Chapter Four

Stuck in the PAST

A few hours later.

Next to the small house, a car stopped. Hoya and Sung Jong left the car running and headed for the car.

Dongwoo got out and looked at them.

- You did what I asked you to do? – Dongwoo asked, looking at them

- Yes, boss - Sung Jong answered

- Very well. Stay here. I'll join them, I want to see how they are - Dongwoo said as he walked to the small house…but he stoped and looked at the two boys again - Sung Jong, his wounds, how are they?

- Almost healed - Sung Jong answered, smiling a bit

- Very well. We don’t want anything to happen to him, right? - Dongwoo said, sarcastically

Dongwoo went inside the small house while the two boys looked at him.

- Let's go back to the car, hyung - Sung Jong said

- This guy annoys me more and more - Hoya said, furious

- Calm, hyung. Come on - Sung Jong said, pulling Hoya

Inside the small house.

- So how's my beautiful princess? - Dongwoo asked, smiling

Seohyum remained silent and tried to avoid eye contact with Dongwoo.

- Seohyunnie ... - Dongwoo said, approaching her

- Don’t call me that - Seohyun said, pushing Dongwoo away – Myungsoo is the only one that can call me that.

- Yah! - Dongwoo said, reacting quickly - Lee Seohyun, stop thinking about him, you hear? You can forget about Myungsoo, you'll never see him again. You will be mine. MINE.

- NO - Seohyun said, crying - I'll never be yours. NEVER.

- Seohyun...look at me – Dongwoo said, with a serious voice - Myungsoo...he can’t see you and you can’t see will never see him again so you can begin to forget him. Now you just have to think about me. Listen, ME…from now on you’re MINE and ONLY MINE.

- What you did to Myungsoo? TELL ME - Seohyun said, desperate

- I still can’t tell you but don’t worry he got what he deserved - Dongwoo said, smirking

- You killed.... Myungsoo? - Seohyun asked, scared

- No, not yet - Dongwoo answered – Don’t worry, he's fine, for now

- I hate you. I HATE YOU. - Seohyun said, upset

- NO. YOU LOVE ME, you hear? You. Love. Me. - Dongwoo said, furious

- NO. I LOVE Myungsoo and only Myungsoo - Seohyun said, firm

- Seohyun, you better think about what you say or Myungsoo.....BOOM….will disappear from your life. - Dongwoo said, seriously

- can’t do that - Seohyun murmured, more scared.

- Beautiful girl - Dongwoo said, smiling - And now we. – He said, turning to Sunggyu - Sunggyu, right?

Sunggyu glared at him but nodded.

- Still feeling a lot of pain? - Dongwoo asked, pretending to care

  - No – Sunggyu replied, not looking at him

- I didn’t want this to happen but you were in the wrong place at the wrong hour. You shouldn’t have seen that. - Dongwoo said, enraged

- Seen? What are you talking about? - Sunggyu asked, confused - Answer me please.

- You shouldn’t have seen the kidnapping of our Seohyunnie - Dongwoo answered - But that doesn’t matter now. What matters is that you're here and you can’t do anything.

- She...she was a girl...I've seen being kidnapped? - Sungggyu asked, incredulously

- I'm sorry but I have to go. I have to go do homework - Dongwoo said, sarcastically

Dongwoo laughed and left the small house, closing the door

- Sunggyu, I'm afraid - Seohyun said, scared

- Seohyun, I can’t see you. Come to me. - Sunggyu said, worried

- I also can’t see you - Seohyun said, crying

- Don’t cry…just…don’t cry…Seohyun. - Sunggyu said, concerned

Outside the small house.

- You can go now but be back in two days. And bring something for them. - Dongwoo said, getting into the car

- Yes, boss. - Sung Jong said, obediently

- Ah! As we talked about the money, I'll give you that when we return here…in two days – Dongwoo said and then left the two boys alone.

- Hyung, when will we be able to figure out what's going on? - Sung Jong asked, worried

- We need to find it quickly. Those two can’t stay here. - Hoya replied, also worried - least he doesn’t suspect us, which is good.

- He has no way of knowing, hyung - Sung Jong said

- Come on. We must continue to try. We have to find out. Let's go home and talk to Woohyung hyung and Sungyeol, it may be that they have already discovered something - Hoya said, getting into the car

- I hope so. - Sung Jong said, sighing

Inside the small house

- Seohyun ... when are you going to tell me what's going on? – Sunggyu asked, more and more desperate to know what was going on


Annyeong ^^ New chapter!!!!!!! YAY ^_^

So...I didn't had internet and was really bad...well, at least I had L's drama and I saw it again (can I say that was like the 12th time that I saw that's my favorite, I think it's really really good ^^)

*Sungyeol appears* Annyeong, author-nim

Author: Oh! Annyeong oppa *smiles*

Sungyeol: I'm so excited with this..when I'll appear?

Author: Soon, oppa *smiles again*

Sungyeol: ok ^^ *turns to the readers* Annyeonghaseyo! What do you think about this story? I'll appear soon *smiles* So Comment and Subscribe, please ^^

Author: thanks, oppa :D

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^


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