Into Your World/Angel



I closed the laptop after hours of reading comments and reactions to our teasers that had been out for the past two weeks. Just two months to go and we'd finally be debuting. The netizens recognised me as they gave me the nickname "Angel" as SM doesn't give our informations yet. That nickname was given to me because basically, they recognised me from Exo's music video of Into Your World or Angel.


Since our teasers were finally out, we could no longer walk around Seoul without wearing disguises as people will know us now. It's new to me that when I take a walk or ride the bus, people would say "hey, isn't she that new sm artist?" and that goes for my other 5 bandmates as well so SM finally provided a van for us.


This week had been hectic for us as we are not just rushing to improve our talents more but we also went under a big make-over. They changed my hairstyle and my complexion obviously became fairer as various whitening products are sponsoring us now.


Dec. 07 (1 week to go before debut)

Our music video is finally released. It's close to million views now and I can tell from the comments that people are really expecting great from us. Just a week to go and we'd set foot on Inkigayo.


Dec. 14 (Debut day)


Three words- THIS.IS.IT.

Just few more hours to go and we'd go out on that stage and perform live for the first time. We are all nervous and at the same time, excited for the future ahead of us. It's heartwarming that even we're not yet debuted, we already got supporters constantly cheering us up. We even have our fandom now although it's not yet official and they call themselves "galaxies" because we're the moon & stars and they are the galaxy- we belong together.

And one crazy fact too is that we have two managers. One is an eonni and we call her manager Eun Soo because she doesn't want to be called in her last name. She's in her middle 30's and strict when she has to. She's married and is actually pregnant now so she's not always there for us. But it's okay as we have another. Guess who?

It's Mr. Kang. Yep, Exo and us shares the same manager. So that makes us like a sibling-group. So since Mr. Kang is our manager, he insisted to be called manager-nim too.



We are in the dressing room now getting ready. Our make-ups are almost done and our costumes are ready as well. At about 20 minutes, it'd be our turn to perform after Mblaq's comeback stage. We all went in circle and prayed together. We all worked hard for it and we'd do our best there.

The door opened and we are surprised to see TaeTiSeo sunbaenims with Hyo Yeon enter holding a big cake for us.


"Hello dongsaengs." They greeted us. We are all flustered at the moment that a part of SNSD is here. We all bowed to greet.


"So we have new babies in the company now." Tiffany eonni cooed with an eyesmile.


"We're here to congratulate you guys in advance and to cheer you up. Hwaiting!" Seo Hyun eonni beamed while doing that "hwaiting sign".


Then Tae Yeon eonni approached me.

"You are the leader right?" She asked.

"A-ah, yes. I- I am." I shyly answered. She giggled and patted my back.

"Well, I just want to wish you the best. Being leader isn't easy, I'm telling you. There are moments you'd feel like you wish you are not in the position but SM wouldn't choose you if you're not deserving. Just be patient and hardworking. Always remember too that teamwork and a good relationship with each member are the keys to keep a group standing firmly together for long." She adviced. I smiled and thank her as she continued to give us more advices.


Soon, a staff from the backstage called us. We have 2 minutes.

We looked at our SNSD sunbaenims as they gave us a reassuring smile.

In my mind, I uttered another prayer as we all walked together to the stage.




"That was amazing!"

"You totally nailed it!"

"You guys rock!"

"Welcome to the kpop world!"


These are few of the many comments we received after we performed our debut song. I'd be lying if I say I didn't get nervous but we took the moment and enjoyed it so our performance turned out to be natural.



A week had passed and we just finished our showcase. We'd rest for the mean time and we are just called to have a "talk" with Mr. Kang.


"So how's my girls?" He greeted us with a cheeky smile.


"We're fine manager-nim." We all answered in unison.

Being the leader, I opened up to ask what this "talk" is all about.


"So manager-nim we heard you have something important to tell us?"


"Ah, yes. It's actually that you are working hard and your debut was a success so I talked with Soo Man hyung about giving you a vacation as a gift and he said yes."


Our eyes brightened hearing the good news.


"Where will it be manager-nim?" Sun Ri curiously asked.


"Well, you'd have a three days two nights vacation at Jeju Island!" He chirped and we jumped in joy. I've never been to Jeju Island and I'm so excited to go there like at this moment already.


"Calm, girls. We'd leave tomorrow so be ready. And, we're having company."


We stopped squeling for a while when we heard that we're having "company". We gave manager-nim a quizzical look before Hyo Mi finally spoke.


"Company? Someone else will go with us?"


Manager-nim just nodded.


"Who?" We all asked in unison.





"Exo." He answered with a grin.

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Chapter 53: I love this story!! It's really daebak!! Keep it up author-nim!!!

This is incredibly awesome~~~
chukee_01216 #3
Chapter 53: please update soon! THANK YOU! :**
AbbeeAbbee #4
Chapter 53: Please update author-nim! I miss this story SOOOOOO much!
anna_marie016 #5
Chapter 53: A vacation trip with exo is something I really want to happen aish if only stories can turn into reality… please update as soon as you can authornim thanks (>3<) love lots
Asiangirlz2 #6
Chapter 53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!please update soon! Or else u r going to make me cry!
Chapter 53: Why no update T^T please update author-nim!!! i really like.. hm.. no.. i really love this story! So emotional and heartbraking. i really want to know about what happen between them next! so please update!!!!! ><
Chapter 53: Author-nim!! Yous should update this beautiful story.
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #9
Chapter 53: Author nim please update soon...!
serafina91 #10
Chapter 53: Wow!.. such a beautiful story... cant wait for next update FIGHTING! ^^