Into Your World/Angel

So, Kim Sun Ri is her name and I will have a dance battle with her.

I of course don't want this idea but it's not like I can say no and run away, right?


Mr. Kang had a phone call so he excused his self for a while and told us he'll be back in a few minutes. I sighed in relief even though I know that he'll be coming back soon and the dance battle is still going to happen. The trainees and the exo members, aside from Se Hun because as usual he's just playing with his phone, seems excited.


Sun Ri approached me.


"You're a new trainee? You know what, I honestly don't think you would be any match for me."


"Hey, isn't that a bit rude for you to say that? Don't worry, I'm sure you are a talented dancer. Let's just do the best we can, okay?"

I answered calmly then flashed her a smile. The truth is, that smile is partly fake because in the inside, I'm starting to heat up.


"The best I can? I don't think I even need to do that. I may just show 10% of my dancing skills and I will still be a lot better than you."


Argh, she's really getting on my nerves now. The thoughts of slapping her is actually crossing my mind now but I need to gather my composture and act calm. I don't want to start a fight that would eventually kick me out of here when I barely even get started.


"Oh, let's just see about that." I once again answered calmly and with another fake smile. She just rolled her eyes and went back to her circle of friends.


"Eonni,I heard everything. Don't mind her, she's known here for being mean. Show her what you've got eonni, Hwaiting!"

Hyo Mi said as she approached me. I smiled and thanked her.

Mr. Kang then went back inside the room,

"Shall we get started?" he asked us. Uh-oh, this is it.




Sun Ri was the first one to dance and she is doing great. She's now in the middle of her performance and any minute she'll be finished and it will be my turn. What Sun Ri is doing is well, a little y. Is it because exo is here?

And speaking of them, I don't know what to do anymore, Exo is watching.. Se Hun is watching.

Then the music stopped. The trainees and exo gave her a round of applause. Sun Ri is indeed a trained dancer and she's good at it. But I no longer care of her performance as it will be my turn now.

Oh God help me with this. I need confidence..


They played a random music but it's a kind of music I prefer for a dance. I shut my eyes and cleared my mind, I imagined myself alone, in a dancing room with no audience but myself staring back at me in the mirror.

I then opened my eyes and started to dance.

I remembered Sun Ri's words, It kinda gave me confidence and determination to move more muscles and exert more efforts, the irritatition and a little frustation I was feeling for her were all converted to energy.

It is a freestyle dance I'm doing so I did what I can do..

Popping.. Locking.. Isolation..

All I know is that I am doing fine.


Then the song ended. I didn't get tired as I just danced for about less than 2 minutes.

I looked at the people around me, they are all silent.

The exo members once again had their jaws dropped, the same expression they had yesterday when I sang. I smiled, with that I know   I did not just fine but great because once again, I seemed to amuse Exo, well aside from Se Hun again because he just looked at me for a moment then looked away.


We stayed like that for like, another 3 seconds then Mr. Kang, once again, like yesterday clapped his hands. He didn't clapped for Sun Ri, so does that mean he liked my dance better? Soon, all the trainees and exo are giving me a louder-than-sun ri's round of applause. I glanced at Sun Ri and as expected, she's not pleased. I just bowed at them.




"Omo eonni, I never thought you can dance that well! I mean, I know you would be sort of talented but considering you hadn't trained yet, that's amazing as you obviously won the dance batte."

Hyo Mi exclaimed while clinging on my shoulders on our way back to our dorm.


I just gave her a smile.


Today sure had been a big day and tomorrow, I will officially start my training. I don't know what's in the store for me but whatever it is, I am sure of one thing, being an idol isn't my ultimate dream but since I'm here already, why not work hard to be one, right?

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Chapter 53: I love this story!! It's really daebak!! Keep it up author-nim!!!

This is incredibly awesome~~~
chukee_01216 #3
Chapter 53: please update soon! THANK YOU! :**
AbbeeAbbee #4
Chapter 53: Please update author-nim! I miss this story SOOOOOO much!
anna_marie016 #5
Chapter 53: A vacation trip with exo is something I really want to happen aish if only stories can turn into reality… please update as soon as you can authornim thanks (>3<) love lots
Asiangirlz2 #6
Chapter 53: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!please update soon! Or else u r going to make me cry!
Chapter 53: Why no update T^T please update author-nim!!! i really like.. hm.. no.. i really love this story! So emotional and heartbraking. i really want to know about what happen between them next! so please update!!!!! ><
Chapter 53: Author-nim!! Yous should update this beautiful story.
MoiChanKawaiiDesu #9
Chapter 53: Author nim please update soon...!
serafina91 #10
Chapter 53: Wow!.. such a beautiful story... cant wait for next update FIGHTING! ^^