Into Your World/Angel

For the next five days, most of my time were spent shooting here and there. Luckily, the scenes aren't that hard and Baek Hyun being my partner isn't so awkward at all.

It actually tires me everytime we shoot but one thing good about it is that I am excused from training for a few days or even weeks, depending on how long the shooting for the music video will take and that's a little relief for me since I would have more time to sleep and it means I could avoid Sun Ri for some time now. But unfortunately, my break from training would abruptly end today as we will now be shooting for the last two scenes. Yea, it's almost done. I'm having a feeling of mixed emotions now as I am glad that the mv will soon be released and a little sad that it has to end that fast. Because you see, for almost a week of shooting, I grew a little more closer to some of Exo members. Especially D.O, Su Ho and Baek Hyun. The others are nice to me while Se Hun, err. We're still awkward and it saddens me.


"And your make-up is done!" The stylist said as she swifted a brush on my cheeks leaving a pale pink color.. I looked at the full-length mirror in front of me. Actually, what she did is almost not a make-up as she just dusted my face with light foundation, pale pink blush-on and pink gloss. I am wearing shorts and lose long sleeves white top and my hair is tied in a messy bun. With my clothes now, you'd basically say that I'm just chilling at home which is partly true because we really are in a house, but not mine. It's actually an apartment for trainees.

There's a big, comfy looking couch in the sala and a television. That's where we'll shoot.

The act? Well, in the music video, Baek Hyun and I are now lovers so in this scene, we are just to sit in the couch while watching the tv. I'm not sure yet what type or level of skinship will the director tell us to do but whatever it is, I think I can handle.


The staffs positioned us. I take back what I said earlier because the position we are right now is very awkward for me. I thought we are just to sit together while watching but no. The couch is a little big, soft and long so they had us lie down facing them. Baek Hyun is in my back and his arms are wrapped around my waist.

He is so close.

So close that I can feel his heartbeat and breathing.


"_____?" I heard Baek Hyun whisper in my left ear.

"A-ah, yes?"

"I know that the position we're into is a little awkward. But just feel comfortable, okay?"

I looked up at him and our eyes met. I just nodded with a smile.


"Okay, let's get started." The director cooed.


"Now, you two have to snuggle."  He added.


My face fell.

Wait.. what? Snuggle?

I gulped. How will I do that? First of all, it's a guy they're asking me to snuggle with and I never had a boyfriend before and I'm not into skinship so I don't know how will I do that.

I looked up at Baek Hyun with worried eyes and he seems to get what I mean.

He smiled. "Oh, I get it. Don't worry. I'll be in charge, just go with the flow, okay?"

I just nodded.






Thankfully, the snuggle moment with Baek Hyun went well and the director was satisfied. We just held hands, hugged a lot, tickled each other. It was awkward at first but Baek Hyun is nice and warm to be with. In fact, snuggling with him felt natural. I just wished I could do it with Se Hun someday too.


Oh well, we are now on the next scene. We are in the middle of a road and I am wearing a white dress partnered with white stilletos but not that high. My hair is curled and is swiftly flowing against the cool wind. Baek Hyun is also wearing a white top, a long sleeved one and simple pants.


We are then positioned facing each other. I have no idea yet what we'll be doing but considering it's now the last scene, let's just get it on.


"We'll start in a few seconds. Baek Hyun, ____, you two will kiss." The director told us.


My eyes grew wide and I froze. Kiss? But.. but I haven't had my first kiss yet and I didn't plan on losing it this way.. For the sake of acting and with someone not even my boyfriend. Okay, I know that Baek Hyun is handsome and all and that million other girls will probably be dying to kiss him and be a dream come true for them to have Baek Hyun as their first kiss but not me. I am actually reserving it for someone I love.. Se Hun probably. But I can't say no. I know I can't.

I looked around me, the crews are busy with their stuffs, Mr. Kang just gave me a reassuring smile though I can say he's probably not agreeing with the kiss while exo.. they seemed surprise as well. But wait, Se Hun is not with them. He's just there when the director said we'd be kissing a while ago. Where had he gone to?


I was startled when the director shouted "Action!".

Baek Hyun cupped my cheeks with his warm, soft hands and he started to lean closer.

This is it.. I just shut my eyes and held my breath waiting for his lips to land on mine. I honestly don't have any idea how it feels to be kissed. I waited for a few seconds when I felt a warm, soft something landed on my forehead. I opened my eyes slowly and to my surprise, Baek Hyun is kissing my forehead. We stayed like that for a few seconds. I was flabbergasted but glad that it is my forehead  that he kissed. Not my lips.


"Cut!" The director shouted and Baek Hyun released me. I am actually expecting that the director is now fuming with anger and will make us repeat the scene to kiss for real but another surprise is when I looked at him, he seems.. delighted?


"That was good. I never thought that that kiss in the forehead will turn out to be more sweet than the original plan I had in mind." The director told me and Baek Hyun.

"Okay everyboday, that's it. It's a wrap!" The director then announced.

Soon, everybody is now clapping for each other's hard work and we are then set to go home.






The shooting is now over. I'm glad I did great and I got partnered with an amazing leading lady as well. Me and my bandmates are in the van now while waiting for the driver. They are congratulating me and won't stop talking about the mv. I noticed Se Hun just staring blankly out the window and I remembered he wasn't there when we shooted for the last part. He just vanished out of my sight.


"Se Hun, where were you a while ago? You were just there when we started shooting then you walked away."

He looked at me for a moment then looked away again. "Err, the staffs are all noisy so I just went away to take a walk."

I no longer responded. I just stared at Se Hun, he's a little odd today.


"So hyung, you just kissed a girl today." I looked at Se Hun, surprised with what he said. I just chuckled.

"Oh maknae, that's what you get when you don't watch the whole shooting."

He twitched his brows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I didn't kissed her."


"Oh yeah, hyung. Speaking of that, why didn't you kissed her? I mean, you did but the director instructed you to kiss her lips but you kissed her forehead instead." D.O asked me.


I just shrugged. "Well, I feel that I'd be stealing something precious from her if I'd kiss her."

They all tilted their head in confusion.

"She hadn't had her first kiss yet." I answered. They all looked surprised.


"What? Isn't she like 20 already in korean age? She must have at least kissed someone with that amount of years of her existence on earth. Besides, how did you know?" Kai amusingly asked.


"I just know from her reaction when the director told us to kiss. I know most people her age have at least kissed someone but I bet she hadn't even had a boyfriend."

They all looked at me in disbelief.

"Why?" I asked them, confused with their reactions.


"Well, she's legal already and.. she's beautiful." Chanyeol said, saying the last words softly.


Now I've thought of it, they got a point. I just nodded along with the other members.

"Yea. She could have not dated anyone before. She doesn't even know how to snuggle and the skinships? She's all new to it." I added.


"Then, are you planning to ask her out?" I looked at Se Hun surprisingly. He's being weird today, really.

"Yea, would you, hyung?" Kai asked, supporting Se Hun.


I just chuckled.

"It's not like I can. You know we can't date trainees from our company, right?"

I just truthfully replied.


"Then, if she's not a trainee, you'd ask her out?" Se Hun once again asked me. I raised my brow, what's up with this kid today? Asking me lots of questions.

"Well.. probably.." was my only answer and I smiled sheepishly. The truth is, I find _____ beautiful and attractive but not to the point of wanting to be in a relationship with her. I just answered that to tease them and to my satisfaction, their reactions are priceless. They are all surprised.


But actually, Se Hun's behavior is what surprised me more.


"Aish guys, just kidding. I don't plan on asking her out, okay? Besides, I'm busy fanboying over SNSD sunbaenims."

They now kept quiet not sure if they will laugh on what I said. But it's actually a joke.

I looked at Se Hun for a while since he's the one asking me lots of things. His eyes are shut, a while ago he looks uncomfortable and bothered, but now, he looks peaceful and.. relieved? Relieved of something I don't know.

Few seconds later, the driver arrived and my bandmates started to be in their own world. Taking out their ipods and some of them, drifting to dreamland.


-end of p.o.v-

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Chapter 53: I love this story!! It's really daebak!! Keep it up author-nim!!!

This is incredibly awesome~~~
chukee_01216 #3
Chapter 53: please update soon! THANK YOU! :**
AbbeeAbbee #4
Chapter 53: Please update author-nim! I miss this story SOOOOOO much!
anna_marie016 #5
Chapter 53: A vacation trip with exo is something I really want to happen aish if only stories can turn into reality… please update as soon as you can authornim thanks (>3<) love lots
Asiangirlz2 #6
Chapter 53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!please update soon! Or else u r going to make me cry!
Chapter 53: Why no update T^T please update author-nim!!! i really like.. hm.. no.. i really love this story! So emotional and heartbraking. i really want to know about what happen between them next! so please update!!!!! ><
Chapter 53: Author-nim!! Yous should update this beautiful story.
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #9
Chapter 53: Author nim please update soon...!
serafina91 #10
Chapter 53: Wow!.. such a beautiful story... cant wait for next update FIGHTING! ^^