
Triangle Love

Mee-Yon POV


I woke up in the middle of the night with the odd sound of gaming systems in my ear.  


"Are they seriously still up?" I thought, while mumbling those words.


I quietly opened my door and tip-toed into the room that was making the noise.  I listened for a second and then gently tried opening the door, it opened and I walked inside.


"Sungmin-oppa, Kuyhyun-oppa, are you guys still awake?" I whispered looking around the room until I saw the plasma t.v. hanging from the wall.  Black-Ops was on the screen and it was in game.


"Hey Mee-Yon" said Kyuhyun in a very low voice that scared the sh*t out of me.


"Umm...Kyuhyun-oppa, why are you still playing?  It's two in the morning" I asked in a very sleepy tone.


"Well, I was playing with hyung over there but he decided to ditch me and go to sleep." he answered in a calm voice without taking his attention off the screen.  I looked over to the bed that Kyuhyun was leaning on and I saw Sungmin-oppa sleeping peacefully.  I walked up to Sungmin-oppa and pulled up some blanket for him.


"Mee-Yon, why don't you come play with me for a while?" kyuhyun asked in a dare-devil way.


"oppa, it's two in the morning, I think we're suppose to be sleeping." I responded


"Oh, so the country girl is scared?" he kept on saying in that dare-devil tone.


Country Girl? Oh that's it, your on.


"oppa, you don't know what you just got yourself into.  I was the best video game player back in my home-town." I said taking a seat next to him on the ground.


"I don't care what place you got there, but now your in Seoul and we're doing this Seoul style" he said while exiting the game into a new file.


"Well, what if you lose?" I asked.


"Let's make a bet.  The loser will have to do whatever the winner tells them to do for a whole day." he said putting up his pinky.


"Well, oppa, get ready to serve me for a whole day" I say, putting my pinky into his. 


There was some intense playing for a long time until we were at the final round.  My gamer avatar was in the lead all along until, this bomb hit me...WTH?  Then, when the dust was clear, I sprinted for my destination.  Yup, I got there alright, except that Kyuhyun was already standing there, behind the finish line.


"wha- ..." I asked myself in disbelive.


"Bravo, Kyu~ I know you would win" Kyu-oppa praised himself.  While turning around and smirk at me.


"umm... good play, but that was just the beginning"  I said as I quickly made a dash for the door but Kyuhyun caught my hand in time.


"Nuh-Uhn Mee-Yon, remember the bet?  Well, sadly you lost" he said still smirking.


"Umm...well we can start that tomorrow" I said trying to get out of his grasp but failed.


"Well tomorrow is today and today is the day I want to start the bet" he said getting closer to me inch by inch finally pushing me against the wall.


"oppa, what are you doing..." my face turning really red by the second.  


"well the first thing I wanted you to do was..." he said trailing off his words while facing an inch from my face.


"oppa, no-" I pleaded.  No! My first kiss! My first kiss was getting stealing away by a boy I barely knew!  But then Kyu's little plan got inturupted by someone throwing a pillow at him in the head.


"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! What do you think your doing?!" Sungmin-oppa scowled at the donsaneg that was about to kiss me.


"What, hyung, I just wanted to play." Kyuhyun said in a innocent tone.


"Well you can't play with Mee-Yon!" Sungmin-oppa yelled at him while running up behind him, taking Kyuhyun's hand off my waist and arms.


"What do you think you were doing?" Sungmin-oppa screamed in a angry voice.


"What? Do you think I was really gonna kiss her? I was just playing around" he said backing off with his hand in the air.


"Are you okay? Mee-Yon?" Sungmin-oppa asked in concern.


"...uhh, yea I'm fine, I'll be leaving now" I said in emmbaresment.


I ran out the door and went into my room.  What was that boy trying to do?!  My heart was still thumping up and down, okay I don't like him, but ANYONE will be doing the same if they almost got their first kiss taken away.  I looked at the clock and saw that it was already three.


"wow, it's so late" I say as I climb into bed.


It's gonna be a long day tomorrow I say to myself before falling to sleep.


*sorry if this is soo short *claps hand together and bow my head down* Well hope you enjoyed ~~*


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Assddffghjj more!!!! 8D and you added Sica here e___e anyway.... I like this fic xD
UPDATE.!! yay.!!!! :D hehe hae is so mean did he as Sica to do that.????
@LeepFrog sorry sorry *rubs hand together* High school is soooo stressful right now and I can't seem to have any inspirations D':<br />
But I will try my very best to update this ff! But thank you so much for waiting^_^~
LeapFrog #4
I can't wait any longer D8
wahhh.. cliffhanger.. haha XD who is her saviour.. OMO please update soon :)
LeapFrog #6
XD I love this ff.<br />
Sungmin so nice~ <3
@tricia358 kamsamnida! And as for the clip I got it off of photobucket =)
MyOneAndOnlyHae #8
the clip in chapter 3 is really funny.. where'd you get that?
MyOneAndOnlyHae #9
new reader here! and all i can say is WOW!.<br />
daebak!..<br />
ChaeKiRin #10
D: dong is so mean to the girl. how could he :(<br />
thanks for the update :)