Flashback 2. (carpark)

Speak now

 "Ae-lee ah, can I & Jongup borrow your ride? Please!" Begged Kaekyung.

"Yah, where do you guys wanna go? Can't I drive you instead?"

"No! You can't drive us instead, we wanna spend time together, pretty please. I owe you one!"

"Sure..... but how am I going to go home now huh?"


There was only Bang Yongguk, Moon Jongup, Kim Himchan, Kaekyung & You left. Minhee got a ride home from Daehyun, & she's not on her right mind if she decline his offer. Youngjae & Zelo are going to go home to sleep. Leaving us 5, wait no, its going to be the three of us when Moon Jongup & Kaekyung leave.


"I'll pay for your cab fare ok hunny, just bill it to me, thank you!" Kaekyung said excitedly.

You just smiled at her, then waved them goodbye. Now you're all alone, with bang yongguk and kim himchan.


"Ae-lee ah, all of places why did you park your car in the middle of my car and himchan's? I could've gone home earlier just now, if it wasn't for you and Kaekyung." Yongguk complained.

It's really quite scary hearing him in a moodless voice, it feels as though he's going to kill you any seconds now.

"Mianhae Yongguk, I'll never park near your car, ever okay..."



After a few minutes, Yongguk drove home too. Leaving you and Himchan alone. It was getting really awkward between you two, you guys weren't even conversing. Deciding to break the silence..


"So, I'll just go home now. Goodbye, & I'll pass your jacket to Kaekyung after it's wash ara?" You bid goodbye.

''Wait! Do you.....mmmm..... want a ride home? Himchan offered.

"Nup, no thank you. Id be fine in the cab, anyway, Ive troubled you enough today."

"No, it's okay with me. You can always pay me back or something, anyway it's getting dark, I really think I should send you." Himchan insisted.

"Well..... Okay then.... If you really don't mind"

"Not at all, pretty noona!" Himchan teased you.

"Yah, Im not a noona!!"

He just laughed at you, & smiled his way to his car.


Am I.......blushing? I can feel the heat rise up my cheeks. Why am I even blushing??????? Is it cos of that smile? Oh god, Ae-lee!


"Yah, babo! Hurry up and get in, or im leaving you!" His tone was serious somehow, it frightens you.

" I'm coming!" and you quickly tried to enter in the car and when you hurridly shut the door, you didnt notice your skirt got stuck to it.

and instead of being normal and open the door, you decided to pull your skirt which led to another regret of yours. You got it stuck and it tore into a mini skirt leaving it so short, your shorts were revealed.

Both you and Himchan just look at your thighs with your jaws open, shocked.

Being a gentleman, Himchan is, (to all girls), he quickly grabbed the scarf at the back of his ride and covered your thighs with it and trying not to awkward things up, he said something thats really..... a.w.k.w.a.r.d.


"You really like exposing yourself to me don't you." He said in a serious tone even though he's joking, making you glare at him.


"............" Himchan looked at your face and quickly look away and start driving. He didn't even ask for your address as things were already too awkward..

After 45 minutes of driving to noone-knows-where with the silence, you face-palmed yourself. No wonder we're going no where, i haven't told him my address. really ae-leee, really??!!??

"Oh by the way, Im living -----------------, you can drive me home now" you broke the silence

"Oh finally, I couldn't breath with the silence!"

You chuckled looking at how cute he was, but you just can't avoid the fact he is so byungtae looking.

It only took him 15 minutes to drive to your place. He held the car door for you, and you made your way out placing the scarf all over your hips to cover your thighs.

"Here's my namecard, text me by tonight so I can call you to inform you about your scarf & Jacket. Thank you again Himchan, for all the trouble today." You thanked him, passed him a card and walked away.


Himchan's pov.

Wow, that girl. She's just wow. Look at her walking like a drunk woman. ke ke ke oh and her name card!

Oh that Ae-lee is a yoon, aye. *smirks






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