wae wae T.T

A SHINGING KISS (choi Minho love story)


Eunhee pov

What happened?” my voice dropped low but they didn't say anything. An endless silence lay over the room when they all looked at each other nervously. Until my dad decided to finally speak.

Sorry honey, but your mum died in a plane crash…”

I was shocked beyond belief and felt tears falling down from my cheeks, Kibum went over to me and hugged me tight. I felt like my life had stopped and the world was nothing without her, and like I didn't even exist anymore. The feeling was horrible and I couldn’t take it anymore as I turned around and ran up to my room. I throw myself down at the bed and felt how my tears wouldn’t stop streaming down my face. This was unbelievable, how could this had happened, why?! No! I didn’t want this to happen. Why why why…

After a while I fell asleep, still with tears in my reds trimmed eyes. The next morning I woke up and I felt that I didn't want to do anything anymore, my life was just meaningless.

I heard someone knock on the door but I ignored it, but then Kibums voice spoke.

Eunhee …” he stopped, hesitated for a moment and then he opened the door. He walked over to my bed and sat down on the end.

I was still crying but he dried my tears with his sleeve and said in a calm voice.

Eunhee, I know that it must be hard for you now; but try to be strong and keep going. And live your life at it is to the fullest. I think that is what your mum had wanted. Not for you to lie in your bed and cry your eyes out your whole life. Don’t waste the opportunity she has given to you and do something great with your life“

He gave me a warm smile and I wanted to return that smile, for his sake.

But Oppa, we haven't seen mum in a very long time and now she’s gone…” I said in a sad voice and looked down. It was nearly ma tears broke thru again. Weird, when had they stopped?

We can take care of each other without her, and Hyung Jun, dad, Key, Kan and I am here for you when you need us” he said with another smile.

I guess your right…” I tried to smile but it felt more like a stiff pulling in my cheeks.

He got up and left the room, I closed my eyes and tried to think positive, for his and everyone else sake.

Minhos pov

The whole day I was thinking about Eunhee and why she is not in school. It’s so weird, I tried to focus on the work but I couldn’t. Eunhee face just popped up in my head and disturbed my thoughts, why…

I become sadly aware of the present as the teacher slammed a hand down in my desk.

Mr. Choi, you have to pay attention in class, dreaming is for nights.“ She said angry and continued the lesson.

Later I was outside the school and waited for Key and the others. After a while I saw Key and Emile holding hands as they walked to the school gates. I was suspicious that something was going on, but I didn’t care much so I let it slip.

Hi guys!” I shouted in a happy tone and waved at them. I looked around if I saw Eunhee anywhere close but I couldn’t find her so I asked Key if he had seen her.

Hyung have you seen Eunhee today?? I asked a little worried; it wasn’t like her to skip.

I haven’t seen her, no. Not since yesterday. Why do you ask?” He said thoughtfully.

Oh, okay. Nothing really I just wondered…” I said in a low voice and lowered my head. When I did, I missed the look Emile gave Key and the smile on their faces.

Minho, why do you want to see Eunhee? You said you didn’t like her.” Key said curious and humored at the same time.

Anniyo, why do you think that? A..a..and no I don't like her.” I sad nervous and looked away, when I looked back I sew Key give me a: are you sure? look.

Yes!” I sad quickly

O k a y?!! He sing sang and gave Emile a look that I quite couldn’t cope with. As we had been speaking, everyone else had come out and gathering around us.

It was dead silent and everyone looked between me and Key.

Come on guys, we have to get going If we not want to be late.” Emile said and dragged Key with her



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Yes I did
I know it is short meaine x/<br />