
There's Only U and I


Daehyun's POV


"What are you doing here Daehyun?" Her cute voice suddenly changed to an irritate tone as she looked away and back off a little from me.

"What? Is it wrong for me to have a little chill in this cafe?" I said.

"Get out. Its closing time." She said, still looking away.

"But it's raining." I pointed outside.

"Well it's not my fault that it's raining Mr.Jung. And besides, do you think that this is a hotel for you to stay?" She hissed. Shesh, what's with her being all pissed. I was just trying to be nice. Maybe Zelo was right.... I have been keeping it ever since 8th grade..  I stood up want went out. 


*Back in Elementary School*

"Yah! Stop bullying him!" She step in front of me.

"Heh, he's hiding behind a girl. Uuu! Coward! kid! baby!." They teased me.

"I said stop bullying him! you don't have the right to hit him nor calling him names! He dirtied your uniform but he did said sorry! You all are the actual kid here! Being all worked up just because he dirtied your uniform. Just wash it when you got home. Don't worry, it's not the end of the world yet." She shouted at them. The guys was raising their hand while clenching their teeth. "What? You gonna hit me? Hit a girl? Now that's what you call real coward. What kind of guy hits a girl?" She barked.

"Tch, let's just go. Consider yourself lucky because of her! I will get you next time Jung Daehyun." The leader scoff and left with his gang.

"Sigh. Hey, you okay there?" She let out a heavy breathe before turning to me and giving me a hand to stand up.

"W-what was that?! You made me sound all weak and coward! I could handle it all by myself but you barge in." Instead of accept her help, I shout at her with my harsh word. I didn't really know where that all came from. My mouth just moved by itself. I was gonna apologize, but i just didnt.

"Yah Daehyun! Jihyun was just trying to help you! But you said THIS instead?! You ungrateful--" 

"I-it's okay, h-he's right.. I shouldnt barge in like it's my business. Sorry." With that, Jihyun and her friend left. 


After that incident, she would always somehow appeared around me. I didn't know why but I kept annoyed her. At first I said to myself that teasing her like that would made her look cute but instead, I said to myself I was doing that to her because she had embarrassed me in from everyone in school. I decided to make her feel what I felt. But I didnt know it would turn out to be like this. I would always embarras her. She must really hate me.

*end of flashback*


"Oh young man, you're gonna get all wet and soaked." An ajusshi beside me smiled.




Jihyun's POV


"Psh, creep." I mutter under my breathe. I locked all the doors after I changed my clothes. Went out, it was raining. I didnt have an umbrella so decided to just walk in the rain. I took my first step, ready to get wet-- but no, I looked beside. My eyebrows furrowed. 

"Well you don't wanna get all soaked right?" He said.

"What are you still doing here." I looked away. Looking at your face just make me all irritate! You-- issshhs asdsgafjshakjslaj. I was cursing in my mind. That jerk! All you do is just bully me, and embarrasse me! What did I ever done to you?! 

"It's not safe for a girl your age to walk alone ya know?" I started to walk, ignoring him. But he keep up to with me. Keeping me under his umbrella so that I won't get soaked by the rain.


"Why are you following me?!" I stopped from walking. "If you're planning to embarrass me even in the public? better dont! Just go away! Why do you always bully me?! Do you think I love it when you hurt me like I don't even have any feelings?!" I said in one breathe. I suddenly explode.

"I was just trying to be nice to you!" He raise his voice. It did made me flinch a bit.

"Liar! Why would you try to be nice to me? You think I would actually believe that after what you did to me ever since Elementary till now? Maybe you're just trying to get me to fall to your god-knows-what plan!" I started to throw tantrum.

"Oh fine then if you feel that way! I was just trying to be nice and trying to accompany you to your way home so that nothing will happen to you! but you said all those thing instead. Maybe trying to get along with you wasnt such a good idea." He started to leave and left me soaked by the rain. Did... He really mean what he said?.. I started to think twice. I sigh.


"Hey there sweety." A middle aged man appeared from no where. 

"You look cold and.. alone." Two more appeared. One was looking at your soaked shirt which actually turn out to be a little translucent. He bit his lip. 

"Why don't we warm you up a bit." They came closer to you.

"G-get away! W-what a-a-are you t-trying t-t-o d-do?!" I ter as I walk back away from them.

"We're just accompanying you." He came closer till I have no where to go. I was already leaning on a wall. "And lets have some fun." He whispered to my ears which gave me chills through my spine. I pushed him. What the hell?! Even when it's raining someone was planning to someone?! Argh! What am I thinking?! I'm in big trouble!! 

"G-get away! O-or I'll scream!" I tered again.

"You think someone will help you out at this time? There's nobody to safe you sweety." They burst out laughing. Two of them suddenly pinned me on the wall. The third man started to my uniform. I shouted like there's no tomorrow. Tears started to fall down to my cheeks along the rains. 

"H-HEEEEELP!!" I cried. While he was laughing like crazily ing the third button on my uniform, he suddenly fell on the ground. Groaning. My vision was kinda blury due to the rains that was showering me. 


This was kinda crappy e.o 


keep reading my fellow readers!! 

and comment too ;~~;  I would reeeeaally like to me motivated.

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Chapter 15: I'm REALLY SORRY for not updating for 2 YEARS!! (or more? ;___;)
I actually found out that I HAD THIS ACCOUNT TODAY OMG. Thank god I kinda remember the password.
I'm gonna try and continue this Fanfic. And I'll edit from Chapter 1 for sh*tty grammas or etc.
Cause tbh, (tho this is pretty shameless to admit) I was squealling myself reading MY OWN FIC LOL. I was like 13 or 14 when I started this Fic!

I'm so sorry once again OTL.
BestfriendsAngelBABY #2
Chapter 11: Please Updatee!!
Chapter 11: OMG!!! Update! Was that daehyun who saved her???? Plz update I can't wait anymore. I love your story :)
Chapter 10: Daehyunnie :)
It's just that l.Joe likes her because he saw her when shes pretty.
But daehyunactually thought she was cute since the beginning (chapter 7)
Chapter 9: I hope Jihyun will end up with L.Joe!!! ♡♡♡
IloveInfinite7 #6
Chapter 9: So who will she end up with? So curious, hope Daehyun will change and she falls for him cuz he's my bias, yeah, not that i hate L.joe or what ^^
Chapter 6: Ohhhh~~ you better watch out Jihyun! or L.Joe's going to dig up your secrets > w <
Chapter 5: Update soon