Chapter 1: A new girl in a new school~!

A young girl with dreams

Hi~ My name is Miko and I am currently 15 years old this year. My family had been moving around and this year, my parents decided we should stay in busan for good~ Today would be the day of my first day of school and I am really excited~! 

Walking to school with light steps, I was really excited to meet all the new friends in my new school. I glanced at my favourite pink watch. "OH DEAR, I thought to myself. The school gate will close in five mins time and I would be marked late. I can't be late for the first day of my school!!

I reached the school just at the nick of time and rushed to the office. "hey, my name is MIko and I am the new student. The principal said that I have to report to the office and retrieve my time table before heading to my class." I told the office lady.

She looked at me and headed to a stack of papers. 

"Miko Choi, Class 1/3, here you go~" 

I grabbed the paper and thanked her. Being in a new enviroment, it was hard to find my classroom. After asking around, I finally found my class which was located at the east building. With my heart beating so fast, I knocked the door and walked into the classroom. 

"Oh you must be the new student," said the form teacher. "I am Mr Lee, the form teacher of this class" 

The teacher gave me a warm smile and ask me to introduce myself.

"Hello~ My name is Miko and I just migrated here from Singapore. Nice to meet everyone~ Hope we will get along and be friends~"

The class smiled and they seemed to be a friendly bunch. 

"Miko. You will be sitting at that table." Mr lee pointed to a table that was at the back. "Your desk buddy would be Gaon~ Raise your hand gaon."

I walked to the seat and Gaon introduced herself. The teacher took our attendance and after 10 mins, he left the class.

(Side note: In korea, the school I went for exchanged programme, they had 45 mins of free time before the start of lessons, the time would be used for the teachers to mark attendance and the rest of the time would be for the students to do their own things.)

Gaon suggested that I should walk around and get to know everyone better, but before I could do that, everyone started crowding around me and asked me questin regarding my life in singapore. I had fun answering everyone but I saw that there was this guy who sat quietly at the side, keeping all quiet .

I nudged MIko and asked her who that guy is, turned out that he was another new student who transferred over some weeks ago and doesn't talk much.... He suddenly stood up and walked out of the classroom, I saw his face, and was captivated, he is hot. and his name... is JUNG DAEHYUN. 


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Chapter 8: Please update soon! :D love your story!
MinjiLee #2
Chapter 1: woahhh~, update soon~~!