Official Teaser 3: Suzuki Aiko

王と女王 (Kings and Queens) [Apply Closed]

April 8th.

In the hallway after school....

"Oi, baka! Why'd you do that? On purpose?" a male student yelled at a female student who had bumped into him.

"No, I-I didn't mean to, senpai!" the girl exclaimed, looking down.

Suddenly, he kicked the girl, and she fell to the ground. He continued kicking her and kicking her and kicking her. He even kicked her face.

He kneeled down to look at the girl.

"What kind of kōhai are you, purposely pushing your senpai like that?!" he yelled in her face, shoving her face with his hand.

The female student had been crying for some time already, so much that she couldn't cry or make a sound anymore.

"Say you're sorry!" the boy yelled.

"I-I-I..." she slowly said, her voice trembling,

The boy shoved her face again, and she screamed.

"Don't scream! And say it faster! Say you're sorry!" he yelled.

"I-I-I-I'm s-s-s...." she said, about to burst into tears again.

She had bruises everywhere, she was bleeding, and there were shoe prints on her body and uniform.

"Oi! Yamete!" a female's voice exclaimed.

The beat-up girl slowly looked up.

"P-P-Please don't do anything t-t-t-t-to m-me!" she screamed desperately, crying.

"S-S-Suzuki Aiko-san...." the boy said quietly, staring at the female who had just entered.

He slowly looked down at the ground, then scrambled to get up, fleeing the scene.

"You better be lucky that I didn't get a good look at your face!" Aiko yelled.

After the guy was completely out of view, the female student burst into tears.

"And you!" Aiko exclaimed to the girl.

The girl sniffled, then looked up at her.

"How could you just let him beat you up like that?" Aiko exclaimed, kneeling down.

"Come on, let's go wash your face."

Aiko helped the girl up and helped her walk to the bathroom.

Aiko the faucet, grabbing a hankerchief from the pocket of her jacket, soaking it with cold water.

She turned to the dirtied girl. "Now, don't move! I'm going to wipe all this dirty stuff off you."

The girl nodded and stayed still as Aiko wiped her face.

"Come with me to the infirmary. Don't worry, I'm the school nurse's replacement when she's not here." Aiko said to the girl.

They walked out of the bathroom and into the empty hallway. It was awkward.

When they finally got to the infirmary, Aiko gently pushed the girl onto a chair.

"I'm going to go get the medicine and get a new uniform for you while I'm at it, okay?"

The scared girl nodded and Aiko walked out of the room.

"Hey, Sakura-chan! Where are the uniforms located? I need a spare one." Aiko's voice said from outside.

"Uh huh? Okay, okay. I'm hanging up now, bye!" she exclaimed.

Aiko's steps slowly became quieter.

After about ten minutes, Aiko finally came back with a wrapped package.

"Your uniform." she said, handing the package to the girl.

The girl nodded, grabbing the package.

"Arigatōgozaimasu." she said, making a small bow.

"Now, what's your name?" Aiko asked, looking in the cabinets for the medicine and first-aid kit.

"Y-Yuki. Inoue Yuki. I'm in Grade 2, Class 8." the girl said.

Finally finding what she needed, Aiko kneeled down, putting the medicine on the cotton ball.

"Okay. I'm Suzuki Aiko from Class 1." she said, concentrating on applying medicine on the wounds on Yuki's legs.

"Wait - you're in the same grade as me? But, that senpai called you 'Aiko-san'!" Yuki exclaimed.

Aiko laughed.

"Heh. Well, it's no surprise. I'm a Queen after all, right? We have more authority than senpais." she explained, now applying medicine on the wounds on Yuki's face.

It was silence from then on, until Aiko was finally finished applying medicine and putting on the bandages.

"Well, I'm done now. Should we go home now? It's already pretty late." Aiko suggested, putting the first-aid kit away along with the medicine.

Yuki nodded, standing up.

After they finished going down the stairs, they went to change their shoes.

Aiko put her uwabaki (indoor slippers used at Japanese schools) into the shoe locker and took out her outdoor shoes, putting them on.

"Yuki-chan, I'm going now! Have a safe trip home!" Aiko exclaimed, slinging her bag onto her shoulder, walking out of the building.

Yuki watched as Aiko left.

"So that's the Suzuki Aiko...." she mumbled to herself.


Ugh, I thought this would be a better teaser, but it still ! Dx

BTW, Yuki is not one of the chosen applicants, it's just a random person I put in, okay? Okay. xD

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party-party #1
i cant apply T_______T
Wah ~ I'm back and ya throw this at me? :P I'll go apply soon!
still interested~ please keep the characters~
I are still Interested :D !
still interested!! <3
Mm hm! I'm coming back on July 11th.
of july?
I'll be back on the 11th. ^_^
LYNNtastic_ #10
OMG. :3 Have fun!