Chapter Fifteen

Stuck in the PAST

"Tell me the truth." Myungsoo said, looking directly at Dongwoo, who looked to him as well

"What do you mean?" Dongwoo asked, a bit confused

"Dongwoo, I know that Seohyun wasn’t the only reason that you created this entire plan. Why did you kidnap me? You wanted to kill me?" Myungsoo asked and Dongwoo seemed a bit flustered "Dongwoo , you were... no, you are…you're my best friend, you are a good person and I know it very well, so tell me what were the other reasons please…"

Dongwoo looked at Myungsoo and sighed. It was time to tell the whole truth, it was time to end this.


Outside the small warehouse...

"It’s there, inside of the warehouse, right?" One man asked, looking at the other three men, who were in the car , hidden behind a tree

"Yes. Everything is prepared. We can start when you want." One of the men said, and he nodded


"Seohyun, calm down. He'll be okay." Sunggyu said , trying to hug Seohyun but she pulled away, mumbling something that Sunggyu or Sungyeol didn’t understand.

"Calm down, Sunggyu. It’s normal, she didn’t see Myungsoo for months, it’s normal to be worried, it's normal not to trust Dongwoo, after all that he did to her, she can’t trust him." Sungyeol said and Sunggyu looked at him, surprised

" know everything?" Sunggyu asked, looking at the older, who nodded

"Myungsoo told me. He is a good guy, he didn’t deserve anything that Dongwoo did to ​​him but it seems he forgave him for that." Sungyeol explained

"Myungsoo forgave Dongwoo?" Sunggyu asked, surprised by older’s words

"Yes. For Myungsoo, Dongwoo is an important person, even after he caused so much pain to him. Their friendship is real." Sungyeol said , smiling a little


"Hoya, drive faster." Woohyun screamed and Hoya growled

"I can’t go faster. And besides, we're stuck in traffic." Hoya said, angry

"At the next roundabout, turn to the right, it’ll lead directly to the street that goes to the warehouse." The man, called Lee Joon, said and Hoya nodded

"I hope they're alright." Woohyun said , sighing "Sungyeol..."

"It'll be okay, hyung." Sungjong said and forced a smile, trying to calm the older, who also forced a smile


Inside the warehouse...

"Since childhood I liked Seohyun, I followed her around everywhere, I always helped her, I always supported her, I was always on her side. I knew you liked her too but I decided to confess my feelings and when she accepted, I was so happy, I thought I was dreaming. You pulled away from us and I felt really bad, but then I saw you with other people and I thought you were okay. But…I followed you every day to your house, because, after all, you were my best friend and I didn’t want anyone to hurt you." Dongwoo said as he stared at the floor. "One day , when I came back to my house, I heard screams and ran toward to my house. I entered and realized that the screams came from my father's office. I opened a bit the door, so they wouldn’t find out that I was there, and saw my father, my mother and another woman that I was your mother."


"I just want my money. My job barely is enough to feed ourselves and he has a duty to give us some money. Myungsoo needs clothes and he still doesn’t have all the books he needs." Myungsoo's mother said, irritated

"He is my husband. He has a family to support." Dongwoo's mother said

"Shin Hye, you know very well that he doesn’t love you. Maybe he has even more women but we both know that he wouldn’t make this mistake again and the money he gives me is the only way I’ll keep my mouth shut." Myungsoo's mother said Dongwoo’s father stood up, approaching both of them

"Stop shouting. Dongwoo will arrive in a few minutes." Dongwoo's father complained "I'm not going to give more money, Eun Hee."

"You're his father, you have a duty to help. Not everyone is like you, not everyone is born in a wealthy family." Eun Hee said, annoyed with the Dongwoo’s father attitude

"If you weren’t desperate for attention, none of this would have happened. Your son would never been born, he is a mistake." Shin Hye said, throwing an object to the wall

"He is a mistake but he is my son and I want to give him a good life. Kang Woo, you have to help us. I know you don’t like it, but at least do it for our old friendship. I helped you when.....when you killed my husband. I helped you and not the man I loved, us please." Eun Hee begged and Shin Hye grumbled

"You look like a beggar. You're such a ." Shin Hye screamed and Eun Hee huffed and pushed her against the wall, causing Shin Hye to hit her head and faint

"Oh my god!" Eun Hee said and both of them ran towards Shin Hye "Shin Hye! Shin Hye!"

Kang Woo pushed Eun Hee and grabbed Shin Hye, leading her to the couch, where he laid her there. He went to his desk and picked up an envelope, throwing it to Eun Hee .

“Go away." Kang Woo said "It's the last time I give you money. You already destroyed my life once, you won’t destroy it again."

Eun Hee looked at them one last time and left Kang Woo’s office, who was sitting next to Shin Hye, who was still unconscious.

*End of Flashback*

"My mother died a few months later." Dongwoo said, staring at the floor "The doctors said that the impact was huge and caused a big damage to her brain. At that time, Seohyun broke up with me and I...I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I asked my father to send me to the United States for a few years but after 5 years, I couldn’t stand it anymore, I tried, I really tried but that conversation haunted me, even in my dreams. I decided to go back and began to prepare this plan. I would have Seohyun and I could revenge my mother."

Myungsoo was silent, absorbing all that information.

Myungsoo looked at Dongwoo and realized that the older was trying to control the tears. The younger approached him even more and grabbed his hand. Dongwoo looked at him, a little surprised.


Outside the warehouse...

"You can start." The man, who was in the car, in front of the warehouse, hiding behind a tree, said

"Okay, boss." One of the men said, obeying to his boss


"I understand you, okay? After all, I was never hurt because I knew you weren’t well too, that you had some strong reason and I could see the pain that you were feeling in your eyes, especially when I hit me, I know it hurt you too." Myungsoo said "But now, it doesn’t matter. It's all in the past. I won’t say that nothing has changed, because...I think everything changed. did horrible things and nothing can be the same as before. Seohyun doens’t trust you anymore and I...I still can’t either."

"I know. I'll pay for what I did and I promise you’ll never see me again" Dongwoo said and Myungsoo was a bit sad. After all, Dongwoo was his best friend – …no, it was his…scratch that… – Dongwoo was his brother.

Myungsoo nodded and sighed.


Outside of the warehouse…

"Sunggyu....I'm so afraid." Seohyun said and Sunggyu hugged her "I...I feel that I will lose again. It’s so painful."

"I know but it’ll be okay." Sunggyu said, trying to comfort Seohyun, who looked very depressed and hopeless

Seohyun wasn’t exaggerating, she really felt that something would go wrong. It was a disturbing and scary feeling, at the same time.

"When will they arrive?" Sungyeol asked, looking at his watch, a little nervous


"Are you near it?" Woohyun asked nervously and Hoya glared at him (of course he understood Woohyun but they had to be calm, or else, everything could go wrong and that can’t happen.)


"Myungsoo, I’m sorry and….thanks for everything." Dongwoo said, smiling a bit "Thank you especially for not stop being my friend. It would be the only thing that I would regret.”


"When are they going to leave?" Seohyun asked, more and more nervous, "What do they have so much to talk about?"


"Thank you for admit your mistakes." Myungsoo said, proud of his best friend


"Finally they arrived." Sungyeol said, when he saw a car approaching


"Check the area and look for them. They must be hidden here." Lee Joon ordered


"And Dongwoo and Myungsoo?" Hoya asked, looking at Sungyeol

"They're inside of the warehouse. They’re talking." Sungyeol replied


"We better get out . Seohyun must be very worried." Myungsoo said and Dongwoo nodded

"Yeah you’re right but….Myungsoo...I was serious." Dongwoo said "Thank you!"


"They have been there for a long time?" Lee Joon asked

"Yes" Sunggyu replied, looking at the door and then to Seohyun


"Come on!" Myungsoo said and they began to walk towards the door of the warehouse














Seohyun faints in Sunggyu’s arms



Yay! I finished :) 

Are you curious? confused? Don't worry!! I'll explain everything in the next chapter, which is the last chapter ㅠㅠ

So...I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you're curious. ^^ My school started a week ago so I can't promisse that I'll update soon. This is my last year (before university) and I really have to have good grades :D

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