Chapter 4: We are now note and text buddies~

A young girl with dreams

I looked at daehyun and smiled. He opened the slip of paper and read the content. I looked back at him and took out his pen and start scribbing. He passed the paper back to me and it read, "Hello~ Btw my name is Jung Daehyun. Not Boy~ kekeke"

I laughed at his dorky-ness and slipped the paper back to him. For the whole day, we were busying writing slips of notes and no one knew what we were doing. At the end of the day, he slipped the one last note and before I could 'reply' to his note, he was gone. 

I open the note and the content made me giggle. 

"Hey, in case you miss me~ Here's my number : 015-2135342-123" 

I kept the paper safe in my pocket and went off the find GaOn and friends.

GaOn: "what were you two doing just now~? Huh~ Huh~ Huh~?"

I smiled and took out the paper. GaOn grabbed the paper and screamed, "OMG YOU GOT HIS NUMBER. OMG OMG" and she start to spazz and scream on top of her voice. "I THINK HE LIKES YOU!!!!!!" she shrieked, "Are you gonna call him tonight??"

"I don't know..." 


I shut her up by covering , I don't want to let people know that Daehyun gave me his number.

After dinner with the girls, I went home and was in my room staring at the note and thinking if I should give daehyun a call. 

"Maybe... I should text him." I thought and grabbed my phone. 

"hey~ What are you doing~~?" I typed the words and stared at the note for the longest time.

"UNNIE!!!!" shouted my little sister, yumi. "what are you doing~?? How your first day of school~?? DID YOU MEET ANY CUTE GUYS~?" I shushed her as my dad passed by my room. the last thing I want him to find out is that I am having a guy's number.. 

Yumi grabbed the phone and clicked sent. "UNNIE! I clicked send for you. hahaha. Are you txexting your new boyfriend???? DAEHYUN! NICE NAME!" 

I laughed and push her out. "Don't disturb me and my bf. hahaha"

Just then my text tone sounded and I jumped onto the bed. WOAH. DAEHYUN TEXTED BACK..


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Chapter 8: Please update soon! :D love your story!
MinjiLee #2
Chapter 1: woahhh~, update soon~~!