Chapter 4

Maknae's Love

Your POV

Once we reached to the park, we settled down into different pavilions with this arrangement: Jinyoung, CNU and Umma(1), Baro, Sandeul and Gongchan(2) while I'm just sitting by myself.

They are all happily chatting, seeing them so happy makes me happy. Even though they just got adopted today, it feels they are one big family. Umma was more happy than before, Jinyoung and CNU are treating her like a real Umma. As for me, I'm just sitting here like  I'm not a part of the family. Reminds of the horrible parents that I had:


(5 years ago)

'Ahn Young babo, clean up the kitchen and make sure there are no dirts left. If I see one, I will use the cane and smack you, got it?' Mom scolded me. *Why must it be me only? Plus, she is just watching TV. Thank you that at least I have a loving brother.* I thought as i let out a sigh.

'Did I heard you sigh? Are you telling me you want to rebell? Even though you have good grades, I don't think you are better enough!' Mom talked back to me. * I gave all my best mom, I don't need you stupid comments!* I thought while cleaning the burner area. There was so much dirt spots. 

'Honey! I'm back!' Dad greeted with a smile and pecked Mom on the cheeks.'Honey, are you letting Ahn Young do all the cleaning? Why not let David help her out? So we can sped some more time with each other?' Dad offered, then Mom agreed and called David,'DAVID! HELP OUT AHN YOUNG!!!'

David oppa heard Mom called and ran downstairs. 'What must I do master?' David oppa asked Mom. We call our Mom master while Dad is just Dad.

'Go help Ahn Young you idiot. Didn't you heard me?' What a crazy son...' Mom ordered David. David nodded and went to help me.

We were cleaning everything and whenever we were about to finish, either Mom or Dad will drop like one piece of used tissue paper on the floor and will order us to pick it up.

Few weeks later....

'You know what? We will just abandon you, our new maid will just clean. Anyway, you guys are useless. I don't know why I gave birth to you...' Mom sternly said to us. We just nodded and pack everything we needed, and just left without a word.

Me and David decided to go our own seperate ways and I know because we always cause so many trouble, worrying that we get scolded. 

It was 2 days living in the streets without David. I have no handphone to call David oppa whether he was fine. I was really lonely, thinking about commiting suicide. *No one will care about me, I bet David's life will be better...* 

While I was thinking, a figure appeared in front of me. I turned away crying while she asked,'Why are you here? Were you abandoned?' I just nodded and told her,

'My parents forced me and my brother out of the house, but me and broter decided to go seperate ways. Knowing that both of us cause trouble. I love my brother but it is hard to see him go. Now, i'm here starving, alone without the love from my brother.'

Suddenly, she hugged me. While hugging me, she whispered,'I will adopt you. A girl at very young age should not get abandoned.' I can't believe it, she is adopting me. For once, I felt happy. Instead of calling her Mom, I will call her Umma.

She brought me home and I was amazed at the big house they have bought. They had like 7 rooms! Then she asked me,

'What is your name?' 

'Lee Ahn Young.'

'Ahn Young. Hmmm, how about, Kim Sung Ye? That sounds more feminine.' I nodded with agreement and hugged her. Umma was caring, once I got to meet Appa, we were one big happy family.

-Flashback ends-

I was too busy thinking about the past that I did not know that Umma and B1A4 were all staring at me. 'Sung Ye, are you okay?' Jinyoung oppa asked me. I just nodded. But, what I did not notice that I was actually tearing up. I did not notice until Gongchan wiped my tears away. My eyes widened in shock and I blushed, luckily the lights were not on yet.

While he was wiping my tears away, Gongchan reminded me of David oppa. Whenever I cry, David oppa will wipe my tears away and hug me. 'Is something wrong, dear?' Umma asked. I shook my head and suddenly the lights turned back on.

They were shocked that I was still blushing. 'Why are your cheeks red?' Sandeul oppa asked.

'Ummm... I think because I was tearing up.' I told him.

'Then tell us why were you crying, noona.' Gongchan asked.


'Yeah?' Umma continued.

'Because I was remembering the past.'

'What did I say earlier in the house. Just forget about it!' Gongchan (kinda) scolded me with a smile. I chuckled hearing him scolding me with a smile.

Gongchan POV

'What did I say earlier in house. Just forget about it!' I scolded noona with a smile. Then, she chuckled. *Why is chuckling?*

'It's getting late now, we should head back home now.' Umma told us. We all nodded and walked back home. 

While walking, I looked at Sung Ye noona. Her expressions were sad. *Should I ask her what happened? Or just leave her the way she is?*

You should comfort her. She looks really sad, and she blushed when you wiped her tears away.

Really? I didn't see that.

The body can't see, but your spirit can see it. That's how I know.


And again, you should comfort her and asked why she is like this.

For once, I agree with you, brain.

Your welcome, Gongchan.

'Ummm, Sung Ye noona?' I bravely called her. 'What...' She replied. 

'Are you sure that your okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

'You sure?'


'Ok, but if you need someone to accompany you, call me okay?'

Your POV

'Ok, but if you need someone to accompany you, call me okay?'

*HE REMINDS ME OF MY BROTHER SO MUCH!!! Should I tell him? Yeah, you can do it Sung Ye.* /hearts beat fast/ 'Ummm, Gongchan. You remind of my brother so much. He was caring like you, and when I cry, he will hug me and wipe my tears away. I'm happy that you have charactaristics like him.'

Gongchan suddenly blushed. Guess he was embarrased that I compared him to my brother. We chatted for a long time until we got home.

-At home-

'Okay, everyone bathe and straight away go to sleep. We need to wake up early tomorrow, we are going somewhere tomorrow for a surprise!' Umma announced. 'Yes, Umma~,' me and B1A4 chorused. (FYI, in the house there are only 4 bathrooms.)

We went to our rooms and I asked Gongchan, who was busy getting all his stuff for later like soap, towel and shampoo,'Gongchan, are you going to bathe first?' He nodded and without a sound, he left the room.

*Ok, he brought, soap, towel and shampoo... Wait... Does that mean he will come in shirtless again? Should I give clothes for him? But I don't which bathroom he went to... sigh, not again* I thought. 

While he was busy bathing, I took out an old photobook. It was my previous photobook that was filled of photos like with my family (before we were abused), class photos (middle and elemantary school) and vacation pictures. 

When I flipped a page, I noticed something strange about a specific photo. It was last year's class 1-3 (I had all the pictures of the whole school, class by class). I thought I saw Gongchan's face and to make sure, I brought a magnifying glass and looked at that face. When I checked, it was Gongchan!

*I could not believe it! I can't believe that Gongchan is in my school! I should make sure and ask him later.* I thought until Gongchan came in...... Shirtless again. I quickly turned around and at the same time, I asked him,


'Yes, noona?'

'Are you from Daeryun High School?'

[Author's Note: Yes, 'Daeryun High School' is a real high school in Korea.]

'Yeah, how do you know?'

'Um, I kinda got your class photo. Last year, class 1-3, right?'

'Really? Can I see?'

I handed him the photo, still facing the wall. He grabbed it and asked me,'Um, can I put this in a photo frame, so I can remember?' I nodded. He then ruffled my hair and said,' Yah, why are you still facing the wall? I finsihed changing while we were talking.' 

I slowly turned around, but he was still shirtless /blushes/ and I quickly turned back and shouted,'Yah! Why did you tell me to turn around? You even haven't put your pants on! (he was wearing a towel around so don't fantasize that he was really , okay?)

He laughed and told me,'Yah, I already finished bathing, the others also finished bathing. Hurry up and bathe...' I nodded and grabbed some clothing and ran to the bathroom.

Hi! How was the long chapter! Since it's going to be the weekends, i won't be updating. Check on my profile's personal message!



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Chapter 10: Just admit it Sung Ye >3< You love him *O*
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By the way, good luck in your exams! And Times New Roman is also my favorite font here at AFF ♥
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Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sooooooooooooo goooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello! Do you need a poster? Do visit Pandora Graphics. graphics-open-taking-requests-hiring-graphics-poster-request. Thank you so much! (:
Chapter 1: I´m a brain, I know what I´m doing Gongchan

Chapter 2: I'm imagine him SHIRTLESS, *nosebleed* i think i need to go see the doctor.