Chapter Thirteen

Stuck in the PAST

We all make mistakes. The only difference is that some of us regret and others don’t and some learn from those mistakes and others simply commit them over and over again.

Dongwoo has made many mistakes and is now committing his biggest mistake.

Earlier, Dongwoo always thought that he would never regret what he was doing, however, after his last visit to Myungsoo, Dongwoo couldn’t help but think in the ex-friend words and he began to regret all of that.

However, this didn’t prevent him from keeping Seohyun in his room, who was more and more weak.

He tried to convince her to eat, however, she would refuse, she would throw the food on the floor, break dishes, scream at him. She just wanted to get away and go back to the man she loved.

One day, Dongwoo decided it was time to end the whole situation, he realized that Seohyun would never be his, she would always belong to Myungsoo and he also realized that by doing this, he was hurting Seohyun, he was making her hate him even more and he didn’t want that, he wanted her love, he wanted her to love him as much as he loves her.

Unfortunately, it would never happen.

So, Dongwoo decided to call Myungsoo and combine a place for them to meet.

When heard Dongwoo’s propose, Myungsoo wanted to accept, however, he realized he couldn’t decide at that moment, he wasn’t alone, he had his new four friends, and he was sure that they would never allow him to meet with Dongwoo.

Myungsoo understood, all this could be just another trap, maybe Dongwoo wanted to capture him, maybe he wanted to kill him.

Well ... Dongwoo would never kill him, at least is what Myungsoo thinks but Dongwoo has changed so much that he no longer knows who he is.

Myungsoo admired Dongwoo so much, but now that admiration disappeared.

Myungsoo lost hope for a few minutes, however, when Sunggyu told him that he had a plan, he thought that perhaps not everything was lost, maybe he could save Seohyun.

Sunggyu and Myungsoo were lying in bed. Sungyeol was in the living room. Woohyun had called a few hours ago and said that they would return in a few hours.

It had been a day since they had left home without explanation and Sungyeol was worried but as soon as he heard Woohyun’s voice, he became calmer.

"Stay here. When we can go, I’ll warn you, okay? "Sunggyu said, leaving Myungsoo alone

"It's almost over, my love..." Myungsoo muttered

Little did he know....

However, in the mansion...

"Can you get washed clothes of my sister?" Dongwoo asked

"Yes, mr.Dongwoo." the maid said, leaving the room

"Thank you." Dongwoo said

In the small apartment...

Sunggyu entered in the living room and saw Sungyeol sitting in a chair, looking at the exterior of the house. He took a chair and sat next to the oldest. For several minutes, neither of them spoke, simply appreciated what was happening outside.

"I’m sorry..." Sunggyu said, breaking the ice

Sungyeol sighed and looked at Sunggyu.

"We just want to protect you. "Sungyeol said, looking again at the window

"I know..." Sunggyu said "Let's forget all of this and try to catch him as soon as possible."

"Don’t worry, there are no perfect crimes or criminals...he will end up making a small mistake." Sungyeol said and Sunggyu nodded, agreeing with the words of the older

"I hope they're okay..." Sunggyu said, referring to Hoya, Sungjong and Woohyun

"They are...they know well what they are doing." Sungyeol said, smiling a little

"I hope so..." Sunggyu said as he stood up

In the mansion...

"Can I come in?" Dongwoo asked

"Yes, sir. " the maid replied "She is ready."

"Thank you. You can go." Dongwoo said and the maid left the room "Are you okay?"

"It was better if you were with Myungsoo." Seohyun replied, coldly

"Don’t worry. You'll see him faster than you think." Dongwoo said, leaving the room

"Wh-what?" Seohyun whispered, staring at the door, confused

In the small apartment...

"Hyung, we don’t have coffee." Sunggyu said, leaving the kitchen

"Strange, I thought Woohyun had bought." Sungyeol said, standing up "But don’t worry, I'll buy it. I’ll be right back."

Sunggyu nodded and sat down on the couch. Sungyeol took his wallet and cell phone and left the house.

Once he saw Sungyeol leaving the building and heading to the store, Sunggyu stood up and headed for the bedroom.

"He already left. Come on." Sunggyu said, entering in the room

"Ok. Let me just get one thing." Myungsoo said, picking up his coat "I have to give it to its owner."

Sunggyu looked at him, confused but decided not to ask questions, maybe it was a private thing and he didn’t want to invade Myungsoo’s personal space.

Once they were ready, Myungsoo and Sunggyu left the building and drove to the place combined with Dongwoo.

In a small warehouse...

"What are we doing here, Dongwoo?" Seohyun asked, confused "You’re not going keep me here, do you? Please, let me go back to Myungsoo."

"Calm down, Seohyun. It's okay. I’m not going to hurt you." Dongwoo said, sitting in a chair "Sit. I'm waiting for a person. He must be almost here."

In a small bar...

"I hope you're being honest with me or you’ll be on my blacklist and believe me, you don’t want to be in my blacklist." One man, with black hair, well-built body, said, looking at the three boys, who were sitting in front of him.

"Don’t worry. We're on your side. If you help us, nothing bad will happen to you." One of the boys said, making the man smile, satisfied

"Okay, we have a deal." The man said, rising, "I'll get what you need."

In the small apartment....

Sungyeol had just come from the store. He didn’t mean to take so long but he found Minyoung, a friend that he hadn’t seen for a long time and decided to stay a little more to chat with her.

Of course he didn’t tell her what was really going on, even though he knew she was trustworthy.

When he entered in the apartment, he went to the kitchen, where he put the bag he carried.

"Sunggyu, Myungsoo...I arrived." Sungyeol yelled "Want some coffee?"

No answer...

"Sunggyu? Myungsoo?" Sungyeol called again

No answer...

Sungyeol went to the room, however, the two boys weren’t there. He searched all over the house (and it wasn’t even that big xD), and they weren’t anywhere.

"Oh! No..." Sungyeol said, realizing what was happening.

Sungyeol took his cellphone.

"Woohyun? They are going to meet Dongwoo..." Sungyeol said

"What? ..." Woohyun said


Anneyong! Another chapter^^

*sigh* Finally school is over...but I'll have exams T_T it is one more chapter...the story is about to end....2 or 3 more chapters and it's the end!

I hope you're enjoying!!

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