Dinner with DBSK and SHINee

Hanging By The Moment

MinHae and I looked at each other, then scrambled to the door to hear the conversation better. 

Cuz you’re my babyy~!  We both jumped at the sound of MinHae’s phone. I looked over to her as she scrambled to get it out of her pocket.  “Hm. Who’s there?” We heard Key’s voice.  We looked over at each other in panic; I quickly got up, dragging MinHae with me. Since she was on the phone, I looked into the mirror and “fixed” my hat. 

“Oh, heyy momm!!” MinHae laughed nervously as she looked over to the door and saw Key looking at us suspiciously. “Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll get the milk after I eat. Okie dokiee.. Byebyee mommmy.” She hung up her phone and placed it in her pocket.
 “What were you guys doing?” Key raised an eyebrow at us.  
“Nothiiiiinnnngg.”  We said at the same time, with a cheesy smile. 
“Uh huh… I still don’t trust you guys when you’re together…”  He motioned us to get in. “Are you guys ready to eat dinner?” 
“Eh? Dinner? What about it?” I blinked.
“Oh, we’re all going to eat at this new restaurant.” YunHo explained to me. “MinHae didn’t tell you?”
“Oh. Ehehe… I forgot to tell you. He invited us to eat dinner with the rest of s and SHINee….Sorry.” MinHae laughed sheepishly as I glared at her.  Hmm… I don’t wanna eat with ChangMin! He’s going to call me fat…. I gained some weight because of the Freshman 15! Stupid freshman 15. I sighed as tucked my hair behind my ear.  Maybe I can sit with YooChun or Taemin. I nodded happily as I waved at them.  “But wait…. I don’t have any money…..” I mumbled.

“Oh that’s okay! We’ll just pay for everyone!” YunHo smiled.  Ahh he’s so nice!! I would soo love to have him as my boyfriend!! Hehehe. I smiled as I looked at him.  But I’m going to feel bad for making them pay for my meal……
“And no buts YunHee. I know what you’re thinking!!!!” YooChun exclaimed at me.  “Just don’t worry about it!”
“Fine….” I sighed.

When we left for the restaurant, I was stuck sitting in the back with ChangMin as YooChun was in the driver’s seat and JunSu was in the passenger seat. I quietly looked over to ChangMin and every fan encounter is true. He is very good looking in person. His high cheek-bones and strong jaw line.. .Suddenly ChangMin turned his head towards me, I quickly pulled out my cell phone and pretended to text.  I could feel his eyes watching me. I thought after a few seconds he would stop but he didn’t!!!! Stop looking at meee!! I whined as I continued to pretend to text.
“Yah! Stop looking at me! You weirdo!” I said as I looked at ChangMin.
“Why would I be looking at you! You’re too ugly and fat to be looking at!!!”

“Oh, thank you! I know I’m tall.  I take that as a compliment, midget.” 
“I’m not a midget, you’re just too tall for your age!”
“You’re the same age as JongHyun right? Then why is he taller than you?”
“Okay, Kids! We’re here!!” YooChun interrupted me. I quickly got of the car and glared at ChangMin.  I was always the shortest one in class. And I still am. man… It …  Looking at my phone, I really did get a text and it was from MinHae.

Text: Dudeee, our mission this time is to find out who’s going out with Jung Jessica.. Okayyy? ^__^ I laughed and texted back okay.

“Yah.  Midget. Don’t make the bill go too high with all the food you eat.” ChangMin smirked as he took his seat next to MinHo. When we looked over at the menu, I pouted. I really didn’t want to make the bill go high. Since I always get seafood…and seafood is always expensive….   When I looked over to MinHae, I wished I was able to interact with the stars like that. I still feel awkward around them…. Not only that, she dresses better than me…. I’m so plain compared to her. I mean, who really wears their hair down all the time. Then in the winter time, all I wear is jeans and hoodies. Nothing really fashionable…  “So, what are you going to order, fatty?” ChangMin smirked. Oh yeah… I’m sitting next to him. So not fair…  but at least I have YooChun sitting on the other side of me!! “Hm…. I think I might just get some jajangmyun.”

“Aww.. that’s it?” YooChun blinked.
“Mhmm.. I’m not really hungry..”  I mumbled.
“Hmm.. okay…..”

As I ate, I quietly watched how DBSK and SHINee interacted with each other. It’s cute. They must be really close. This is the SM Family love~!  After I finished my meal, I still felt hungry, but I didn’t want to waste anymore of their money.  Since they were still eating all the good food in front of me, I pulled out my DS and started to play Kingdom Hearts.  Once I the game, the sounds of laughter and chatter faded away. I have a habit to tuning everyone out when I play video games, reading or my homework. I guess you can say it’s a good thing… Kinda.. Unless you have a aunt calling you to eat dinner and you don’t hear her. Next thing you know, you’re getting hit with a broom.

“Die you evil things! DIEEE DIE----OWWW!!!” I rubbed my head in pain. Whoever hit him is heavy handed…Like MinHae!!! 
“Come on fatty, eat your cake.” ChangMin pointed to the strawberry mousse cake piece in front of me.  This one of my favorite cakes! If ChangMin picked this out…then cool points to the tall person!!

“Hey hey!  YunHee… You wanna share? I have mango!!!!” MinHae exclaimed as she  pushed her plate towards me.
“Hm.. okay!” I smiled happily as I pushed my plate towards her too.
“Fat!!” ChangMin smirked


I hope you all like this chapter. ^_^ Since there a little bit more interactions with ChangMin and YunHee.  Thanks to all the people who subscribed to this fic. I really don't think my fic should get all these subscribers. ><

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please post more soon...^_^
Yayy Its an Update!!! <br />
School quite the evil thing it is.<br />
i'll be waiting for your next update <br />
suju1375 #3
hahaha I love these two an how the guys treat YunHee! and the way YunHee acts it reminds me of me!!! :D
Love the new poster!!! Jessica and Changmin cute!!Update Soon
owh and.....love your poster on this page!!!!!!<br />
the new one...:)
owh then they haven't develop feelings for each other yet???<br />
hurm but then changsica couple is cute too....love them in haptic...:)<br />
update soon...pleaseeeeeeee.....:)
Awww poor Yunhee i can so relate to her school problems!!! UghSchool!! I love Jaejoong in the story so cute UPDATE SOON!!!
Changmin is sooo mean'<br />
but is it weird that i still find him cute...?<br />