Chapter Fourteen

Stuck in the PAST

Dongwoo's POV

"I never thought you were capable of doing this" Seohyun said, after several minutes of silence

She's right, I also never thought I would be able to do this. I know that I made a mistake by doing this but I didn’t care, I just wanted Seohyun to me, I wanted her to love me, I wanted her to look at me, the way she looks at Myungsoo, but it seems that it has always been impossible but I never realized that.

I'm giving up? Yes I am and I know I will pay dearly for this, but better late than never, right?

Now, I just want to be able to redeem what I did and pay for it and then start living again. This was what I should have done from the start but now I can’t do anything, the only thing I can do is return Seohyun to Myungsoo.

"Say something, Dongwoo" Seohyun said, interrupting my thoughts

"What do you want me to say?" Was the only thing that escaped my lips at the moment

"I don’t know ... you can start by explaining why we are here? What are you gonna do?" She said, a little irritated

I didn’t answer, just looked at the door, waiting for him to arrive at that moment.

"Dongwoo!" She cried, already desperate

I got up and walked to the door, opening it. I left the warehouse and closed the door. I heard her scream my name numerous times but I just ignored it. The door wasn’t locked, she could leave but I knew she wanted answers before she leave, answers that maybe I couldn’t give.

After a few brief moments, I felt someone touch my shoulder and looked back.

"Dongwoo...." He muttered, looking at me

I looked at him and said nothing. He was still hurt, I could still see the wounds that I did through his sweater. He looked at me and waited for me to say something.

"Where's Seohyun?" asked another boy, that appeared behind him and I immediately recognized him

"Inside of that warehouse..." I said and he was getting ready to go but I stopped him "I need to talk to you."

He looked at me and said nothing.

"Sunggyu, please....let me talk with you." I said

I heard him sigh and I looked at Myungsoo, who was beside me. He nodded and I looked back to Sunggyu.

"Ok, but then you’re going to let us go, right?" Sunggyu asked, looking at me

I couldn’t say anything, I just nodded and he walked towards the door. Myungsoo and I did the same and when we went inside, Seohyun was shocked...or maybe surprised.

As soon as she saw Myungsoo, she ran to him and hugged him. Myungsoo opened his arms and hugged her.

Sunggyu looked at them and he had a sad expression stamped on his face. I think he also fell in love with the wrong girl.

"I've missed you so much." I heard Seohyun say

I felt a bit hurt and jealous but I knew I couldn’t do anything else, she would never be mine, she never would love me, so it was time to leave her live her life.

I coughed slightly and everyone looked at me. I could see that Sunggyu was angry with me and I don’t judge, I deserve it.

"I promise I'll be quick…" I said, sitting on a chair

"I hope so. I don’t want to have anything to do with this story anymore." Sunggyu said, also sitting on a chair

"I know I was wrong, ok? I know that everything I did was wrong but I couldn’t get her out my head. I was five years in the U.S. and I swear I tried to forget her. I started going out with my friends to bars, I involved myself with other girls but none of them made me feel what I feel when I'm with Seohyun." I explained quietly "I know I can’t do anything for you to forgive me but I want you to know that I’m regretful. I'm sorry."

Nobody said anything. I looked at the floor and felt them all looking at me but I ignored it, just kept my eyes stuck to the floor.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a car.

"Oh! No....” I heard Sunggyu saying

What's going on? It is the police?

End of Dongwoo’s POV

"They must have discovered..." Myungsoo said "Sunggyu go with Seohyun outside and tell them that I’ll go outside in a few minutes, ok?"

"What? No way. I'm not leaving without you, Myungsoo" Seohyun said, grabbing Myungsoo’s arm

"Seohyun, please" Myungsoo said, looking at Seohyun "I just want to talk with him…I just want to clarify everything."

"And why can’t I hear? I also have a right to know..." Seohyun said, irritated

"Seohyun, go outside with Sunggyu, please." Myungsoo asked Seohyun

Seohyun looked at him. Tears were streaming down her face. Sunggyu stood up and approached Seohyun but she didn’t move. She wouldn’t get out without Myungsoo, she wouldn’t leave Myungsoo alone with Dongwoo, she didn’t trust him.

"Please..." Myungsoo said

Seohyun didn’t move and Sunggyu sighed. Myungsoo looked at him and begged him with his eyes. Sunggyu took a deep breath and decided to use force.

He grabbed Seohyun and tried to take her out of the warehouse but she managed to loosen up.

"I WON’T GET OUT WITH YOU." She cried, going to Myungsoo’s side again

"Seohyun, it for me...I’ll get out of here in five minutes, I need to speak with Dongwoo and NO, you can’t please get out of here." Myungsoo asked Seohyun, grabbing her hands “Please…”

"I don’t trust him..." Seohyun said, crying a little

"I know..." this time it was Dongwoo speaking "But I promise I won’t do anything to him..."

"I don’t believe." Seohyun said, looking at Dongwoo

"Seohyun, stop." Sunggyu said "Let them talk. I don’t know a lot about all of you but I've realized that there are many misunderstandings which must be clarified and I don’t think you're involved."

Seohyun looked at Sunggyu, a bit surprised by his attitude. Sunggyu approached Seohyun and Myungsoo dropped her hands. Sunggyu took Seohyun hands and took her out of the warehouse. Seohyun looked one last time at Myungsoo but then followed Sunggyu, without saying a single word.

"’s just us…" Myungsoo said, looking seriously at Dongwoo.

Myungsoo walked towards Dongwoo and sat beside him. Dongwoo looked at him and said nothing.

However, out of the warehouse...

"Sunggyu, I told you not to come after Dongwoo, right?" Sungyeol said, angry

"Sorry, hyung but we had to come here. Both me and Myungsoo were tired of waiting...we needed to catch Dongwoo." Sunggyu said, sighing

"You were irresponsible." Sungyeol said, even more upset

Sunggyu said nothing. Seohyun approached them and looked at them, worried.

"I hope he's okay..." Seohyun said

"Myungsoo is strong ... and besides, he knows how to defend himself." Sungyeol said, smiling a bit

"Where are the others, hyung?" Sunggyu asked

"I spoke a few hours ago with Woohyun and he told me to look for you. Supposedly, he would call me and I would tell him where we were." Sungyeol said “I've tried to talk with him but his phone is switched off.... I'm concerned."

"He must have run out of battery." Sunggyu said, trying to calm the older

"Maybe..." Sungyeol said, leaning against the car "They're going to take long?"

Sunggyu shrugged. Sungyeol looked at Seohyun, who sighed.

"What's up, Seohyun?" Sungyeol asked, concerned

"Nothing ..." Seohyun said, looking back at the warehouse

However, a small bar....

"Why are you doing this? We helped you all these months..." Hoya said, angry

"You were asking for his help, right, Howon?" The man asked, angrily

"You know very well that it was the only way we had to catch him..." Sungjong said, offended

"What? You are even more stupid than I thought...he knows very well who you are.... and he hates Dongwoo." The man said, approaching the 3 boys “Now we all are in danger.... what are you going to do? Huh? By the way....where's Sungyeol?"

"Oh! No..." Woohyun said, worried "He went after Sunggyu and Myungsoo..."

"What? Where are they? "Hoya asked, shocked

"I don’t know..." Woohyun said

"CALL HIM NOW!" The man shouted, angry

Woohyun took his mobile phone, however, he was out of battery.

"....Hoya, lend me your phone, please." Woohyun said

Hoya gave his phone to Woohyun, who immediately called to Sungyeol


"Sungyeol? Where are you? "

"Woohyun? Oh! I’m supposed to ask the same...I tried to call you so many times...where are you? "

"I ran out of battery and it doesn’t matter now. Where are you? "..." And Myungsoo? Where is he?"

Everyone looked at Woohyun, who was with a worried expression.

"Ok. We’ll meet you there….bye... ah! Sungyeol, be careful."

Woohyun hung up the call and looked at the other three, who were looking seriously to him.

"He's with Seohyun and Sunggyu, in a small warehouse near the bar that Dongwoo attends."

"And Myungsoo?" Sungjong asked, concerned

"He's inside with Dongwoo...apparently they had issues to clarify." Woohyun said

"That doesn’t matter now...we have to go before a tragedy happens." The man said, and the 4 boys left the bar.

Outside the small warehouse...

"Sunggyu..." Seohyun called quietly

"Hm?" Sunggyu said, looking at her

"I feel like I'm going to lose him....I don’t like this feeling...." Seohyun said, letting Sunggyu and Sungyeol concerned


Annyeong! ^^ Another chapter!!

What's going to happen? eheh!

So did you like the chapter? I hope you did and I hope you're enjoying!


Now a bit of spam for you^^ 

Omo! He's so handsome *-*

I forget how to breath *-* So perfect!!

Ahahah! I love this scene eheh! His laugh is so funny ahah!

Handsome!! I like his pink hair eheh^^

His small eyes *-* So cute^.^

Our leader Gyu is handsome too *-*


This is the last gif! 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And thank for subscribing!

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