Chapter 8: Is he ignoring me?

A young girl with dreams

'It had been 2 weeks since daehyun texted me, ever since he made friends with the boys, he stopped texting me. We still smile when we see each other along the hallway, but that's all. I am starting to think that daehyun had changed and no longer wants to be my friend anymore. I want to text him so badly, but I am so afraid that he might think that I am such a chore. 10 Feb. 4 more days to Valentine's Day. Should I even anticipate anything?'

you shut your diary and look at your phone. You miss the moments when your phone beeps and daehyun's name appears.  

"What's with the weird feeling in my heart." you put your hand against your chest and shut your eyes.

-the next day-

GaOn: Miko~! the girls are going to shop for valentine gifts. You wanna come?

You looked at daehyun and start to wonder if you should get him something. You realised you had developed feelings for him and you doesn't know if he feels the same way too.

"I guess I will go too....."


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Chapter 8: Please update soon! :D love your story!
MinjiLee #2
Chapter 1: woahhh~, update soon~~!