Into Your World/Angel

The stylist, as soon as I stepped into the room, started doing my make-up and chose a dress for me. She made me wear a dress, a simple yet elegant one. The length is just about 2 inches above my knee and it is colored pastel rose. The dress is a tube one so I was a little uncomfortable wearing it. Thankfully, she made me wear a beige colored cardigan and paired it with color flats with faded pink roses design. She tied my hair into a bun and let curly lose strings flow beside my ears. She did a light make-up as she said that I need to look simply beautiful. Besides, the scene we're going to shoot first needs me to look simple, beautiful and happily in love.

Well, let me share a sneak peek of the storyline. I am a girl here who lost her boyfriend of 4 years to a fatal accident and that boyfriend role is to be played by Su Ho. After that, I would spend all my time and days mourning and crying for him and that's when my angel in this story, Baekhyun would step in. He will save me from a car that's suppose to hit me and since then, he will always be there for me.. Wiping my tears away and once again, making me happy. 

I personally liked the story. Cheers to whoever made it.



After the dress up, I went back to the training room where they are waiting for me. I was a little shy because it will be their first time seeing me all girly as I always go to practice wearing sweatpants and tshirts if not leggings and lose tops.

 As I entered, all eyes are on me but I could care less as I was surprised to see the once almost empty room with cloud wallpaper and mirrors all around turned now to be party room, but not a common birthday party room. The way they decorated the room while I was gone was in a romantic way. The mirrors were covered by fake walls colored almond. The windows as well were covered and the room is just filled with the light coming from the beautiful chandelier that made me curious how they manage to place it there in the ceiling when it wasn't there when I left. Oh well, dressing me up took about half an hour, enough time for them to set up this place, I guess. There's also a table in the front. You know, the usual table set up for romantic dates but they put on a cake. There are also balloons everywhere. I was stunned by what they did here. You wouldn't believe that it is once a training room.


I was busy looking around that I hadn't notice that Su Ho, the leader of exo who resembles Si Won, approached me.

"Hey, _____." He said casually and flashed me his angelic smile.

"Oh, Annyeong Hashimnikka sunbae-nim." I greeted back then bowed. He chuckled lightly so I looked at him trying to read his expression.

"____, just drop the formalities, okay? And call me oppa." he answered.

I nodded shyly. "Ne, oppa."

"And by the way, you look great." He commented.

I was flattered by his comment, and shyly smiled at him.

Soon, Mr. Kang called us as we will start shooting the first scene in a few minutes.




The director first explained to us the scene. We don't have any scripts and he also said that this scene would be short.

Here how it goes:

As I said, Su Ho is my boyfriend in the music video. And today, in this room decorated romantically, we will be celebrating our 4th year anniversary by having dinner and being all sweet together while eating the cake. Well, that explains the balloons all around the place with "HAPPY 4TH ANNIVERSARY JAGI, SARANGHAE <3" printed on them. We should also take a couple picture together as it will be used as one of the props for the next scene.


"Okay, we will take your couple picture first." The director told us.


The staffs retouched our make-ups a bit and placed us in our position. I am holding a bouquet of roses while he is holding a red balloon with the happy anniversary printing.


"Alright, you need to look like a couple here. Move a little closer to him, ____. Su Ho, I want you to backhug her." Instructed the photogpher.

Su Ho then flashed me a smile then went at my back then hugged me lightly. I became a little nervous.


"Wrap your hands on his waist a little more tighter, Su Ho. You have to look like a real couple here.. Then lean your head on hers. Then both of you smile." He added as he place his camera, ready to take a picture of us.


Su Ho did what the photographer said. He hugged me tighter and leaned his head on mine. It was a little awkward at first but for some reasons, I feel comfortable around him. He's just so.. brotherly.

Then we both smiled.


The photographer looked at the picture.


"Hmm, this will do fine. You look like a couple. Okay, off to the next scene." The photographer said as he went to the director to show the picture.


We now started the next scene. This will now involve real shooting as we are filmed while eating dinner, feeding each other.. Smiling, hugging and teasing and playing with each other like kids while we eat our "anniversary" cake.

This scene is short though and wouldn't be played in the actual mv in full colors as this scene that we are filming is suppose to be a memory.. A flashback of my relationship with him after he died. Told you, this music video is angsty.


After finishing the shoot, I looked at the Exo members and they were grinning and teasing us a bit.

"You acted well, hyung! And ___, you look beautiful. You looked like a real couple there." D.O whined while the other members nodded in agreement. I looked at them and smiled.

"Oh, thank you." I muttered. I glanced at Se Hun. I was confused with his expression, he is looking at me and Su Ho coldly. Seriously, I would prefer receiving death glares from Sun Ri everyday than seeing  him looking at me that way.

Good thing Mr. Kang called me so I had a reason to excuse myself from the boys.


Mr. Kang just said that they will now shoot the next scene. The scene where Su Ho will be in a car accident and they will be shooting that in a highway in downtown seoul that they requested to be closed for a while. Yep, that's how powerful SM is and they really put so much effort for this MV so I might as well shouldn't ruin it. I was just told that I can rest now and have the day for myself as I am not needed for the next scene. I just thanked everyone then left.


Well, more dramas would be there for the next scene for me, I'm sure.

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Chapter 53: I love this story!! It's really daebak!! Keep it up author-nim!!!

This is incredibly awesome~~~
chukee_01216 #3
Chapter 53: please update soon! THANK YOU! :**
AbbeeAbbee #4
Chapter 53: Please update author-nim! I miss this story SOOOOOO much!
anna_marie016 #5
Chapter 53: A vacation trip with exo is something I really want to happen aish if only stories can turn into reality… please update as soon as you can authornim thanks (>3<) love lots
Asiangirlz2 #6
Chapter 53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!please update soon! Or else u r going to make me cry!
Chapter 53: Why no update T^T please update author-nim!!! i really like.. hm.. no.. i really love this story! So emotional and heartbraking. i really want to know about what happen between them next! so please update!!!!! ><
Chapter 53: Author-nim!! Yous should update this beautiful story.
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #9
Chapter 53: Author nim please update soon...!
serafina91 #10
Chapter 53: Wow!.. such a beautiful story... cant wait for next update FIGHTING! ^^