New Discoveries

What? I can't Believe you were still a !




All the shawols in the hall went wild. Looks like the last contestant for the Shinee category was a crowd favorite throughout the Shawol fandom. It seems like he is an upcoming rising star in YouTube for his numerous Shinee dance covers.  With all due fairness, he was indeed a talented dancer and he also has looks to back-it up. No wonder he already has a fan base. 


Amidst all the screaming fans, Leslee was having a there’s-only-the-two-of-us-in-the-world moment. She still can’t believe that the person in front of her was not who she thought he was.


“Youngmin-nah? Why?”


She’s still trying to digest what is happening. Why would Youngmin dye his hair brunette? She still can’t grasp the context for all the time she has known the twins; Kwangmin was the brunette one and Youngmin was the blond one.


“What? Is there a law saying that I can’t dye my hair?”


Youngmin was very pleased with Leslee’s reaction. She really didn’t see that one coming.



“Well I guess I don’t have to explain anything.”


Youngmin smiled.


“So that’s why you were not answering me or even saying a word. I would’ve figured out that you’re Youngmin if you said something.”


Leslee has a pouting face now. Youngmin laughed really hard.


“I was just messing you. You should’ve seen your reaction. And besides, my plan worked.”

“What do you mean?”

“Now I know that you also want to talk to Kwangmin too. He’s been wanting to talk to you for a long time but since you know my brother, his pride got the better of him.”

“If he really wants to talk to me, why is it you and not him?”

“Pride remember? But I think you two would be able to talk now.”

“And how sure are you?”

“I made a deal with him. If I can prove that you also want to talk to him, he’ll finally swallow his pride and talk to you. Besides, I don’t really think it was pride alone. I bet he didn’t know what to say to you after everything that has happened.”


 Leslee smiled sadly. She took Youngmin’s hand and gave it a squeeze.



“No problem. You’re my two most favorite people in the world. I can’t let you stay this way for any longer. Let’s get going. Shin Hye wants to talk to you first before anything else.”


And with that they walked hand in hand until they reached their destination.



Kris parked his car in an empty space that he finally found. There was a significant increase in the number of cars in the parking spaces of the extension building of their company. He stopped the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt. The person in the passenger seat did the same thing.


“It was so hard to find a parking space. Why the hell are there so many cars today in the company?”

Kris was really irritated.


“I think it’s because of the contest that the company organized. I heard it’s the finals today so a lot of people came to support their own friends.”


Suho was rather civil about the issue. Well maybe except for the fact that they settled down later than what he expected, but other than that, he didn’t mind the scarcity of parking space.


“Ahh, that contest. I hope the winner for our category is a hot girl. I won’t definitely mind teaching her the choreography.”


Kris had a sleazy look on his face.  


“Well, you shouldn’t mind teaching him/her the choreography. It’s a one of our responsibilities to give fan service.”


Suho again proving why he is the guardian of the whole EXO.


“Yeah I know that. You don’t have to remind me.”


Kris and Suho started walking towards the elevator. Suho pushed the 15th floor button.


“I wonder why the manager wanted to see us in this building. If there are many fans here right now, then why choose this place instead of the main building?”

“All the managers of the idol groups are here. The choreographers are the judges of the contest but the manager’s opinion are also a big part of who’s going to be the winner for each category. After all, we are talking about another idol group in the making and the first ever in the history of our company that it would be a co-ed idol group. I also heard that Lee Soo Man-ssi is watching the finals. The staff arranged a special room for him so he can view the whole contest with the utmost luxury.”


 Kris stared at Suho.


“What is it hyung?”


Suho stared at him right back.


“It amazes me how you know this kind of things.”


“I tend to ask the people around me hyung. They’re not selfish about information so I end up knowing quite a few things.”


Kris sighed. Sometimes, he can’t understand his counterpart in EXO-K.


Just as the elevator door opened in the 15th floor, they saw a group of people who were standing outside the door of room 1505. As they approached the group of people, they smiled to them.


“Annyeonghaeseyo!” The two boys bowed.

“Annyeong Suho, Kris!” said Taeyeon cheerfully.

“Annyeong sunbae-nims and manager-nims!” The two bowed again for the second time.

“You two are late.” Yunho said authoritatively.

“We’re sorry were late. There was traffic and we had a bit of a hard time finding a parking space.”


The two bowed apologetically.


“That’s ok. It’s your day-off so it’s understandable that you were late since you’re not even supposed to be here.” Victoria said laughing.


“That’s not an excuse either way.” Yunho is certainly not pleased.


The two boys became stiff. They both know that they weren’t completely at fault, but their sunbae-nim is right, it’s not an excuse either.


“We’re really sorry.” The boys sincerely bowed to the leader of one of the most famous idol group in the history of Kpop.


“I hope there won’t be a next time.”


“Yes sunbae-nim!” The two boys didn’t move an inch.


“Good.” Yunho faced his dongsaengs and their managers.


“I’ll get going. We still have a scheduled filming in an hour. I’ll see you guys and your groups during the SMTOWN concert.” Yunho bowed in front of them. The managers and younger leaders did the same.


“Thank you Yunho-hyung!” Leeteuk and Onew said at the same time with an amused smile on their faces.


“See you Yunho-oppa!” Taeyeon and Victoria said sweetly to their eldest member.


“Thank you very much for your hard work Yunho-sunbae-nim!” Kris and Suho said at the same time still feeling a bit nervous.


Yunho was waiting for the elevator when he suddenly turned around.


“Kris! Suho!” He called their names.


The two youngest leaders froze. They thought it was over.


“Yes sunbae-nim?” The two faced him and responded.


“You two can call me Yunho-hyung.” He smiled. He was amused to see that the boys were still afraid of him.


It took Kris and Suho three seconds to process what their sunbae-nim had said and when they finally did, they smiled widely and bowed for the umpteenth time.


“THANK YOU YUNHO-HYUNG!” They both said enthusiastically.


And with that the elevator came and Yunho was out of sight.


The two boys took a deep breath. They can’t believe that they actually earned the right to call him ‘hyung’ already.


“Wow! You can finally call Yunho ‘hyung’ already! Congratulations!” Leeteuk grabbed the two boys from behind.


“Yeah! Now you’re really a part of the SMTOWN Family.” Onew said messing both of their hair.


“Thank you Leeteuk-hyung, Onew-hyung.” Suho said trying to break away from Leeteuk’s mighty hold.


“Yeah, we thought this day would never come. Or at least would be later than we have expected.” Kris was finally successful in his attempt to break away from Leeteuk.


“You have to understand. Yunho-oppa is just like that. He is sort of the disciplinarian of the SMTOWN idol groups. He vested the responsibility upon himself that he would help the new idol groups to learn the dos and don’ts of the industry. He wants every one of us to be successful.” Taeyeon was explaining Yunho’s side.


“After all, we worked so hard to get here. We don’t want that to go crumbling down because people around saw something they didn’t like. We are celebrities and more so ‘idols’ so we have to be more careful because people look up to us as the object of their inspiration. You all know that we need to protect our image because bad rumors could spread anytime, but in the first place we shouldn’t give them the basis to create those rumors right?” Victoria further expounding on the topic.


“You being late is a big issue. The only good thing here is that it’s because this is a company meeting, but when your meeting are scheduled interviews, tapings, recordings, guestings and more importantly endorsement-related meetings, it is an absolute no-no. This would leave a bad impression on you and your whole group.”  Leeteuk was joining in the bandwagon.


“So Yunho-hyung was just trying to make you see the severity of your actions because not all the people in the industry are forgiving, some don’t give a whether you’re ill or anything. When they said that they want you at this time in this place, whatever happens you should arrive there on time.” Onew was also imparting some of his leader knowledge.


This was not the first time that they have heard this kind of lecture. Not that they were always late, they never were, in fact this is the first time that it ever happened. Lectures like these were given to them as a part of their training. This was rule No. 1 on the handbook entitled ‘Guide to K-Pop Artists’ Etiquette’. All the idol members from all the companies have a copy of this book. It is an absolute must have. However, the existence of such book was not known to the public. One of the many secrets in the Kpop Idol Universe. The two rookie-leaders hearing the same lecture from their sunbaes has a greater impact. After all, experience is the best teacher.


And once again for what seemed like the hundred time that day already, Kris and Suho bowed to their sunbaes and managers.




“Don’t worry its okay. What’s important is that you learned something from all of this.” Onew said smiling.


“Yeah, don’t take it so badly. The most important thing right now is you and your group can call Yunho ‘hyung’ already.” Leeteuk said laughing.


The two boys lightened up.


“I remember the time Super Junior was given the permission to call him ‘hyung’, I think it was just right before our comeback with ‘Sorry Sorry’.” Leeteuk was reminiscing the old times.


“For SNSD it was after the promotions for ‘Baby Baby.” Taeyeon was smiling. She remembered how Yunho gave them the permission.


“For us it was after the MV release of ‘Ring Ding Dong’.” Onew said.


“It was after the promotions for ‘NU ABO’ that we had ours.” Victoria said.


“I remember Yunho-oppa being so strict with us during our trainee and early debut days. The other DBSK-oppas were not like that. We always thought that Yunho-oppa didn’t like us. However, after he gave us the permission, he started being so sweet and caring to us. Just like an ideal oppa.” Taeyeon said laughing.


“I can totally relate to that. My members and I were so scared whenever he walks in the room.  We were always jealous of you unnies because he treats you gently not like the other girls in the company. When he finally gave the ‘go’ signal, he started treating us so gently too. We finally understood why he was like that and we were so happy.” Victoria said.


“Really? You were jealous of us?” Taeyeon was a little surprised.


“Totally!” Victoria said laughing.


“My members and I used to love seeing your expressions whenever Yunho-hyung walks into the room. He really had you fooled that he didn’t ‘like’ you. We remember how it was when we were in your situation.” Leeteuk has a satisfied look on his face.


“Yah! Leeteuk-oppa! What did you say?” Taeyeon was cutely glaring at Leeteuk. Not sure if it was intentional or not.


“I was just saying ajumma. It’s the truth. It’s not like we didn’t it experience too.” Leeteuk’s index finger was on Taeyeon’s forehead.


“Yah! Ajussi!” Taeyeon was trying to hit him.


“What shorty-ajumma?” He said laughing.


“Okay Leeteuk-hyung and Taeyeon-noona, now you’re just flirting.” Onew said trying to break the bickering session off.


“What did you say chicken-monster?” said Taeyeon and Leeteuk at the same time.


Victoria laughed. Now they’re including Onew in the war.


“Oh come on Onew, Shinee had the same experience with Yunho-oppa right?” Victoria said.


“I never said that we didn’t. It was like what you guys felt for SNSD-noonas. We felt the same way about Super Junior-hyungs too.”


The two EXO leaders just stared at their sunbaes. Looking at them now, you won’t believe that they’re in-charge of keeping together their own groups. Well, this is just their personality. Their leader instincts come out whenever it is needed.


The senior leaders seemed to remember that the two new leaders are still not accustomed to their ways. They decided to break their mini-wars and proceeded to the matter at hand.


“Actually, we already finished meeting for our parts for the concert.” Leeteuk cleared his voice.


“What?” Suho was shocked. He knows that they were late but he didn’t expect that they missed the whole meeting per se. No wonder their Yunho-hyung was in a bad mood. (Yes, that felt good.)


“Yeah. We really are.” Taeyeon confirming what Leeteuk said.


“But, what are we supposed to do now?” Kris was panicking inside.


“That’s where we come in.” Super Junior manager-nim interrupted them.


“It’s true that we already finished meeting for the concert but EXO was not included in the meeting.” F(x) manager-nim joined the conversation.


“EXO was not included not only because you guys are not here but your managers are already downstairs because it is already the EXO category that is taking place. They need to be there to help the judge decide who should be the winner.” Shinee manager-nim said.


“I suggest that you guys wait here until the EXO category is over. Your managers will be with you shortly after your category. In the meantime, I’ll be taking my leave already. I should head downstairs for SNSD’s category will follow after yours.” SNSD manager-nim bowed and headed for the elevator.


“I’m sorry but all of us need to go ahead too. We still have scheduled activities for the day. I’m sure you boys will be alright if you wait inside the room.” Super Junior manager-nim spoke on behalf of all the remaining leaders and their managers.


Kris and Suho bowed to the managers as they head for the elevator.


“Well I guess we’ll see you soon! Hopefully even before the concert.” Onew said.


“Yeah, I need to get going too. My members are waiting for me in the practice rooms.” Taeyeon said.


“Every one! The elevator’s here.” F(x) manager-nim said.


“That’s our ride! Bye Suho and Kris! Good luck with the preparations!” Victoria said.


“See you boys around!” Leeteuk said.


“Thank you for your hard work!” The EXO leaders said.


The youngest leaders bowed at their sunbaes. And with the elevator door coming into a close, the maknae leaders were left alone.


“I guess we should go inside.” Suho broke the silence.


“Yeah, let’s wait for our managers inside.” Kris sighed. This was the first leaders’ bonding moment that they have ever experienced. They never had a chance since their debut but it sure was a fruitful moment for the two of them.



To say that ninety-five percent of the people who went to support Leslee (there were fifty of them) were stunned would be an understatement. Shin Hye, Youngmin and Kwangmin were the only people who looked as if everything is perfectly normal. The rest of them seemed to have no idea of the identity of the person who Youngmin brought. No one really dared asked the question, but no one spoke any word either.


Leslee let go of Youngmin’s hand and waved to her friends.


“Hi guys! I’m really sorry that Shin Hye-yah dragged you into this. Either way, I can’t deny that I’m so happy to see you here. Thank you very much!” Leslee was totally psyched with the number of people who came to support her. She never knew there were quite a few more people (except her own circle of friends) that cared for her business.


However, even after the greeting, apology, and words of gratitude, they can’t still can’t get grasp the fact that the person in front of them is the indeed Leslee.


“Ahhh, guys?” She continued to wave her hands to get some reaction from her friends.


“I told you Les. You should invest a little on how you look every day. That way people who have never seen you dolled-up before wouldn’t be this shocked.” Shin Hye said sighing. She totally expected their reaction.


It’s not that Leslee’s every day look was horrible. And don’t even start thinking that she’s ugly either. Leslee is pretty. I think everyone would agree with that. It’s just that she never really puts any effort in her appearance. Oh yes, you can say that she wears fashionable and trendy clothes and shoes. After all, what do you want her to do with all the things she bought every time she went shopping? However, unlike the rest of her friends, she’s not fond of cosmetic and hair styling products. Foundations, lipsticks, eyeliners, mascaras, eye shadows just to name a few, she finds it troublesome to put all those stuff into her face. Not to mention waking up early to blow dry and style her hair is really not her ‘style’. Plus the fact that, she’s just plain lazy for any of those things. Her everyday routine: wake-up, take a bath, wear clothes, put some BB cream, brush her hair and she’s done. Life is easier that way.

Shin Hye reminisced to the moment when she last encountered the same reactions concerning Leslee’s ‘transformation’. If she’s not mistaken, it was when they attended their Junior Prom. Everyone arrived at the venue of the event, which is at Lockheart Castle. The theme of their Prom was ‘Prince and Princess Fairytale’ (yeah, don’t worry you’re not the only who finds it too cheesy. Everyone just fulfilled the wishes of the Student Council President for she practically begged everyone to give her ‘fairytale princess’ dream.) And since there were no western castles available around, they chose the closes one, which is located in Takayamamura, Japan.  Shin Hye wore a flowing, tube orange gown made of silk charmeuse topped with chiffon and embroidered with some orange sapphires around its bodice. She had her hair tied in one side, curled at the ends. The twins wore a head to foot white-ensemble. Youngmin was wearing a bowtie while Kwangmin was wearing a necktie. The surprise of the night was the lady who was being escorted by both of the twins who was wearing a tube ball gown in an old rose pallet. The bottom part of the gown was made in such a way that it looked like hundreds of old rose-colored roses were stuck to each other. The lady had her hair down in loose big curls. Everyone almost fell in their seats when the (announcer) said, “Prince Kwangmin and Prince Youngmin have arrived with Princess Leslee.”


The lady in front of them now has a completely different feel. Yes, she still looked very beautiful; however, she was not a princess but rather an idol.


She was wearing an outfit that one of the Girls’ Generation members wore during the promotions of ‘The Boys’. She was wearing a dark blue vest with a cut in the middle lower part (showing a portion of her tummy), covering herself with a slightly bigger than her size, customized long-sleeves, half-body, brown coat with its slits at the front from the end of her sleeves up until above her s finished off with some gold chains to keep her coat from opening. For her bottom part, she was wearing black short shorts, which seemed a skirt from the back. To complete her outfit, she wore five-inch heel boots, which extends just below her knee (emphasizing her long slender legs.) She had a little bit heavy make-up (for it was going to be a long day) had her long (slightly light brown hair) was down with in big loose curls. (Overall impact was a big factor on winning, and what better outfit to scream ‘SNSD Member Wanna Be’ than a complete head-to-toe look of your dance number.)


“I thought you were not interested. Where did you get the outfit?” Shin Hye snickered at Leslee.


The latter can’t help but blush.


“You told me to win right? I’m just trying my best.”


“Yah, whatever you say.” Shin Hye was elbowing Leslee.


“Leslee-yah?” Someone aside from Shin Hye was finally able to say.


“Oh! Geun Suk-oppa. Even you, are here? I’m really flattered.”


“Yeah” was all Geun Suk managed to say.


“You should be. Good thing oppa had free time today. When I told him that you’re going to join a contest and you need some support, he immediately agreed.” Shin Hye grabbed the arm of her boyfriend.


“Actually, when I told everyone about this, they were really excited for you. Although all of them never knew you actually dance. So are we good? You won’t kill me anymore?” She was greatly smiling to Leslee.


“Even though I want to kill you so much right now, there’s nothing I can do anymore. Since you guys are all here, please support me!” Leslee bowed to them.


Seeing that there were still no reactions, someone snapped.


“Get over it guys. It really is Leslee.”


Everyone looked at Kwangmin, even Leslee.


“Oh yeah, back to our main event.” Shin Hye said. “You guys need to talk right.”


“I guess so.” Kwangmin said sounding more like a question that a statement.


“I guess we better go outside. It’s too noisy here.” Leslee said awkwardly.


“Follow me.” Kwangmin said. She followed him as soon as he turned his back on her.


“I can’t believe that was Leslee.” Taecyeon soon spoke as they left.


“Me too oppa. I knew she was pretty but I didn’t know she could be THAT pretty.” Ji Eun was dumbfounded.


“Don’t you think you’re insulting Leslee much?” Shin Hye was laughing hard.


“I don’t mean it that way. I was just really surprised.”


“We’re you guys surprised the first time you saw her like that?” Suzy asked Shin Hye and Youngmin.


“I admit I had the same reaction as you guys had. That’s why I love Leslee, she’s full of surprises.” Shin Hye put on a sincere smile.


“Well, in our case, it’s more of a developmental thing. I’ve known Leslee almost all my life. The day I started seeing her as a girl was a normal thing.” Youngmin was also speaking on behalf of his brother.


“I don’t know about you guys but in my book, she looks like a real idol.” Wooyoung can’t hide his admiration.


“I’m with you Wooyoung. She looks like it, but I wonder if she can play the part.” Geun Suk said.


“I guess so. I mean she wouldn’t be here in the finals if she didn’t have what it takes right? I mean, thousands of people auditioned for her category and she’s one of the ten people that was talented enough to be in here.” Ji Eun was reasoning out to Geun Suk.


“Ji Eun has a point. Although, I’ve never seen Les dance before.” Suzy said looking at her friends.


“But dancing is not the only issue here. She has to have the total idol stage presence and charisma to win this thing. What do you think Shin Hye? You are the only one who has seen her right?” Taecyeon and everyone else were looking at Shin Hye.


Just then, she smirked. “Why don’t you see for yourselves?”



“People’s reactions never change huh?” Kwangmin was leaning on the wall opposite of the girl with his eyes on the floor. He was trying to break the awkward silence.


“Yeah. Maybe I should actually be offended. After all, that’s the proper response to that kind of thing right?” Leslee’s attempted joke was dry. She was looking at the deserted hallway.


They are now currently right outside the hall where the contest is being held. Since the location of her friends were close to the top most exit, it didn’t take them long to get out of that ball of scream. They almost can’t hear any noise from inside the hall.  If only one of them know how to start the conversation, it would be perfect.


Finally, Kwangmin realized that he should it up and be a man.


“I’m sorry. I know I acted like a jerk.” He looked up and stared Leslee in the eyes.


“It wasn’t completely your fault. You were just worried about me. I’m as equally to blame.” The girl smiled sadly.


Then she took a deep breath.


“I want to speak first. I’ve been holding this in for a long time now and if I don’t say this now, I might have a hard time mustering up another set of courage.”


Kwangmin originally wanted to go first but since the girl insisted…


“As they say, ladies first.”


“I’m sorry. I finally understood why I was angry at your reaction. At first, it didn’t make sense to me. I thought your argument was unreasonable. Like you think that, I was becoming too over confident with my skills and I don’t value my own safety. I do value my safety. Although I admit that during those times, I tend to disregard myself because you have to understand that I would do anything and everything for the people who I care about to be safe. And the other thing, I came across as over confident to you because I didn’t seek help from anyone. I didn’t mean it that way. I’m just like this. I grew up not relying on other people. It’s what made me who I am today. I’m used to doing things on my own. You’ve been with me almost all my life; I thought you’d understand me. You reacting in an opposite way made me angry. But either, I shouldn’t have been stubborn and let it dragged for this long.”


After that long speech, she placed her right hand in her chest and made a sigh of relief. He was staring at her the whole time she was speaking. Slowly, he walked towards her.  He stopped just when his standing right in front of her. His left hand reached for hers and he put his other hand on top of hers. He started to caress it.


“I know. Or rather, I should’ve immediately realized that. I’m really ashamed of myself for not doing so considering the fact that I have been with you almost all my life. But again you have to understand, I was overpowered by fear, the fear of painfully losing you, forever.”


One of his hands let go of hers and he rests this on her face, his thumb caressing her cheek while looking softly straight into her eyes.  


“I was afraid that I won’t be able to see you like this, to touch you like this, to hear your voice, to feel your presence anymore. You said that you would do anything and everything to keep safe everyone that you care about right? Of course, I would do the same. What do you think my reaction would be after you told me that you didn’t care what would happen to you anymore? You can’t expect me to take that lightly.”


The girl was close to tears. He can’t help but hug her.


“But then again, you were right. I should’ve understood you. I shouldn’t have agreed for this thing to go on for such a long time. I was jerk for letting my pride get in the way.”


She buried her face into his chest.


I miss you…”


He hugged her tighter.


“Yeah, me too.”


After a whole minute of hugging, he finally let her go. He gently wiped the tears of her face.


“Good thing you’re wearing water-proof make-up.”


“I know. This would have been ugly.” Leslee giggled.


“I bet!”


“Yah!” She was about to hit Kwangmin.


“Yah! In case you forgot we’re still not totally friends again.”


“What?! What are you talking about?” Leslee was puzzled.


“I’m saying that I still have one more condition before we totally make-up.”


“That’s not fair.” She said pouting.


Kwangmin laughed.


“Take it or leave it.”


“Fine. What do you want?”


“Win this contest.”


“What? Are you sure you’re the one who wants that or Shin Hye?”


“I’m sure it’s what I want. Besides, I really want to see what you’ve got. Honestly, up until now I can’t believe you managed to hide from us the fact that you ‘dance’.”


He was eyeing her.


“Fine, since that original goal anyway.” Leslee caught a glimpse of her watch.


“I guess it’s time for me to return in backstage. I’ll be expecting you to keep your promise.” She extended her hand. He took it then suddenly pulled her close to him. He then whispered to her ear.


“Don’t worry. I have a special surprise for you if you do manage to win.” He said flashing a seductive smile to her.







Wow! It took me a long time to update. Ahh!!!! Hope I could post the next chapter next week!!!!! :)))



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yorian #1
Chapter 9: Will this become a ?
Chapter 3: Um, is this a mistake? You posted the same chapter twice :\ but I still like it! Very well written! ^^