You?! (2/2)

Triangle Love


Mee-Yon POV

“Aish, this is driving me crazy” I mumbled to myself.


“Hey, can get some kimichi rice and miso soup?” a girl next to me ordered.


“Yes ma’am, coming right up.”


“YAH! Hurry up over there, I’m really hungry!” Kyuhyun called over that made everyone look in my way including the girl next to me.   I just glared at him.


“OMO.  Is Kyuhyun oppa talking to you?” the girl asked me.


“Unfortunately, yes.” I turned towards the girl.


“You are so lucky! But are you new here? I’ve never seen you before” she asked in excitement.


“Yea, I’m a new student here” I respond.


“Then if you don’t mind, let’s be friends!” the girl jumped in excitement.


“That would be great!  My name is Mee-Yon, nice to have a friend before I start school here”


“My name is Hae Sumi, but everyone just calls me Mimi, I’m sure we’ll be great friends”  she smiled and then nodded in Kyuhyun’s direction who was now accompanied by Sungmin.


“Don’t let the princes wait” she teased.




“So how’d you like the tour?” asked Sungmin oppa asked after we walked out of the school.


“Yea, it was nice”


Truthfully I really liked the school, it had many options that I could choose from.  I was thinking on how I should take art but then there was music which I think would be cool too, since I play piano.


“Hey, since we still have time, why don’t we go get ice cream, my treat” Kyuhyun oppa stated out of the blues.  Some how I didn’t entirely think he was going to treat us.


“That’s an awesome idea, what do you think Mee-Yon?” asked Sungmin.  Even though I didn’t like the idea I couldn’t let Sungmin oppa down when he is this happy.


“Okay, let’s go.”


We were walking down the street not too far from the school when I Sungmin’s dongsaeng, Donghae, I think that was the name.  Well some girl was standing in front of him with her head down and an envelope in her hand, gesturing towards him.


“Donghae oppa, please accept this, I l-l-lo-love-you!” the girl half stuttered and half screamed out.  Wow, she’s got guts, especially going against that jerk.


Donghae smiled and brought up his hand to the envelope, so you would think he accepted, right?  Well, he didn’t.  Instead of that, he smashed the envelope away and said something that was inaudible.  


Now the girl was crying.


Why?  Why must he treat this girl like crap?  All she did was confess her love for him, he didn’t need to be that rude!


I don’t know why, but this sudden urge came up with inside of me, this boiling rage.


For the next second all you can see is me walking towards the two people and then lifting my hand up, which contained my water bottle, and chucked it at him.


“Mee-Yon, what wa-“ Sungmin tried to say.


“Who the hell do you think you are?! “ I screamed at Donghae cutting Sungmin oppa.  I think I caught him off guard since he was really shocked when he looked up, but his face dropped into a really angry face when he saw it was me. 




“Yah! What was that for?!” he screamed and walked over to my direction.  He was really angry and…wet.  Well I did throw a water bottle at him but I guess the cap slipped off so, now he’s wet.


“Why were you treating the poor girl like that?” I screamed back at him not caring what he would do to me.


“Poor girl?  She was pathetic, begging for my love and care, who did she think I was?  A regular guy?”  He said in a really cocky tone.


“Chincha?  Well I bet she put up a lot of courage to confess to a self-centered. Jerk. Like. you!” I finished the sentence with dramatic spacing in between the last four words. 


It looks like he was going to give another comeback but Sungmin and Kyuhyun stepped in and pulled us apart.


“Mee-Yon are you alright?” Sungmin oppa asked me after pulling me to the side.


“Mianhe Sungmin oppa, he’s your dongsaeng after all, but I was mear-.” I apologized.


“It’s alright Mee-Yon, I should be apologizing for my dongsaeng behavior” Sungmin oppa replied looking into my eyes.


Donghae POV



“Chincha?  Well I bet she put up a lot of courage to confess to a self-centered. Jerk. Like. you!” The reckless girl yelled at me.  Aish, what is wrong with this woman?  I was going to give a snappy comeback but Sungmin and Kyu separated us.


“Hyung, you okay?” Kyu asked me after pulling me to the side.


“No, not really.  Who is this country accented girl anyway?  I saw her at our house in the morning”


“She’s the freeloader that’s staying at our house.” Kyu responded while handing me his hanker chive to wipe myself dry.


So it was the girl from the train station.


Mee-Yon POV


No one talked on our way back to the house, except Kyuhyun.  Well partly.  He took my phone, correction, stole my phone when I was looking out the window and added his number on it.  He then nudged me to look at my text.


GameBoy Kyu:  I still can’t believe you did that to our ice prince fishy , tsk tsk tsk…

Mee-yonnie:  He deserved it though >:\

Gameboy Kyu:  What I’m trying to say is that, never in my life time have I ever seen some one stand up to him like that.

Mee-yonnie:  Why wouldn’t anyone do the same thing I did?  It’s natural, why would they be scared to stand up to him?

GameBoy Kyu:  You don’t know Mee-Yon, and I’m not supposed to tell you.  When he wants to tell you, when he trusts you enough he’ll tell you himself.


I looked up at Kyu oppa and gave him a shrug and stared out the window again.


It wasn’t long until Sungmin oppa drove us home.  We walked in and found omma and aujumma setting up the dinner table.


“Good timing, come and eat dinner~” omma waved at us.  I wasn’t really in the mood to eat but the food looked to good that I couldn’t resist.


“Eat without me.” Donghae said and then proceeded to walk up the stairs.


“What’s wrong with my Fishy?” aujumma asked.


“Nothing really, he just got into a small argument with Mee-Yon that’s all.”  Kyuhyun responded to aujumma’s question.   That Kyu, and his big mouth.


“OMO.  Mee-Yon!  Are you alright?” aujumma came running towards me with a tight embrace.


“Yea, but it was my fau-“


“No it’s not, I will go yell at Fishy later on for you so don’t worry.” Aujumma consisted.


I couldn’t help but mentally laugh at the comment, aujumma was really nice to me.


<--After dinner-->


I walked up into my room after brushing my teeth and changing.


I wasn’t tired yet, even though it was 11:30pm, I decided to call my friends back in my home town.


Donghae POV


I took a shower and went back to my room.  Just as I walked in I saw that girl from earlier skipped into her room.  What an annoying girl, stupid pig.  I hopped onto my bed and started to read my book but then heard someone talking in the other room. 


“Yea…Sungmin…oppa…good…cute…” was all I heard to already want to make me throw up.


I was about to close my light when I heard something else.


“Donghae…annoying…self-centered…bye…” well, well, well.  Talking about me behind my back?  Just you wait, I’ll never let you live down in school.



I’m ALIVE!  I finally updated this story >.< ! I was having mental fanfic breakdown, but don’t worry I’m back to normal now ;D  I should be updating normally from now on, majority of my testing are down but I still have some here and there so please be patient =D Please leave your comment on how you think this chapter is and how the overall story is, I miss your comments T^T BTW COME CHECK OUT MY NEW FANFIC   HERE  Tell me what you think =)  Anyways, feel free to Comment, Subscribe, and View my stories =) Until then,

Much Love,

youaremyhappiness xx~ 

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Assddffghjj more!!!! 8D and you added Sica here e___e anyway.... I like this fic xD
UPDATE.!! yay.!!!! :D hehe hae is so mean did he as Sica to do that.????
@LeepFrog sorry sorry *rubs hand together* High school is soooo stressful right now and I can't seem to have any inspirations D':<br />
But I will try my very best to update this ff! But thank you so much for waiting^_^~
LeapFrog #4
I can't wait any longer D8
wahhh.. cliffhanger.. haha XD who is her saviour.. OMO please update soon :)
LeapFrog #6
XD I love this ff.<br />
Sungmin so nice~ <3
@tricia358 kamsamnida! And as for the clip I got it off of photobucket =)
MyOneAndOnlyHae #8
the clip in chapter 3 is really funny.. where'd you get that?
MyOneAndOnlyHae #9
new reader here! and all i can say is WOW!.<br />
daebak!..<br />
ChaeKiRin #10
D: dong is so mean to the girl. how could he :(<br />
thanks for the update :)