaled hard.

"hi" I said slowly, then continue to walk off leaving him behind.

"Wait for me SOPHIA!" He yelled out as he continue to breath hard.

My eyes widened as I turned around to face him. 

He lazily walked up to me and grabbed my left hand. 

I try to pull away but he was too strong.

I waited as he search through his backpack...."Here"  he said as he place a box into my palm and finally let go of my hand.

I opened it.... "OH MY GOD!!!" i screamed out loud as I jump into his arms and press him against my chest.

We stayed like that for about 5 seconds then as I was about to pull away and thank him, i felt his hand moving down my waist towards my .

I was so shocked! I quickly grabbed his hand and turned it like how i see in movies.


"Its suppose to!" I reply as i turned around and walked off.

"Where's my THANK YOU!" He yelled out loud to me as he slowly jog to catch up.

"you dont deserve my thankyou's"

He shook his head.

"Im youngmin by the way." he said.

"How did you know MY name?" i asked wanting to know more as we walk together.

"I do my research " He playfully reply.

"WHATTT?" I  widened my eyes and faced him, as we both stop walking.

"im kidding! I have friends too ya know.... Eun Jung told me." 

"You guys are friends too?" i asked in a surprised tone.

"ne" he reply as i listen to him talk the rest of the way home.

~I found out he was a senior. Eun Jung is his best friend since they were little, they have always been together. He lives by himself but his grandmother would always come over to clean and cook for him. He wanted to go on and on but then we reached my house. We said our byes and he watched me walk in my house.


As i walk in the house, i saw omma sitting in the living room with her eyes glued on the tv.

"Hi omma" 

"shhhhhh this is the romantic scene" she shushed me without looking at me.

I laughed as i walked into my room and changed into comfortable clothes.

Then i jumped on my bed and grabbed the box he gave me earlier.

i cant help  but smile everytime i look at the box, probably because its my new phone.

I took it out from the box and turned it on. 

" CHUNJI! I HAVENT TALK TO HIM IN DAYS!" i thought to myself as I tap on contacts but then i saw...


"wah? who is this..."  i said slowly to myself as i tapped on the name, 


                ~this is youngmin right?

                ~hi neighbor!


We spent that night texting each other nonstop until 2 A.M.But then, he fell asleep on me.

Which i didnt mind at all (:






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i just finished all the "boyfriend's w academy" episodes! i feel like i know youngmin and kwangmin just a little better


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aliicia21 #1
Chapter 15: yaaay! I'm happy because he has said it! But he wrote it instead of saying it...
i'm also sad I'm gonna miss this cute couple :)
Chapter 15: awwwww, it's so freaking cute!!!!!!!
legion #3
Chapter 14: :O he got to say it once before this story ends! but man u guys kiss each other alot :P <3 awh sucha sweet couple ^^
legion #4
Chapter 13: LOL omg! <3 i feel in love with your stories now :) aha you wouldnt ever think before u say anything :P
aliicia21 #5
Chapter 14: aaaah he's actually like all the boys :) I know he will finally say it! I know it!!!!! you can't end this till he says it :$
aliicia21 #6
Chapter 13: :') I actually wanna cry about this chapter!!!!!!!! ooooh it's the most sensitive one ♥ love it
Chapter 14: OhhhhMMMMMGGGEEEESSSS, I love this chapter!