The Evil, Tall People Attack

Hanging By The Moment

“YunHee, I believe this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” He slung his arm around me.


“Really?” I blinked. Yoochun patted me on the head.
“Yes, doggie.”
I really wished he would stop calling me doggie.
“Can you stop calling me doggie?”
“Nope~!” I gave out a long sigh as he just laughed. Stupid hot English-speaking bum!!!
Once our drinks came out, I took out my wallet. But then he grabbed it and stuffed it in my bag and pulled out his. “I’ll pay for it.”
“But I wanna pay for it!!” I whined as I stomped my foot. I tried to push him aside and pay for it, but... well since I’m weak, I didn’t push him aside that much. So, he was still be able to pay. Stupid bum!!!
“So, you were born in America?”
“Yup! My parents wanted me to come here for college.” I drank my mocha. “So, I’m staying with my uncle.” I still won’t tell anyone that Lee SooMan is my uncle. When we walked into the SM Building, we saw Junsu staring at us with wide eyes.
“Oh my god!!! YooChun and YunHee we—“ YooChun covered Junsu’s mouth and dragged him towards their dance room.
“Bye doggie!!!” He waved bye to me with his free hand. I sighed and waved back to him.
“Having to clean DBSK’s room….oh, what fun. As long as ChangMin leaves me alone… hopefully.” I mumbled as I walked towards to the death room. Suju’s room!!!
The next day, I realized that I had to clean DBSK’s room. When I walked down the halls, I saw MinHae, who owes me ice cream for a year, walk into SHINee’s room. I quietly snuck up behind her and poked at her sides.
“Yahh!!!” she exclaimed,  then punched me in the arm and stomach. I hunched over, holding my stomach in pain, trying to get my breathing back. MinHae’s eyes widened in shock when she looked at my hunched body. “YunHee?!! DON’T DO THAT!! I am sooo sorrryyy!!!”
“WAHHHH!! You’re a meannieee!” I whined as I rubbed my arm in pain. Damn me and my skinny self. “I just wanted to say hi and ask if you wanted to eat breakfast with me!!! Then you just ended up attacking me!!!”
“Well, now you know not to attack me!!!!” 

TaeMin poked his head out of the door. “ Hey, is everything all right? I hear— YunHee Nuna!!!” I blinked, then waved happily. “Hi, TaeMin!!”
“I heard someone scream, what happened?” He blinked. I pointed to MinHae, and Taemin laughed. 
“Let me guess, MinHae punched your arm?” Key suddenly came out and slung his arm around me. I looked at him and nodded. “Aww, poor nuna.” He patted me on the head. “Do you need ice or anything?”
“No, I’m fine.” 
“See, YunHee!! You’re all right!!” Just as she was about to pat me on the arm, I jumped back.
“I’m not going to hurt you…”
“Uh huh…” I just looked at her. “Well, I'm going to clean Super Junior's room now. So peace out~!” 
As I walked towards Suju’s room, I ran into him!! That that that stupid tall person!! SHIM CHANGMIN!!!! 
“Watch where you’re going, you evil midget! “ ChangMin smirked. Stupid meanie!!! Why are you so mean to me?! I didn’t even do anything to you!!! I glared at him and childishly stuck my tongue out at him.
“You watch where you’re going, tall person!” I shot back. “I mean, you’re the tall one! You need to watch out for the midgets~!” I ran past him before he could say anything back. 

Once I got to Suju’s room, I had tears in my eyes. “Wahhh! Why is it so messy?!” I whined childishly as I started to clean the room. As I walked around the room, I noticed the random things in here. Like, how the heck did a side car mirror get in here?!!  They are so weird. I feel sorry for their future wives if they are truly this messy. Once I was done picking up all the random things and sweeping, I began mopping. I always hated mopping. I can’t control the mop. So, so sad. When I was done mopping, I heard Suju’s dance room door open and saw that Heechul was coming in with muddy shoes. I picked up my broom and jabbed him with it. “YAH!! Don’t track mud in your dance room!!! I just cleaned it!!”

“Ow! Ow!! All right, you smurf!!” he said, glaring at me. 
“I am not a smurf!!!” I exclaimed as I hit him again. “You stop hitting me!”
“No! “ I continued to hit him with the broom. Then suddenly, he picked me up and started to hover me over the balcony edge.
“Y-y-yah!!! I-I-I I’m sorry!!!” I stuttered. “Please don’t drop me!!! 
“Hmm..." he mumbled as he loosened his grip. 
“Hey, Heechul. Let YunHee down.” I heard YunHo laugh. “Or we’ll all get in trouble!” Heechul sighed, then placed me down. I glared at Heechul, then kicked him in the shin and ran off.



I peeked behind the wall and saw MinHae pop up behind Heechul and kick him too. “Don’t call my friend a smurf, you girl!!!!!” Yunho began to laugh even more as he watched MinHae and Heechul argue.

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please post more soon...^_^
Yayy Its an Update!!! <br />
School quite the evil thing it is.<br />
i'll be waiting for your next update <br />
suju1375 #3
hahaha I love these two an how the guys treat YunHee! and the way YunHee acts it reminds me of me!!! :D
Love the new poster!!! Jessica and Changmin cute!!Update Soon
owh your poster on this page!!!!!!<br />
the new one...:)
owh then they haven't develop feelings for each other yet???<br />
hurm but then changsica couple is cute them in haptic...:)<br />
update soon...pleaseeeeeeee.....:)
Awww poor Yunhee i can so relate to her school problems!!! UghSchool!! I love Jaejoong in the story so cute UPDATE SOON!!!
Changmin is sooo mean'<br />
but is it weird that i still find him cute...?<br />