Chapter 3

Maknae's Love

As we walked out of the door, it was already dark. The moon was shining brightly and starts were twinkling, I looked up in awe.

*What a beautiful girl...Wait, why my heart is beating so fast? You can't fall in love with your sister!* Gongchan thought while looking at me.

'We will walk to the park, when we reach the park, we will take a rest and go back home.'Umma told us. All of us nodded and we started walking.

While walking, only Umma, Jinyoung, CNU, Baro and Sandeul were chatting together, but me and Gongchan walked quietly. We avoided having eye contact with each other because of the incident earlier.

Suddenly, the street lights and house lights(?) turned off.*Oh great a power outage again...3 days in a row*

'Umma! I can't see a thing!' Baro complained. 'Everybody calmed down, just hold hands with the person beside you and we can walk carefully,' Jinyoung suggested.

*What the eff is he talking about?* I thought then suddenly, someone held my hand. I turned and it was Gongchan.

'Please hold my hand, I am afraid of the dark. When I sleep, I always turn on my night light so I can sleep peacefully. Don't let go,' Gongchan said while tearing up. I wiped his tears away and replied,

' No worries, I won't let go. I will just turn on my phone's flaslight.'

After turning on the flashlight, everyone in front of us glanced at us.

'Who the flashlight?' Umma asked. I awkwardly raised my hand, but it was the wrong hand. I raised the hand that were holding onto Gongchan's. I quickly put down my hand and blushed.

'Oh ok. You and Gongchan lead with the flashlight and we will tag along. Anyway, you already know where the park is.' Umma ordered us. Both of us nodded and made our way to the front.

'Hey, did you turn on the flashlight for us or for Gongchan. Because we know that Gongchan is afraid of the dark.' CNU questioned me.

'Um... I... for....' I stuttered, trying to give an answer. Then, Gongchan interrupted,' She turned it on for you, so we won't get lost! Is that right, Sung Ye noona?'

I immediatly nodded and told them,'Yes! That's why I turned the flashlight on!'

Everyone gave me an i-want-to-know-the-truth face.'What did I do?' I answered, pretended not knowing anything. Then, I whispered to Gongchan,'Thanks, Gongchan.'

Gongchan POV

'Thanks, Gongchan.' she whispered to me. My heart started racing like crazy *Heart, do you know when to beat fast or not?

See! I told you that you were in love with Sung Ye noona!

You sure brain? I think your mistaken...

Yeah, as if. Your heart was beating, and she is your sister. 

Before you ran away, you had a noona, she saw you shirtless, you did not mind. Now? You are panting all over the place...

How in the world you know that? 

Geez... Do you know that i'm a part of your whole body system?And i'm a brain, I do not forget things.

Then, tell my heart to stop beating so fast whenever I see Sung Ye noona, especially right now because I'm holding her hand.

No way, I will make you love her. Even if you reject me, I am a freaking brain. You can't stop me...

Fine! Do your on way...

How was the story? Thanks for all the comments! Don't nosebleed after imagining Gongchan shirtless okay?

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Chapter 10: Just admit it Sung Ye >3< You love him *O*
Sehun looks better with Seohyun, so just give up. (Wait, I'm being too evil aready :O)
By the way, good luck in your exams! And Times New Roman is also my favorite font here at AFF ♥
Chapter 9: If Gongchan asked me to go to the dance with him... *dies*
Jinyoung's reaction when Gongchan asked her to be his partner. Daebak! XD
Chapter 2: My reaction when I imagine Gongchan shirtless is just like the GIF.
Pandy98 #4
Chapter 9: omo gongchan's soooo brave!!!! :3 hwaitingg!!
yuhoung #5
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sooooooooooooo goooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chikorquotes #6
Hello! Do you need a poster? Do visit Pandora Graphics. graphics-open-taking-requests-hiring-graphics-poster-request. Thank you so much! (:
Chapter 1: I´m a brain, I know what I´m doing Gongchan

Chapter 2: I'm imagine him SHIRTLESS, *nosebleed* i think i need to go see the doctor.