
Not a Seoul


It was close to midnight before they finally reached the 'promised land' and managed to get themselves inside and secure. They'd left a little later than planned due to some awkward conversation about contraceptives from Haeng after hearing about Pinky ‘Adjusting’ Kris' chest muscle the previous night, despite their joint protests of that actually being what they were doing, everyone was subjected to the talk none the less. And it didn't help that the main path was blocked by a grand total of 146 infected by Kai's guess, who decided to position themselves directly across both sides of the street for the front entrance to the building.


 After many a detour and rest stop they'd finally made and somehow without any major issue other than baekyeon falling face down into some rotten rice cakes abandoned by the roadside. As soon as they'd entered the apartments or penthouse as Luhan wanted to name it, almost everyone has headed off to bed. The only ones who were up were Taro, Mink, Kai, Xiumin and Kris. The latter of which had wandered off to some random destination, most likely to play his usual self-tortured gorgeous protagonist role as usual. Taro and Mink had waited up for a while after chatting with Tao before he went off to bed, but now they had time they'd headed off to have shower while Kai snuck off probably to try and spy on them or something. Unsuccessfully by the sounds of it thought Xiumin as he absent mindedly moved on to begin unpacking the final bag of clothing. Kris had said they would probably stay there for at least a month or two while they work out the rest of the plans and assign roles and junk. He'd left this bag till last as it was pretty full, containing Kris', Haengs', Roe's and Taro's and his own clothes.

Tipping the bag upside down he watched as a rainbow of various apparel flowed onto the couch. As he began separating the clothes he sighed contently to himself. He was filtering them out, one by one, into neatly folded piles, one for each of them; he could he just leave them here and they'd get them in the morning. One for Kris, One for Taro, One for Taro, One for Haeng and one for Himself. Doing mundane tasks like this made him feel more, well normal; not normal as in back at the dorms but normal as in back with his parents, being forced to do chores. God he missed them, but did they miss him? Did they wonder if he got out ok? Did they even get out ok themselves? Not wanting to get dragged down into the depths of his own despair he concentrated on the work and forced him mind to think of other things, like whether or not Chanyeol was ever going to admit that he was crushing on Roe or whether or what Tao was up to with Sooyoung. He was almost 2/3 of the way through the mountain of attire before he heard the hushed shouting... or was it loud whispering? That wasn't the point. He didn't even turn around when he heard the lecturing displeased tone of Kris as he dragged Kai down the hall and into the room behind him.
"-matter. It's just wrong and...erse! "
"But they said it was ok"
"They were joking, or being sarcastic it wasn't genuine"
"They still sai-"
"I don't care if they had asked you to come in and pleasure the both of them right there and then"
O-kay~ now Xiumin HAD to look. Spotting a slightly soapy Kai looking miserably at Kris who himself had a wet sleeve. He remained silent though, he had no idea what was going on but it had to be good.
"They said I could use the sink"
"They were showering"
"I had to brush my teeth"
"And that couldn't wait until they'd finished? We've got the water generator running so they water would reach this floor and wouldn't just randomly stop after they'd finished"
"I want to sleep now though. Hyung I'm genuinely sleepy"
"You are a genuine ert"
"And Proud but I was honestly just brushing my teeth"
"Yeah while plotting some sick and twisted acts in your mind no doubt. You were probably watching them in the mirror. It was probably your plan to fall into the shower"
"I only fell because you scared me! Plus I didn't see anything, I fell backwards into the curtains, then you yanked me out, remember?" Kai punctuated his point by a quick rub of his supposedly yanked arm.
"You still were watching them shower"
"If I say yeah will you stop nagging me? In that case I did I saw their silhouettes against the curtain and Wow, they're body lines are no joke"

Kris maintained his poker face but Xiumin noticed the tops of his ears turning a subtle shade of pink.
"You shouldn't say things like that. We haven't known these girls that long and they're underage. It's disrespectful"
"Pfft. I say worse than that to their faces, they just laugh, all 6 of them! and take it as the compliment it is. And about the underage thing, seriously? As if I haven't seen the way you stare at Roe's chest or Haeng's for that matter. Not to mention I've caught you checking out the Pinky, Taro and especially Mink. You’re just as big a ert as I am"
"What? You are so wrong, I am not some sort of , obsessed little ert who simply looks at women's bodies"
"Neither am I. I like their bodies very much, and I appreciate their physical attractiveness, same with the Sooyoung and Krystal Sunbae. Even Sap has a glamorous body but I wouldn’t do anything about it as she’s so young. They’re hot so I’m gonna look,  And don't you dare lie about finding the 8 of them smoking hot"
"But still I -" Kris averted his eyes from Kai after finally noticing an amused looking Xiumin standing beside the couch. "Hyung? What the Hell are you holding?"

Kai flicked his head around too "Nice one hyung" Bursting into laughter at the combination of both his hyungs faces at the item. Baozi's bewilderment and Kris' shock were just too funny.

Looking down into his hands he remembered picking some random frilly item aimlessness from the pile before he was interrupted. What the Actual Hell was it? Turning the bundle around in his hands several times he was completely clueless. Shrugging his shoulders he tossed it to Kai, who stood wiping tears from his eyes, with outstretched hands. Much to the horror of Kris and later of Xiumin as Kai quickly untangled the ball of fabric to reveal... One rather large Brown with pink frilled bra. Before either of the elder two could stop him Kai had fastened it over his eyes and was running around the room making buzzing sounds and pretending to be a goddam fly. However although both knew it was wrong, the couldn't resist the wave of hysterical laughter that swept over them. As the three of them laughed away they were completely unaware of a fourth and fifth presence entering the room.


As the three of them dropped the noise and stood dead still, they slowly turned to look at the scarily female voice that had come from the doorway connecting the apartments, hoping and praying for it to be just a nagging Luhan or a pranking Chen.

 As Roe stood there an unreadable expression on her face she suddenly sprang into life heading straight towards the now frozen in place Kai who still hadn't removed the underwear from his face fully, causing one side to drop to the cusp of his chin.

"If you’re going to mess around with other people’s clothes or my underwear…" She passed the two gawping others who still hadn't noticed Taro entering the room "…You should at least do it right, Am I right Taro?"

 Once again jerking their heads so violently in the direction of the sound their neck felt like they were at breaking point, they were horrified to see Taro was in fact there, her hair still damp as she roughly fluffed it with a discoloured towel.
"Here" As Roe gently lifted the bra from Kai's head; she fastened it to the top of his cranium, whilst beckoning over Taro who in turn tied the towel around his neck.
"Oppa you look like a failed batman cosplay"
"Really Taro? I think he looks more like a toddler who got into his mom's laundry basket" As the two girls burst into laughter, the rest were instantly put at ease. Kris hadn't really had much interaction with Roe but she seemed pretty occupied with Chanyeol or D.O. most of the time.

Before no time the four of them were running around the room, Xiumin's carefully folded piles now in complete shambles due to their excitement and hurry at the prospect of fun, wearing various items of clothing and attempting but massively failing at being quiet. Kris didn't join in, he wasn't the type to prance around in some random underwear but he was enjoying watching the other, occasionally tripping someone or tackling them to the sofa... mostly Kai in that instance.

They were so caught up they didn't notice as Mink quietly snuck past and smiled warmly at the sight of them enjoying themselves. It wasn't until later in bed that Taro and Roe realized she was already asleep on the mattress situated on the floor. As usual cuddled up to her tiger teddy with her gold chain fastened delicately around her wrist rather than her neck. Although they wanted to ask they never could, even before the outbreak she always did this. They'd considered asking Sap but didn't want to drag up any past or bad memories behind it, they just put it up to Mink being, well Mink. The boys didn't notice her pass either, after bidding each other goodnight and folding the clothes back into semi organised piles they each went to their respective bedrooms.

Only as Kris passed through the doorway Kris noticed something that shocked him to the very core. Beside a large-ish pool of water that had gathered on the floor, in the neighbouring bin sat a packaging for a double checking pregnancy test.

It was opened…and empty.

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Chapter 25: hwaiting! :)
Update soon please ^^
HoneyCates #3
Chapter 23: .... *sighs* I thought krysta plays a big role in this story..
Chapter 15: OMG. TAO for the win,
now tell your gege to man it up and not be like a kindergarten boy who tortures his crush to get her attention to him.
And Mink why in the world you had this low self confidence? You're beautiful girl okay :3
Omeged. I hope this two will talk it out so that Kris can finally be a man and talk to Mink. -.-

P.S I hope there will be a TaoSooBaek love triangle as well :">
Lol or Maybe LuhanTaoSooyoungBaekhyun XD sorry I just Love Soo and this 12 gorgeous boys XD <3

Awesome Author-nim hwaiting <3
MBLAQ121 #6
Chapter 14: UPDATE