eh thanks ......

A SHINGING KISS (choi Minho love story)


when I was done I closed my camera, Taemin and Key came up to me and hugged me tight.

What was that for?”

Thanks “They both said with a big smile

Ehh you welcome”

I saw how Minho glanced at me, I looked at him but then he turned away

Gaah! Couldn’t Minho stop looking at me that way? It was frustrating.

My phone rang and a picked it up and answered

Hello hello?”

No one answer

What’s wrong?” Key asked?

I don`t know, it was nobody there” I said with a worrying face, Key hugged me tight

He let me go and I had to go home. I walked through the park on my way and I heard something from behind. I turned around to see what is was, but I saw nothing. As I kept going I heard it again but this time war four guys who came out from the bushes, one of them had a knife in his hand.

Hey sweetie, what are a beautiful lady like you doing out at a time like this?” one of the guy said and grabbed me. He dragged his hand up and down my body and I tried to shake him of but he was to strong. The other three guys came up to me and grabbed me too and started to rip off my clothes. I tried to scream but my voice had stuck in my throat, I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. What was I going to do? My thoughts swarmed, Kan and my dad’s face went through my head and I couldn’t focus on anything but the disgusting men’s cold hands on my body.

Let her go!” a voice came from behind me, and the four guys turned around, I saw as through fog, Minho stand a couples of meter away, then he got closer to the guy who seemed to be the leader. The man let me go and I fell to the ground, my legs wasn’t capable of holding me up.

The leader took out the knife and pointed it towards Minho. I screamed, finally my voice was back! I was so afraid that Minho would be killed.

I close my eyes so I wouldn’t see, but I couldn’t turn out the sounds. Tears started to trickle down my face, I was so afraid.

I heard them start fighting. First the leader was down and then the rest attacked but they couldn’t beat him down, no; not Minho.

I was snapped back from my horrible thoughts when Minho pulled me up, took my hand and ran. My legs carried me by pure luck to be rescued from those monsters. We stopped after a while and Minho hugged me tight; I was in shock. I cried and cried, I couldn’t stop, I was too terrified.

It was a cold night and Minho put his jacket around my shoulders, I was speechless, didn’t know what to say or do. I opened my mouth to say something to him but Minho stopped me.

Shhhh, I Take you home” his voice was loving and caring like he was actually concerned about me. If it had been another situation I would have backed away and run but not now. I really welcomed his soft voice and caring actions.

Tttttthanks you...uu” I stuttered.

Minho just smiled in a way he never smiled at me before.

Are you hungry??” he asked.

Ah you don’t need to…”

Are you sure (babo)?” he chuckled at me

What did you just say? “My voice begun to come back to normal.

I said babo” now he was openly smiling at me.

What that supposes to mean” I said with a little angry voice.

Never mind, you would still not understand” he sighed and the smile was gone.

Ohhh… You know, I don’t need you to be nice to me, in fact I can take care of myself!” Anger begun to boil inside if me, why did it have to be him? Why couldn’t I have been Kan or even Taemin.

No you can’t you know what just happened, you could have been and killed” I heard in his voice that he was angry too, but for a much more accurate reason.

You know, never mind. Here’s your jacket, I don’t need it anymore. Good bye!”

I turned away from him and started to walk, but he followed me even if I was angry at him, and he at me. I just ignored him and kept going. When I was in front of my door I turned around and thanked him a second time then I walked inside the house without looking at him again.

I got upstairs to my room, sat down on my bed, thinking over what just happened. It was so surreal that I at first couldn’t grab it, everything that happened. The terrifying men, Minho, the concern in his voice… I was tired, so very tired. Soon I just lie down on my bed and fall asleep with my clothes on.

Next morning my two brothers Chip and Dale wake me up

Come on Eunhee wake up, we don’t have time too sleep, we have to go to school.”

I don’t want to” I mumbled into my pillow

NO! get up now or I throw ice water on you“

Fine fine I get up” I grunted and lifted my face from the fluffy paradise that had been my pillow. So I got up, got dressed and walked downstairs and went out to the car. My mom wasn’t home as usually because she works abroad so she’s not home often. I sat down in the car and waited till my brothers came so we could go to school.

Once we were at school I got out off car and started to walk into the school building; when I saw Key talk to Emie and Minho. I was glad that Key started taking with Emie but had he ask her out jet? I didn’t like the idea of having Minho there after last night but I decided to act as if nothing happened and if I was lucky he would do the same.

Then Onew came up to me

Hi!” he smiled

Hi!” I smiled back

Are you okay??”He asked me with a worrying tone

Yeh why would‘t I be, why’d you ask??”

You stare at Minho a lot”

No I’m not!“

Yes you are, do you like him now or what”

What?! no I just …no! “

Okay if you say so”

And in fact I have a boyfriend”


We continued to walk and I went to my locket and opened it, and I saw another note and I got curious. I then remember that I had the note from yesterday that I didn’t check. But I had no time now, I was already late. I went over to my seat and saw Minho stare at me when a passed him. Key saw me and looked at me, I smiled at him.

Hi, good morning sunshine, slept well?”

I’m not sure, you?”

Sure but I know that I’m going to sleep well tonight”

Aah did you confess and ask her jet??”

No but I started talking to her more”

Hehe okay good lucky lover boy” and I winked at him

Have you got a problem with your eye Eunhee” I heard Minho’s voice from behind, it was monotone and boring like he didn’t care

No I have not (babo)” I snapped back at him.

Hahaha! “

What is so funny lover boy??” I asked Key with a little angry tone in my voice.

Nothing “He said with an amusement look.

Today we had English, and man, I loved that subjects because I’m good at it (smile face) and the teacher comes in time for class for once.




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Yes I did
I know it is short meaine x/<br />