
Everything Else


Luhan got his personal driver to drive us to Dr.Oh's appointment. The ride took 45 minutes. 45 minutes of playing soduku on the ipad. 

Dr.Oh wasn't my official family doctor, but he was a good one. I walked into the waiting room and saw about 15 other patients. I thanked Chung, Luhan’s driver, and sat down to wait for my appointment which wasn’t for another 10 minutes. I sat in the waiting room on a red chair as Luhan handed the nurse my health card. She looked at him for 56 seconds to be exact and fluttered her eyelashes. Her name was Mandy. I could tell she was stunned by Luhan’s cute face. Her smile faded when she looked at my health card. They said something and he pointed to me. She nodded and looked depressed as Luhan left the front desk. The girls and even the guys in the room had their eyes almost glued on the boy next to me. Luhan was popular I have to admit, but so were a lot of people.

Finally, Dr.Oh came out and a crying baby was in his arms. As he handed the baby to her mother, he said something like “The shot was done and she would have to return in 3 years for another”

Needles were one of my biggest fears, next to the dark, heights and spiders. I hated needles, but I had to take them.

Dr.O picked up my file and gestured me to come over. Luhan came with me.

“So HyeMi fainted at school. I just wanted her to have a checkup seeing if she had a stable health status or not” Luhan said immediately after the doctor closed the door.

Dr.O checked my blood pressure, my heart beat, my weight and height and the regular things he did at my yearly checkups.

“That’s all I can do with the squeeze in appointment you booked at last minute. HyeMi’s sudden blackout was mainly because of stress, abnormally low blood pressure, and Vasovagal syncope. And you missy” He pointed to me with a serious expression “have to take care of yourself more. This was a really vague checkup. I suggested that you should sent her to the hospital the next time she suddenly collapses.”

We both nodded in agreement and thanked the doctor.

“You heard him. No more 3 hours of sleeping. At least 5” Luhan waved to Chung in the car telling him to come.

I didn’t answer. He knew my answer. I got in the car and heard a piano piece. It sounded familiar, but I didn’t know when or where I’d heard it before. It made me want to cry.

I don’t know when in the car I fell asleep again, but I ending up holding Luhan’s hand. When I woke up I found my head on his shoulder. His strong shoulders that I’ve fallen asleep on at least 30 times. It felt familiar. He my hair not knowing I was awake. I closed my eyes and listened to him hum something. I liked it.

By the age of, I don’t even remember when, I had to stop getting so attached to things .The more I loved something, the more I wanted it, the more it would hurt for it to leave me suddenly. I learned to never love something too much, or it’ll go away. I turn around for a second and it could disappear forever. Like my grandmother. I went to school in the morning and she was gone by 3 pm. My hobby of singing and making handmade things were banned and completely out of my life once my parents found out. It was ‘a waste of time’. So I decided that I would never love something so deeply. One day it’ll leave me, hate me or make me cry. I wouldn’t let myself love something. Of course chocolate chip muffins were an exception. I hoped and prayed they wouldn’t leave my life.

“Heather…Heather. We’re back. Wake up” And I felt a shoulder nudge my head.

I swear I wasn’t going to budge until I smelled the new baked chocolate chip muffins. I leapt over Luhan and hopped out of the car.

“Thanks Chung!” And headed to the door.

As soon as I opened the door someone lifted me from the ground and spun me in circles. I didn’t hate it, but I got dizzy easily.

“Tao, I’m on  my period” And he stopped so quickly that he almost dropped me.

“Sorry..” As he scratched the back of his neck. “I didn’t kn-“

“its fine” I walked forward to see Kyungsoo and Sehun baking another tray of chocolate chip muffins.  

I ate 4 muffins and decided I couldn’t stay here forever. This wasn’t my house, I had things to do, I couldn’t stay or I’ll start to love it.

“Sorry about… uhh this morning” His neck was red from his rubbing it.

I grabbed his arm causing his to shoot me a frightened look. “Don’t scratch it anymore. It gonna turn into a rash”

He nodded and just stood there awkwardly.

“I like your body wash” I said that just to break the silence. Usually I didn’t mind the awkward silences, but he really made it awkward. He want like this when Luhan was around though.

“Oh” His face brightened up and he ran upstairs and came back down with the wash. “Here, you can have it” and stretched his hand out offering I to me.

I raised an eyebrow. “You do know I’m going to be coming back here right?”

“Oh.. right… I forgot”

“I’m leaving. Gotta finish some pre-calculating before parents get home” And I ran upstairs to pack my stuff. That picture frame has been bothering me for a while. It didn’t look right. I threw it in my bag.

“Leaving?” Chen stood beside the door. I threw the shorts and tshirt back to him. It was cold so I kept the hoodie.


“You were sleeping”

“Did you clean my room or was it Kyungsoo?”

“I don’t know”

“It was you”

“Who knows”  Enough chit chat. I had to get home before my parents did.

Suho and Xiumin gave me a box of chocolate chip muffins and they just waved me goodbye.  Luhan told Chung to drive me home instead of my driver since he was probably sleeping. When he reached my house, I offered a muffin but he just laughed.

“Well you’re suddenly happy today” He asked me.

“I was the same all day”

“Hmm, how was your dream?” He asked with curious eyes.

“I didn’t dream today”

“You were crying in your dream”

“Was I?”

“You were”

So that’s why Luhan held my hand. To comfort me or something. It was strange how I couldn’t remember my own dreams. Not important enough to remember.

“Goodnight Miss”

And I just waved back. I got my keys and opened the door. It was quiet and I heard the echoes of my actions. The house was so cold. On the table was a huge stack of papers with a sticky note on top of it.


Finish these by Monday. Don’t forget to answer Frances’ email regarding the banquet hall.

And my night started now.

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RRiaChan #1
<3 love it
shoutsandmurmurs #2
Chapter 8: Omo omo omo Lay got hit?? He might die??? I'm on my way to Paris y'all!!
Chapter 6: I love this. i feel all comforty.... lol not a word but anyways update soon ^^
memoire- #4
Ohmygahh. This is epic. I love the way you write.
shoutsandmurmurs #5
Chapter 5: I feel so bad for HyeMi... :'( She seems so cold-hearted.
Chapter 2: Omooo update!!