First Day Of School (1/2)

Triangle Love


Mee-Yon (POV)


Three days has passed and school is finally in session.  I’m a bit nervous since I have never attended a school this big before.


“Don’t worry Mee-Yon!  Everything’s gonna be alright!  Kyu and I will be around when ever you need us!” Sungmin oppa told me cheerfully, as if he just read my mind.


I was walking in between Sungmin and Kyu oppa.  While Eunhyuk and that jerk Donghae are walking together a few meters behind us.  I guess he was still mad about that water bottle incident, but he deserved it.


“Don’t forget about me Mee-Yon!  I will be there when you need me too!” Eunhyuk-shi yelled from behind.


“haha, thank you guys”  I laughingly said.


But before we arrived at school jerk Donghae said he needed to go take care of something and ran off somewhere. 


‘I bet he went to reject another girl’ I thought to myself.


(on my way to school)


Well, we soon arrived at the school and departed for our own classes.


“Bye Mee-Yon, see you at lunch!” Sungmin oppa yelled while running down the hall with Kyu beside him.  They are off to the Graphics department.  Then Eunhyuk-shi left for the Business department.  I then too, left for the Arts department.


Donghae (POV)


I told the group that I needed to take care of something and left. 


To be honest, I just didn’t want to walk with that pig, Mee-Yon or whatever. 


I then started taking my usual shortcut to school.  But then I got sidetracked by some screaming girls.  Oh, that’s right, my fan club was on this street…


“Wait a minuet.  They might come into good use” I said to myself as I back tracked into the small rented room full of my posters and such.


“Hello ladies, long time no see.  How was your summer?” I asked.  The room went dead quiet and then all the girls that were screaming at, what seemed like a card board cut out of me, turned their bodies slowly towards me.


“AHH!  Donghae oppa!” and the screaming of the girls go on resume.  All of a sudden I’m surrounded by all the girls that are in the room.  But I didn’t pay any attention to them, I was focusing on a particular girl in the back of the room.  I pushed my way through and sat next to the girl.


“So Jessica, can you help me with something?” I whispered into the skimpy dressed member of SNSD.


Yes, Jessica is in my fan club, actually the president of the fan club.


“Yes, I’d do anything for you oppa” Jessica replied while bashing her eyelashes up and down.   So I pulled her out of the room and told her my plan.


Mee-Yon (POV)


“First class was great!  I never thought Shindong-shi was into art” I happily told myself.


“But then again, so is that jerk Donghae” I went into depress mode as I walk into the washroom.


(walk into the washroom)-->


“AISH! I can’t believe I dropped my lipstick!”  I heard some high-pitched girl yell from inside a stall.


“Umm, can you help me for a sec?” the same voice asked me from behind as I was touching up my hair.  I turned around to face an angle like girl with long flowing blonde hair.


“Ah…yes, how may I help you?” I responded after spacing out.


“Well, I dropped my lipstick in that stall but I can’t reach it” she explained to me while pointing to the last stall.


“Okay, I’ll see what I can do,” as I walk into the stall and started to search for the lipstick. 


After a minuet of searching, “Are you sure you dropped it in here?  I can’t see it anywhere”


“Yeah, it was just inside a bit more,” she responded.


I was about to lean in a bit more but then a pair of hands pushed me into the stall and locked me in from the outside.  It took me a moment to realize it, but when I did I started screaming.


“YAH!  Who did this! Open the door!” I demanded as I fumbled with the door knob on the inside.  But it just won’t budge.


“This is what you get for hurting MY Donghae oppa!” a familiar voice answered.  Wait.  It’s the girl from before!


Who are you and why are you doing this?!” I demanded once more.


“I’m teaching you a lesson!  Come on in girls!” the girl said once more before I heard a bunch of high heeled girls walk in the washroom.


“TAKE THIS !” screamed one girl and before you know it I was dumped all over by water from above the stall.


“AUGHH!” I screamed at how cold the water was.  What did I ever do to make them treat me like this?


For minuets I didn’t hear responses except laughter that filled the whole bathroom.


“What is this? Let me out!”


“Stay in there and think over what you have done! NO one messes with my Donghae oppa and gets away with it!  This is only the beginning, you’d better watch out!” the ‘angle’ like girl threatened before walking out of the bathroom.


“WAIT! Don’t leave me in here!” I screamed after them but they didn’t take notice.


Then someone walked in.


Sorry for the late update >.< I realize it’s been nearly 2-3 month since I wrote a chapter ^3^;      

buuuuuut, here it is anyways, hope you enjoy!

Much love,                                                                                                                                                                     

youremyhappiness xx

p.s. guess who walks into the washroom?? ^_^

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Assddffghjj more!!!! 8D and you added Sica here e___e anyway.... I like this fic xD
UPDATE.!! yay.!!!! :D hehe hae is so mean did he as Sica to do that.????
@LeepFrog sorry sorry *rubs hand together* High school is soooo stressful right now and I can't seem to have any inspirations D':<br />
But I will try my very best to update this ff! But thank you so much for waiting^_^~
LeapFrog #4
I can't wait any longer D8
wahhh.. cliffhanger.. haha XD who is her saviour.. OMO please update soon :)
LeapFrog #6
XD I love this ff.<br />
Sungmin so nice~ <3
@tricia358 kamsamnida! And as for the clip I got it off of photobucket =)
MyOneAndOnlyHae #8
the clip in chapter 3 is really funny.. where'd you get that?
MyOneAndOnlyHae #9
new reader here! and all i can say is WOW!.<br />
daebak!..<br />
ChaeKiRin #10
D: dong is so mean to the girl. how could he :(<br />
thanks for the update :)