Chapter Eight

Stuck in the PAST

Already in the apartment, Hoya and Sung Jong helped Myungsoo sit on the couch and Hoya asked Sungyeol to buy things to make the curative to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo was a bit scared but something in his heart told him that they wouldn’t hurt him.

- Who are you? - Myungsoo asked, looking at them

- Myungsoo, we need your help. Seohyun was kidnapped and trapped by Dongwoo. - Hoya said, sitting beside him

- What? Is she okay? He hurt her? - Myungsoo asked, worried

Why are you doing this, Dongwoo hyung? Myungsoo thought.

- She’s okay, don’t worry. Sunggyu is there with her ​​and he’ll protect her – Hoya answered

- Sunggyu? Who is Sunggyu? - Myungsoo asked, confused

- He saw the kidnapping of Seohyun and Dongwoo had to kidnap him, so he wouldn’t accuse him to the police – Hoya replied, sighing

- How do you know all of that? - Myungsoo asked, even more confused

Hoya looked at Woohyun and he encouraged him to tell to Myungsoo what happened and who are they. Hoya sighed and told everything to Myungsoo.

However, in the small house.

- Hmm....don’t, please...stop....stop....stop...don’t hurt him, Dongwoo, NOOOOOOOOOOO - Seohyun yelled

She was having a nightmare. She dreamed that Dongwoo was doing something bad to Myungsoo and she couldn’t help him.

- Seohyun, Seohyun - Sunggyu called, trying to wake her

Seohyun opened her eyes and sighed with relief.

- It was all a dream – Seohyun said as she sat, leaning against the wall.

- You were dreaming with Dongwoo? – Sunggyu asked, a bit worried

- Yes. – Seohyun answered

- Calm down. Come here - Sunggyu said, hugging her

- Sunggyu, will we be able to get out of here someday? – Seohyun asked, almost without hope

- Of course! Trust me. Soon, we’ll be able to leave this horrible place. And we’ll be able to live happily again. – Sunggyu said, smiling sweetly

- How can you be so sure? – Seohyun asked, confused and curious at the same time

- Trust me! You just have to trust me, even if I have to give my life, you're going to get out of here, Seohyun - Sunggyu said, smiling

- Sunggyu, don’t say that. I won’t let him do something bad to you. You’re a very special person to me. - Seohyun said, looking at him

- And I won’t let him do something bad to you. I'll protect you until the end - Sunggyu said, smiling to her

- Thank you. You’re such a wonderful person. - Seohyun said, smiling

- You too. - Sunggyu said - Let's go back to sleep

- Will you sing me a song? - Seohyun asked, looking at him

- Of course – Sunggyu replied, smiling a bit

After Sunggyu sang, Seohyun and Sunggyu fell asleep, embraced.

Myungsoo, you’re so lucky for having such a wonderfull girl in love with you. She belongs to you. I won’t take her but I’m gonna enjoy this moment. I’m sorry. Sunggyu thought as he fell asleep.

The following day

In the small apartment

- Good morning - Sung Jong said, entering the room - You worked all night?

- Yes - replied Hoya - Sung Jong, with Myungsoo’s help, we’ll achieve what we want, even faster that we expected.

- And Dongwoo? He won’t suspect us? - Sung Jong asked, looking at him

- Why do you ask that? - Hoya asked, confused

- Her sister knows you were there - Sung Jong said, worried

- She was drunk, she won’t remember anything - Hoya said, convinced

- Ok. Tell me what you found - Sung Jong said, sitting beside them

- Dongwoo isn’t joking around, he’s really dangerous. - Woohyun said, looking at the papers

However, in the bedroom

- Myungsoo, it hurts? - Sungyeol asked, worried

- No – Myungsoo replied - Thanks for save me.

The truth is that It hurt but the fact that Dongwoo kidnapped Seohyun hurted much more.

- No need to thank - Sungyeol said, smiling

Myungsoo smiled and rested his head on the pillow and. He couldn’t stop thinking about Seohyun. He was worried about her.

Dongwoo kidnapped Seohyun and he didn’t know if she was okay or not, whether she was alive or not, he knew nothing.

Myungsoo wanted so much to see Seohyun, hug her, kiss her, he wanted to be able to protect her from the world, he wished he could save her from everything and everyone but that was impossible since he didn’t know where she was.

- Myungsoo, why Dongwoo is doing all of this? - Sungyeol asked, looking at him

- I don’t know. I thought it was because of his love for Seohyun but I came to the conclusion that he’s doing this for another reason, a reason that I don’t know. - Myungsoo answered, sighing

Sungyeol sighed and said nothing. He left the room and left Myungsoo rest.

- How is he? - Woohyun asked, looking at Sungyeol

- Bad – Sungyeol replied, sighing – He’s very depressed with this whole story.

- It’s normal. Come here, we have news - Woohyun said, gesturing to Sungyeol sit beside him

Sungyeol sat next to Woohyun and he told him all that they had discovered. They were getting closer.

Several days passed and Sunggyu and Seohyun felt more and more weak. Nobody had appeared in the small house those days and they had nothing to eat.

Seohyun cried all day and Sunggyu comforted her and tried to calm her. He really liked her and didn’t want to see her in that deplorable state. He knew she loved him (Myungsoo) but he wanted to give her all his love because it made him feel happy.

Sunggyu knew Seohyun's heart belonged to Myungsoo and that would never change. It made him feel hurt because he wanted to win her heart but he knew it was an impossible dream so he just pretended that he just liked her like a friend or even a sister.


After a month

A car parked near the small house. A tall, blond boy exited the car.

He approached the small house and opened the door....


Annyeong! Another chapter^^

Do you like it? I hope you do!!!

Thanks for reading <3


Today, I'll spam Sunggyu *O*

Anneyong! Sunggyu oppa^^

Cute and angry at the same time ahahah and, where are his eyes? *approaching my pc*

A present to all Inspirits^^

He's cute when he wakes up eheh ^^

So cute *O*

Ahahah, I love his laugh ahahah

Are you excied, gyu oppa? for the nest chapter? I hope you are ahah

I hope you are excited too





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