Chapter 2: Observing Class 2 - 2 and 2 - 5

王と女王 (Kings and Queens) [Apply Closed]

April 10th, 8:00 AM, Sakamoto Private Academy. Grade 2, Class 2.

The door slid open roughly.

The students who were chatting turned to the now-open door.

"Oh my gosh!" a female student exclaimed, staring at the surprise guests.

"If you don't know who we are-"

"Of course we know who you are, Takahashi Sakura-san!!" a student exclaimed, bowing.

"Welcome, Queens!" the class chorused, bowing.

Sakura blinked, then turned to look at Aiko and Hana who just shrugged.

"Um...okay then. Well, we're just here to observe. Just act like you do normally, okay? Just pretend we're not here at all!" Sakura exclaimed.

The students continued to just stare at the three Queens.

Aiko rolled her eyes and walked up to the front of the room, slamming her hands on the desk.

"Look, people. We're not going to do anything to you, okay? Just act normal. We just want to know how you are everyday, okay? Now do what I just said, act like how you usually do." Aiko commanded, staring at the students.

The students quickly began talking like how they were before Hana, Sakura, and Aiko came in, and Aiko sighed in relief.

The three Queens started walking around,  and observing the students, occasionally writing notes about each student in their notebooks.

Hana walked around, with no name written in her notebook yet. Then, she saw a girl who wasn't talking to anybody. She was just looking over her homework.

"Um, hello...I'm Hana, what's your name?" Hana asked, walking over to the girl, smiling.

The girl looked up, then looked back at her homework before saying, "Miyazaki Ai."

Hana smiled. "That's a pretty name."

She then started walking around again, but this time, she had a name in her notebook.

~After about 10 minutes....

"Well, we'll be going now!" Hana exclaimed, waving happily.

"Hey, how many names did you put down?" Sakura asked Hana, grabbing her notebook.

"There's only one!" Sakura exclaimed, staring at the name.

Hana grabbed the notebook away from her.

"Who is it?" Aiko asked.

"Some girl named Miyasaki Ai. I've never heard of her though...." Sakura said, scratching her head.

"She just has this aura...." Hana explained, rolling her eyes.

"Well, off to the next class! It's 2-5, right?" Aiko asked, looking at the planner she brought with her.

Hana nodded, linking arms with Aiko.

"Off we go to Class 5~!" Hana sang, skipping.

~At Class 5....

Hana slowly slid the door open.

"Sorry for intruding!" she exclaimed, smiling at the students who were currently staring at them.

"We're here to observe, so act normal." Sakura ordered.

In the blink of an eye, the students returned to talking to each other.

The three Queens started walking around to observe the other students, occasionally starting conversations with the students.

Sakura saw a girl who seemed very ignorant sitting with a group of people. Suddenly, the girl laughed loudly, breaking into a grin.

Hm...she doesn't act like how she looks. Sakura thought, walking over to the girl.

"Hello." Sakura said, nodding as a greeting.

"Oh, hello." the girl said, bowing her head to Sakura.

"What's your name?" she asked, getting ready to write the name on her notebook.

"Oh, it's Sayuri. Yamazawa Sayuri." she answered, smiling.

Wow, she's so much like Hana. Sakura thought, writing the name down.

After thanking the girl, Sakura continued to observe the students.

~After about 10 minutes....

"Okay, so who did you put in your notebook?" Aiko asked, peeking at Hana's notebook.

"Just a couple of names." she replied, backing away from Aiko.

Sakura stared at the one name she put in her notebook.

Aish, only one name? I . Sakura thought, shaking her head.

Suddenly, the bell started ringing.

"Chikushō!" Sakura exclaimed, grabbing Hana and Aiko's hands, starting to run to their classroom.

~ After school....

"Aish, I can't believe we were late!" Aiko exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"Our first tardy notice...." Hana said, frowning.

"Well, Sakura, Aiko and I are walking home together today, so...ja ne!" Hana exclaimed, waving after she put on her outdoor shoes.

Sakura waved, putting her uwabaki into her shoe locker.

After Aiko and Hana left, Sakura started wandering around the school, since she didn't want to go home yet.

"Ah, that's a good picture." a voice said from one of the balconies of the school.

Sakura hid behind a wall, looking to see who it was.

Oh, it's that Sayuri girl. Sakura thought as she walked over to Sayuri.

"Hey, you're Sayuri, right?" Sakura asked, looking at the camera in her hand.

"Yeah, that's me. You're Takahashi Sakura, right?" she said smiling.

"You're so much like Hana. Sorry, just had to add that. Well...what are you doing here at this time?" Sakura asked, walking towards Sayuri.

"Taking pictures," Sayuri said, pointing to the sky, "of the scenery."

"Can I see?" Sakura asked, taking the camera.

"Well you already have the camera, so...yeah, I guess." Sayuri said.

Sakura looked through the pictures.

"They're pretty. The pictures, I mean." she said, giving Sayuri back her camera.

Sayuri nodded. "Yeah."

Awkward silence.

"Well I'll be going now. It's getting late." Sakura said, walking off.

"Bye, Sakura-san." she said before turning back to take more pictures.


Sorry for the ish update. >.> This chapter is not my best work. Well, as you can see, Sakura takes an interest in Sayuri because she's like Hana. xP Also, Sakura and Aiko kinda have a love/hate relationship. The featured picture is of Sakura and Aiko. Aiko's the one with the cat ear (?) headband. xD


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party-party #1
i cant apply T_______T
Wah ~ I'm back and ya throw this at me? :P I'll go apply soon!
still interested~ please keep the characters~
I are still Interested :D !
still interested!! <3
Mm hm! I'm coming back on July 11th.
of july?
I'll be back on the 11th. ^_^
LYNNtastic_ #10
OMG. :3 Have fun!