Chapter 8

There's Only U and I

Jihyun's POV

So two days have passed. After the party, Minhyuk oppa would drag me together with him, spending time with him even if he had to practice. Saying that he don't want me to be alone. Hmm, weird. Usually he would respect what I wants. He knew that I like it being at home, I don't like going out much. But I can't do anything, all I did was just obeyed him.


Like always, I would walk to school. Receiving random glares and and gossip sayings. I don't really care bout it, in fact, I've got used to it. I ignored them and went in class. Feeling kinda sad, Taeeun can't come to school for 2 weeks onward. saying that the principal which is her mom had something to do something somewhere. Taeeun was forced to follow her. Guess This two weeks will be never ending getting bullied huh? 


It's recess, I decided to just eat alone at a secret place of me and Taeeun. Just that Taeeun wasnt here. I went to a garden where there seems that nobody cares about it. I sat down on the grass, starting to eat. Suddenly a loud voice by two guys were shouting.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!!!!" I poke my head out between two bushes and saw two guys are running away from a crowd of girls chasing them. Hmm.. Should I help them? I was thinking twice. I sigh and decided to help them by quietly but quickly pulled them in the bushes and.. wow.  It's Ricky and Changjo who's the school Kingka.

"Huuuhuhuhuu! Thank you soooo much!!" Ricky hugged me. I was surprise by his action.

"Uh- y-you're welcome..?"  I don't know why, but I found that cute. I giggled. Their jaw suddenly dropped. I was confused. I turned around, nothing there. "Uhh.. what's wrong?" I asked.

"noona look cute when you're smiling!" Ricky said with a smile. wait, did I heard Ricky just praised me? Ricky one of the kingka praised me?? In this nerdy looks?! Changjo nodded with agreement. Him too?!
"w-what do you mean cute? I'm just a nerd. Why are you guys even prefer to talk to a nerd like me? When you have the chance to talk to pretty girls?" I replied Ricky.
"We'll take that as a praise then. Thanks~ Those 'pretty girls are toooooooo annoying! Give us a break for god sake." Changjo exaggerate the word 'too'.
"Yeah.. and noona, I'm sure you're very pretty without this glass." Ricky took my glass away. Crap! Their jaws dropped.
"Y-yah! G-gimme back that!" I snatch my glass away from him and wears it again. They're still in a shock. 
Ricky's POV
The fact that me and Changjo just saw the most hated nerd at school smiled. I gotta admit she's pretty and cute. Then suddenly something crossed in my head. How will she look behind that glass? I'm sure she's even more pretty. She's also nice. I don't understand why people even hate her from the start. I took away her glass and she look more than what I've imagine! I can see that Changjo was in disbelief too. How could she hide this all? She snatch her glass from me. Guess she was feeling embarrassed. Hmm.. Her looks with out that glass.. I thought that I've seen her before.

"Noona! Are you BToB Lee Minhyuk's dongsaeng?!" Changjo said. Kinda shouting. Yeah! I think I saw her with BToB that Friday night.

"Yah! Shhhh, You're so loud!" She puts her index finger in front of .

"heh, sorry noona.." Changjo sheepish smile. 



Narrator's POV

It was awkward, till Jihyun spoke.

"Umm.. Why aren't you guys with the other Teen Top?" She asked.

"We got seperated because of those, crazy girls." Ricky answered. Jihyun just mouthed 'o'. and there it goes the awkward silent again. 

"Umm, want some? he..he?" Jihyun laugh awkwardly while offering Changjo and Ricky her lunch.

"FOOD!" Ricky snatch away Jihyun's lunchbox and ate it like he never ate before. Jihyun was kinda shock with his sudden action. 

"Yah, why would you snatch her food away?" Changjo hit Ricky's back.

"Yah yah yah! Is that the way you treat your hyung?!" Ricky shout as he spits out rice from his mouth.

"Ewwww. Don't talk while your mouth is full!" Jihyun gave him a napkin. Ricky took it and apologize.

"You're such a disgrace." Changjo joked. "Noona, mianhae." He added. 

"No no, it's okay. It's good enough to have an accompany with me here. haha." Jihyun smiled. 

With that, they talked more about themself. Ricky and Changjo found that Jihyun was really fun to be with. Jihyun have been a little open to them just like how she is with Zelo. Jihyun at first was shock how Ricky and Changjo are really kind and funny. Teen Top was known to be cold hearted. Now Jihyun think that their the opposite of what she thinks. Though that time when she bumped to LJoe, she thinks that he'll kill her right away with his peircing glare. 

Little did they know, someone was watching them. Especially Jihyun..



So here to all my readers (Though it's not that many. whatever. I appreciate that some even did read this ^_^) Another short update? (I don't know if it's short.. hrrmm.. But I think it is. hoho) Comment so that I'll feel motivated C': And subsribe so that I'll feel loved (?) Lol. haha


And.....    did you hear?? Q_Q SECRET got into an accident and Zinger was injured the worst! ;~~; I feel like crying... She cracked her ribcage and have bruising on her lungs! Guyss... Please pray for her to recover fast!! and also the other SECRET members. 

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Chapter 15: I'm REALLY SORRY for not updating for 2 YEARS!! (or more? ;___;)
I actually found out that I HAD THIS ACCOUNT TODAY OMG. Thank god I kinda remember the password.
I'm gonna try and continue this Fanfic. And I'll edit from Chapter 1 for sh*tty grammas or etc.
Cause tbh, (tho this is pretty shameless to admit) I was squealling myself reading MY OWN FIC LOL. I was like 13 or 14 when I started this Fic!

I'm so sorry once again OTL.
BestfriendsAngelBABY #2
Chapter 11: Please Updatee!!
Chapter 11: OMG!!! Update! Was that daehyun who saved her???? Plz update I can't wait anymore. I love your story :)
Chapter 10: Daehyunnie :)
It's just that l.Joe likes her because he saw her when shes pretty.
But daehyunactually thought she was cute since the beginning (chapter 7)
Chapter 9: I hope Jihyun will end up with L.Joe!!! ♡♡♡
IloveInfinite7 #6
Chapter 9: So who will she end up with? So curious, hope Daehyun will change and she falls for him cuz he's my bias, yeah, not that i hate L.joe or what ^^
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~~ you better watch out Jihyun! or L.Joe's going to dig up your secrets > w <
Chapter 5: Update soon