Flashback 1. ( First concert)

Speak now


"Yaaaaaaaah, are you ready!!!?" my dear friend, Kaekyung shouted from the living room

"Hold onnnnnn" I whined

"Chill Kae" Minhee tried to calm Kaekyung down

"What if we're laaaaaate, my dear Jongie's gonna be mad" 

Kaekyung who's apparently in a secret r/s with BAP's Moon Jongup

(A/N : You can pretend you're her)

Is panicking that we'd be late to BAP's concert & fanmeet.

*Kaekyung's message tone rang,

" Yeoja, where are you? We're about to start!" -Jong up

"Oh my god, guys, CHOOSE YOUR HEELS ALREADY JONGUP TEXTED ME ALREADY" Kaekyung who is still nagging.

"Okay, I'll get my keys! Who's driving?" I asked, rushing.

"You are, Babo!" Both Kaekyung, & Minhee exclaimed.


We rushed to the carpark to get my car, as usual, being a cluts i always am I slipped in my heels which caused my elbow to bleed, Kaekyung without even looking back to check on me like what Minhee did, nagged at me to hurrily get into the car. Well, she's always like that when it comes to Jonguppie oppa. I quickly got up and ran to get in my car. I dashed there as fast as I could, as Kaekyung was really being so annoying nagging and blaming us for being late.


"We're reaching, shut up already!" I said with annoyance trying to shut her up.

There was barely any space left to park my car, so I squeezed in the middle of two cars. One was in pink and the other one's in black. As soon as I stopped my car, Kaekyung ran out of the car without any word running to the venue. Leaving me, & Minhee both in the car. We sighed and slowly move our out of the car.


"Minhee-ahhh why did we even bother following Kaekyung?Ahhh jinja I don't even know who's BAP..'' I whined.

"Ae-lee unnie, you already promised me to accompany me to support Yongguk oppa right? Anywway, I heard Daehyun changed his hairstyle! Aiguu, stop whining! Leggo!" Minhee squealed after pronoucing Daehyun's name.

Minhee, who's actually Bang Yongguk's bestfriend, is having a really huge crush on Daehyun oppa, & well, everyone except for Daehyun knows.

We rushed in to the venue, damn it was so packed we could barely see anything that causght our eyes, we couldn't even find Kaekyung. We gave our tickets to one of the huge muscled guy that was incharge, and he led us to our seats.

"We're directly infront? I don't even deserve this seat......" I thought..

"Oh, look theres our Kae unnie, hurry!" Minhee pointed and ran towards her.

I dragged myself to Kaekyung as I still could sense that she's mad at me 'cos of my harsh words, earlier.

"Mianhaeso, unnie. I shouldn't have shouted at you earlier in the car" I apologised.

"Me too, Ae-lee ah. I shouldn't have annoy you, sorry" despite those loud cheerings from the fans I still could hear kaekyung's apology. I just smiled at her as the atmosphere was getting louder.


Suddenly, six blondies appeared on stage & just with their presence, they've secured all the fans attentions & and screamings, & cheerings. Some were even crying. They were all wearing white shirt, with a anlien-like bunny pasted on every shirt. DIfferent man, different bunny.

"Must be something that symbolises them" I thought.

The concert ended after two hours. I couldn't deny the fact that BAP is really talented and good looking. Really really good looking. Especially the maknae. One of them looks like a byungtae though, he scares me. The rest were equally hot. I waited outside as I didn't want to do the fanmeet as it was really packed. So I sat outside, waiting for Minhee & Kaekyung. I even got myself some snacks and coffee as i had to wait for a very long time. Three hours passed, and finally the event ended & the venue was emptied. Kaekyung & Minhee went into BAP's dressing room to meet Jongup, Yongguk & daehyun. Kaekyung called me to ask me to join, I agreed to it anyway, cos I barely had anything to do besides staring at the wall. I tried to find my way to their dressing room, following the instructions given by Kaekyung.Finally, after going in circles, I saw a white door, with BAP's name written on it and I ran towards it without noticing I accidently knocked on to a guy and had his coffee all over me.

"Damn, can't you see?!" I shouted at him without even looking at his eyes trying to wipe the coffee off my white sheer blouse.

"My Americano! You babo, you're the blind one!" The guy said pushing the blame towards me.

"Oh, now its my fault? Now look, who's going to be responsible about this? *I said while pointing at my chest area

Which made him stared at my chest. I finally look up to see who he was, & I was shock, He was the byungtae earlier just now, & as i always get distracted easily, I got distracted by his pretty features, not noticing where he's looking at. I finally snapped myself out of his beauty somehow and caught him staring at chest & quickly covered my chest with both my hands.

"Look away!" Trying to shoo his sight away.

"I would, but your red bra is really obvious." He answered and without hesiation placed his jacket covering my already revealed blouse.

I thanked him and entered the room, leaving him clueless at the door. Kaekyung & Minhee suddenly pulled me and started intoducing the boys to me. The slightly chubby guy is Yoo youngjae, The maknae is Zelo, The cute guy is daehyun (no wonder Minhee'd spazz over him all the time, he's really dashing) and the other two, I already knw which is clearly Moon Jongup & Bang Yongguk. I just smiled at them, & said Hi. Kaekyung was about to introduce me to that byungtae when she suddenly noticed the jacket I had over me.

"isn't that, Himchan's?" She asked looking confuse.

"oh so, he's name is himchan...." I thought.

"Something happenned, earlier. I said. We accidentally bumped into each other, & he accidentally had his coffee all over my blouse, and its sheer....... heeee" I gave an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry Himchan, Ae-lee is always clumsy. She's the cluts." Kaekyung explained while laughing.

"Yes, Himchan! She's really just, ahhh jinja so stupid" Minhee barged in.

I glared at them, but it made no effect.

*Oh so her name's, Ae-lee.....* Himchan thought.

"and Ae-lee, now it's clearly your fault." Himchan said while giving me a smirk.






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